Mandatory mask ordinance to be discussed at Clemson |
COVID-19 has increased significantly recently in the city of Clemson. In the last week alone, the State of South Carolina has seen more than 6,000 new infections of COVID-19.
During Wednesday's special called meeting at Clemson City Hall, the council members will discuss whether the spike in the coronavirus warrants a mandatory emergency mask ordinance for the city. City and University officials have been testing wastewater coming into the Cochran Road Wastewater Treatment Plant, and initial results indicate the presence of elevated COVID-19 levels in the community. As the State of South Carolina continues to experience rapid community spread, Clemson city and University officials strongly urge all individuals to wear face coverings in public and to maintain social distancing. Full Agenda of Meeting: Call to Order Reports & Discussion: a. Receive a report on the Cochran Road Wastewater Treatment Plant COVID-19 test results –Dr. David Freedman, Clemson University College of Engineering, Computing & Applied Sciences. b. Receive a report of an update on the COVID-19 virus –Dr. Ted Swann, Swann Medicine. Policy/Action: (Public comments: Dial 653-9886 and follow the instructions) a. Consider an Ordinance to require face coverings in public –Mary McCormac, City Attorney. The public can follow the meeting live on the city's YouTube channel (Wednesday, 5 pm). Clemson's Economic Development Advisory Committee has just unanimously recommended a mask ordinance to go before council at tomorrow night's 5 p.m. meeting
DHEC announced 890 new confirmed cases and 3 new probable cases of COVID-19, and 14 additional confirmed deaths.
This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 26,572, probable cases to 41, confirmed deaths to 673, and zero probable deaths.
Release: https://t.co/iX8jCeZCM7 pic.twitter.com/uKUJAI2q8H

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