LOOK: Clemson Historic photo #94 'Snow pictures from 1930s' |
TigerNet will be posting several historic Clemson photos during this difficult time with no Clemson sports.
Long-time TigerNet member Mintaka ® submitted many of the photos, and we appreciate him being part of the TigerNet family. Mintaka's take: Today I have a collection of photos from the early 30s, during the height of the depression. I like photos like this because, despite the hard times surrounding these cadets, they find the simple pleasure of winter snow. No high tech gadgets here. A simple bedspring from a dorm room was a common item used as a sled back in those days. This is an interesting photo even though the upper left corner was cut off. This is Clemson downtown with Judge Kellers store on the right and Tillman in the background. Feel free to share your thoughts that come to mind about our latest historical photos. Hopefully, everyone will enjoy looking back over the years at Clemson. Please send any historic photos you would like to share to tony@tigernet.com.

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