WATCH: ESPN analyst knows "the secret to beating Clemson" |
ESPN analyst Emmanuel Acho thinks that Clemson isn't a College Football Playoff team.
The main reason for his pretty wild assertion is that Trevor Lawrence will make a mistake if you sit back and play zone. "It might not have mattered now, but the secret is out to beating Clemson...just rush three people," Acho proclaimed in the following video. "Trevor Lawrence is got to figure out how to get it together." Travis Etienne will rush for a bazillion yards if teams ran exclusively a three-man front against this talented Clemson offense. It's like Mr. Acho turned off the television to think up his hot-take immediately after he saw the two interceptions. If he had kept watching after the bad start, Lawrence pretty much shredded the Louisville defense completing 20-of-27 passes for 233 yards and three touchdowns. #Clemson is NOT a playoff team right now, because Trevor Lawrence isn’t playing elite. Period.
Here’s how you beat T. Lawrence, everybody else knows, you should too: pic.twitter.com/vuLURlwBP3

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