WATCH: C.J. Spiller distributes 500+ backpacks for hometown kids

WATCH: C.J. Spiller distributes 500+ backpacks for hometown kids

by Tony Crumpton - Assoc. Editor -

Spiller time is not only on the football field.

Clemson legend C.J. Spiller was back in Lake Butler hosting his third-annual 'Family Backpack Giveaway' which distributed over 500 backpacks to children in the community on Saturday.

"We're just trying to take a burden off parents as kids go back to school," Spiller said in the following video. "They don't have to worry about going to get school supplies or backpacks... I'm happy I was able to be here physically. Seeing the joy on each and every parent -- I can't tell you how many "thank-you's" I got, how much this means to them so just lets me know that we are doing the right thing."

Most of the kids that got new backpacks will start school on August 12.

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