Friday Email Bag

Mickey Plyler Mickey Plyler - Radio Host -

Friday Email Bag

Each Friday I publish your comments and answer your questions.  To submit a comment or questions please email me at


Hope you and family are well Mickey. It is only a “possible negative” because our Coach sounds like most politicians in suggesting that “the common folk” not believe their lying eyes. I was there Saturday well after Cole was done and I don’t recall anyone booing him, though there clearly were loud cheers for Watson – which were well deserved. Yes, Cole threw for 302 yards, but 60 plus came on one forward pitch and I would not be surprised if another 40 plus came on the same. Yes, Watson will benefit from those throws as well, just as Tajh did, but Cole should have had at least 2 picks, including a near identical throw he could not make that Watson was able to deliver to the TE down the sideline, just over the DBs reach.  Unsure how durable Watson will be, but I cannot recall any Clemson QB, including the original #4, having a better looking arm and throwing motion. So fluid. Unsure how large his hands are, but I would suspect VERY large with how gracefully he can flick his wrist and spin out balls that our receivers clearly have an easier time catching. And he certainly appears to be a greater running threat. Oh well, good dilemma to have, but I hate that the Coaches will likely leave our most lethal weapon on the bench until it is much too late at FSU, just as they did in Athens. Maybe they and Stoudt will prove me wrong and I hope so, but I have little confidence that the best we have seen out of Cole thus far in his career will  be enough to knock off the defending champs at home. Would be nice to have the opportunity to learn whether Watson’s best COULD be enough –but I doubt we will be so lucky.

Best wishes,



I did not hear any booing. I also have not read or heard anyone bashing Cole StoudtCole Stoudt
Sr. Quarterback
#18 6-4, 231
Dublin, OH

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. If they did then it would be news to me. I don't understand the idea of having to defend someone that is not being attacked. What I did hear was a loud cheer every time Watson came into the game. It was clearly a different energy level on the field and in the stands when Watson was in the game. Like you, I am very interested to see how the snaps will be divided moving forward.


I live in the Triad area in North Carolina.  I look to websites like TigerNet and TCI for my Clemson updates.  I was disappointed this morning to read an article on Greensboro's News & Record website about a lawsuit regarding a hazing incident and Clemson's women's soccer team.

I expect TigerNet to tell us the good and the bad.  Have I just missed the boat on this story or is it not being reported in the upstate?

Thanks and Go Tigers,



The story just became public this week. I know nothing about the details. I have never heard of the girl and never heard anything about her claims. The reason you haven't heard more is because its women's soccer. I hope no one was seriously injured and look forward to learning al of the facts but I doubt you will hear a lot from either side.


I have now listened to both games this season on the radio, and I am extremely disappointed.  

Clemson’s radio broadcast team has a rich history.  I remember games being called by the great Jim Phillips and then more recently Pete Yanity.  Both were true professionals with different styles.  Both represented Clemson football to thousands of fans.

I am upset, and I’ve talked with others who are as well, with  Mr. Radavich’s releasing Pete Yanity especially since he did not seek to replace Pete with an experienced top caliber broadcaster.  Our radio broadcasts are now more amateur that South Carolina’s, and we have gone from having one of the top football radio broadcasts in college, to MAYBE an average high school football broadcast! 

Pete Yanity had a good radio voice and was polished, professional, and descriptive.  So far Don Munson has been none of the above.  Pete was naturally gifted with a better voice than Don.  He just does not have a good voice for radio.  

Pete was polished.  Don is not.  If I were an advertiser, I wouldn’t advertise on that broadcast because Don is continually messing up the ads.  At one point last week against SC State, he was doing a commercial for a security business and he said, “….security you can’NT trust.”   Really?!   

Pete was professional and in control.  Don hasn’t been either.  In fact, at times he makes it sound like just some good old boys hanging out around the TV.  I am sure that that is NOT how Clemson university would prefer to be represented on the radio. 

Pete was descriptive. Don hasn’t been very good.  There are many times that we the listeners are at a loss for where the ball is or who made the play etc.  He says, “He throws incomplete”, and then a few plays later, he says, “He throws AND complete”  It is very hard for us the listeners to know whether the ball is even completed or not.

Don Munson is a great tiger and probably a great guy, but he is NOT a good radio broadcaster. Even if he were to improve in some of these areas, he does not possess the voice or the demeanor that is needed to be the voice of our Tigers.  I think that the fans who listen to games on the radio deserve a better listening experience.  It has taken a lot of the fun out of game day for me and many others like me.  We want our voice heard by Clemson’s administration.  Does Clemson have an email address for this kind of issue?

I’m sorry for the long email, but it just took a lot to say it all.

Thanks & Go Tigers!



This is hard for me to comment on because I have not heard the broadcasts. Also I like Pete and Don personally. To answer your question, Dan RadakovichDan Radakovich
Director of Athletics
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's email address is


I was just wondering, no one has talked about the horrible offensive line play the last two weeks nor the terrible job Leggett (18) has done blocking. I saw a play this week where both the left tackle and guard let men in their face thru and it wasn't a screen play. It seems like someone missed an assignment almost every play. Leggett's blocking has been terrible. He wouldn't be on the field if he didn't become a better blocker if I was the coach.



I think the blocking of the tight ends and wide receivers has been an issue in both games. I have seen a lot of missed blocks on the perimeter. It is easy to see it when they miss out there but I know the staff is concerned as well.

Hi Mickey,

I thought you made a real good point. We lack a really good RB and Watson is just a better runner than Stoudt. It is all about matchups. Watson is a tougher matchup because our O-line might not be great and Watson can run better.

Cannot believe SC State scored a TD on a fumble (aarrgghh).



I will be very interested to se how this quarterback race evolves. I think Watson is too good to waste with only four series per game.

The Brad Hughes All-State Insurance Agency

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Prayer List

We have started a prayer list on the blog. Here are the guidelines:

If you are offended by prayer or prayer lists then I apologize in advance. The blog is free and the prayer list will be on the bottom of the page so you don’t have to read it.

If you would like to add someone to the list please email me at

*Please let me know when it is appropriate to take the person off of the prayer list.

Those who need our prayers include: Finn Brookover, Jo Ann Bachman, Kenneth Bryant, Pruitt Martin, Got Igers and his family, David Rowland, Leonard, Gillespie and his family, Jim S., Daniel Rosborough, the Huffman family, Nancy Winkler, John Reeve, Vinnie Brock, Kaitlyn L., Susan Miller, Joyce Harley, Steve Proveaux, Jeffrey Greene, the Hutto family, Sherl Drawdy, Caleb Kennedy, Teresa O'Connor, Matt Jacobs, Perrin Seigler, Candee Massee, Lindsey Jordan, Sam Catoe, Tyler Felch, the Nicolopulos family, "the Jacksonville, FL guys," Kim Sims, the Coyle family, Ryleigh Tedder, Steve Lee, Kelly Trakas, Jimmy Moore, the Thomas V. family, Emary Claire Young, Kitty Bowers, Julie Locke, the Scheider family, Lauren Kittles' family, Frank Gentry, Joyce Bussey, Stacey McKeown, Dale Childs, Larry Lentz, Jr., Carl Sharperson, Scott Hannon, William Perry, Tyler Swaney, Lillian, Mark Feit, David Frame, Chad Berry, the family of Matthew M. Watson, the Dowis family, Alan Putnam, the Olivers, Lee Tate, Ronnie Abrams, Eddie Greene, the Jackson family, Bill Vader, Jim Taylor, Tina DeWitt, Rock Horne, Bobby Wayne Thomas, Emma and Danielle Carothers, Robert Ditty, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smith, Millie Heatley, Lynn Martin and family, Michael Pinson, Jake David family, Angie Crowley, Ira, Mike Tolson, Poly Wells, Dr. Muriel Bishop, Jack Cunningham, Emily Jefford Meister, Zachary Stoller, Aaron Clackum, Pat James, Cortney Moore, William Moore, Angelia and Savannah Anderson, William Ross, Scott Johns, Frank Carroll, Brandon ThompsonBrandon Thompson
Defensive Tackle (2008 - 2011)
#98 6-2, 310
Thomasville, GA

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, Alvin Sammons, Georgine McAlhaney, Glen Davis, Mike Price, Clay Childers, Aaron Knight, Danielle Johnston and family, Nicholas Abrams, Lana Kuykendall, Gary, Gary G., William Huggins, Jim Bennett, Chantz Fowler, Ethel McElveen, Michele Gurganus, William Gentry, Lewis Usher and Tanya Sanders,  Shon Cooper, Nick Collins, Amanda Peake, Danny Hammond, Chip Turner, Nick Collins, Allen Steen, the Sturkey family, the Lance family, Nick Chrisley's family, Allison Williams, Lt. Kyle Walker, Summer and Joel Johnson, Nicole O'Donnell, James O. Johnson, Joy Pruett and family, Bill Schmidt, Jack Bailey, Gardner Family, Charles Turner, Kathy Bartholomew, Ray Sanders, David and Robin Blocker, J.R. Ray, Kenneth Kowe, Lauren Sielicki, Jenna Phipps, Mark Lawrence, Harlan Sullins, Peter Laboy, Kat and Carlisle Jones, Elizabeth Galloway and family, Anita McDonald, Willard Harryman, Liz Surratt, Molly Senn, Jackie Shearer, Richard Sellers, Tim Drisdelle, Edward Easterling, Dawson Bourne, Susan and Mike Brown, Julie Goodman Marshall, Willard and Dorothy Harryman, Justin Jernigan, Jack  Cunningham,  Mia Daughtery, Tee Senn, Jim Lanier, Bob Garrett, Skylar, Joseph Thomas, Mrs. Nelis, Jeanne Thompson, Sean Rowell, George Parker, Levon KirklandLevon Kirkland
# 0, 0

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and family, Catherine Sewell, Randy Davenport, Patrick DeStefanoPatrick DeStefano
Offensive Line (2012 - 2013)
#71 6-5, 275
Spartanburg, SC

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, David Vaughn, Keith Dalton, B.T., Bill Hilbig, Rita Elrod Hammond and family, Jim McKeller, Tony Alewine, Sharon Storck, Dick Baird, Richard Bagnal, Tavaris BarnesTavaris Barnes
RS Sr. Defensive End
#9 6-4, 273
Jacksonville, FL

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and family, Dustin and Brittany Peurifoy, Jan Allan, Josh Cox, Tommy "Red" Harper, Gregg and Sylvia Lewis, Travis Hamrick, Tony Henderson, Kaki Harmon, Ron Moore, Brandy Stephens, Jammie McKellar and babies, Karen Edwards and our great country and the men and women in uniform that protect and serve it every day, plus their families.

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