military_techOrange Blooded auto_awesome2433 favorite76%
place AZ
school Clemson Univeristy - Computer Engineering - 1985
work Director Engineer
brush computers
accessibility_new Joined 2011-06-21
search Last Seen 2024-07-25 20:57:27.0
visibility Views 2985
edit Posts 3109
person Followers 2
Lived in Clemson early 80's and actually went first to tri-tech. Then transferred to Clemson after a year (1981). Growing up did not know football at all. Fell totally in love with it in 1981 when we won it all. Yes, Clemson forces students to purchase season tickets with their tuition. Initially, I used to sell them (hey, extra money and I was broke). Then I went to one game (cannot remember which) but fell in love and never sold my tickets. I've been a die hard since then and crazy about the tigers.

30 years later and I am still in love. I wish I can retire soon (used my Clemson education wisely). Then I just want to follow the team on every home/away game. That is how I see my retirement playing out.