military_techLegend auto_awesome16002 favorite100%
place Bangladesh
work Protecting the Clemson family from evil (see pic)
brush Eating chicken, lying in the sun, mating, and playing with the cubs.
accessibility_new Joined 1998-12-01
search Last Seen 2024-07-23 08:22:27.0
visibility Views 2804
edit Posts 8603
person Followers 4

The Bengal tiger is from Southern Asia. It was hunted, captured,and poisoned to such an extent that is practically disappeared, except in natural preserves and national parks. It is now strictly protected. Some males occupy a territory of 200 square miles. When there is enough food, the tiger lives in a much smaller territorty. It lives in the forest, the grassland, or the swamps.

The tiger attacks a variety of prey, mainly deer, antelopes, pigs, buffalo, loves the delicacy Gamecock. Once in awhile, it will attack cattle and even humans. There are many stories about the evils done by "man-eating" tigers. The destruction of their usual prey may also cause them to attack humans. As soon as the tiger spots prey, it begins a slow and silent approach. When it is near it's prey, it charges. It may jump onto the prey's back or pin it down with it's powerful claws (tigerpaw). It usually kills the prey by biting it's throat or neck. It's strength is amazing: it can drag a prey weighing several hundred pounds as much as 1,500 feet to hide the dead animal in bushes or tall grass.

The tiger lives in several lairs. In one of them the female brings her cubs into the world. From the time they are 8 weeks old, they join their mother on the hunt. At 6 months, they have learned how to kill. They can feed themselves when they are 16 months old.