Paul Finebaum rips Clemson fans, obsessed with Tigers |
Paul Finebaum gonna Finebaum.
The ESPN analyst went off on Clemson during Thursday's 'The Paul Finebaum show" saying the program isn't used to winning and they have a 'little brother' syndrome. "When Saban dispatched them rather easily in the semifinals, I didn’t hear another word – I didn’t think Clemson had a football team last year for a while,” Finebaum said. "And, yeah, I think you’re right. It’s not a program that’s supposed to win. It’s your little brother. Clemson is used to being kicked, kicked, kicked and spat on, ignored, made fun of. People talk about the probations they have had." Finebaum went one step further with his silly rant comparing Clemson to a lucky lotto winner that is classless. "You know, you know I just thought of it. Do you know what Clemson reminds me of? Have you ever seen these TV shows where they interview the guy that won the lottery? Clemson is the guy that Ed McMahon knocked on the door and said you are the winner of the sweepstakes or the lottery, lotto, or whatever. All of a sudden somebody in the, in the middle of nowhere, which is where Clemson is wins 100 million dollars and then they’ve already blown about 80 million of it; trying to buy class, and that didn’t work. And now, they’re down to their last couple of bucks and they, they still don’t know how to deal with it." These bizarre comments happen when you jug the SEC kool-aid for so many years that you become unaware of reality. Reality is that Clemson's juggernaut of a program isn't going anywhere anytime soon. My advice for Mr. Finebaum is to buy himself another Alabama snuggie, get comfortable on his couch, and re-watch highlights of Alabama's spring practice. Maybe that will relax him a little. "Clemson is used to being kicked, kicked, kicked and spat on, ignored, made fun of... all of a sudden somebody in the middle of nowhere, which is where #Clemson is, wins 100 million dollars. They've blown about 80 million trying to buy class. That didn't work." -@finebaum
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