Best of Twitter for pregame of Clemson-Charlotte |
Check out some of the Twitter highlights to get you ready for tonight's matchup between No. 1 Clemson vs. Charlotte at 7:30 p.m. on the ACC Network.
Tigers walkin' ?? #ALLIN
LIVE from Tiger Walk #ALLIN
The Bear has the Charlotte 49ers at Clemson on the board this week @chrisfallica
At the end of the National Anthem today keep an eye over the west side of the stadium as two C-130's from the 317 Airlift Wing out of Dyess Air Force Base in Texas will perform a flyover. Leading the flyover is Capt. Logan Silver, a 2012 Clemson Grad!
Nothing like @clemsonfb night games in the Valley. Will be memorable!
Clemson Tailgate gets off to a slow start...spending quality time with Death Valley Towing getting our daughter’s Jeep freed from the impounding lot. Easiest $150 bucks spent so far today. Cheers...enjoy your CFB Saturday!
Alabama and Clemson enter Week 4 of the season with the best chances to win the National Championship, according to the @Allstate Playoff Predictor. Alabama and Clemson have a 98.9% and 99.5% win probability respectively today, according to ESPN's FPI.
Ready to watch our guys do work !! Nothing like a Saturday night in the valley !! Let’s Rock it out ???? Clemson Family!!! #ALLIN #ALLIN #ALLIN ??
Shout out to Jorge Rodriguez - one of the #Tigers #Flyingtheflag today at @CollegeGameDay in Athens! Dr Rodriguez teaches courses in dynamics and statics, creative inquiry, and senior design at #Clemson! #gotigers #beatcharlotte
What day is it?! #AllIN
Clemson watching Wisconsin/Michigan:#Badgers
The 'fit ?? #ALLIN
Back in the Valley tonight #ALLIN
Clemson, Alabama, LSU and Ohio State after seeing the Wisconsin/Michigan final score:#Badgers
Check the threads ?? #ALLIN
Prepped and ready ?? #ALLIN
Had a blast at Tigerville today! #ClemsonSB??
??L O O K I N G O O D#ALLIN Not sure A&M is going to be staying in the Top 25 much longer. Which means Clemson truly could go all season w/o playing a CFP Top 25 team.
It's a GREAT day for a GAMEDAY in CLEMSON ?? #ALLIN
-Proud to honor the '84 @clemsonmsoccer Nat'l Champs and spotlight @clemsonsoftball.
-Disney is filming during the 1st half. The Hill rug will remain down until half. We encourage you to stay in your seats!

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