Tiger Source Chat Transcript

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Question: Are there any siblings of currernt or former Clemson players that we are keeping an eye on, in respect to recruiting?

Answer: Good afternoon, hope all is well. James Davis has a little brother that is being watched. Thomas Austin's younger brother is being evaluated as well.

Question: Now that Davis is back, is there anything to be worried about with him? Is he fully on board with the team and their goals now?

Answer: Nothing more to be worried about. He was all smiles coming off of the practice field this morning. He spoke with his teammates and everything is fine in that regard. It was never an issue over playing time.

Question: so was the James Davis deal blown COMPLETELY out of perspective by net morons?

Answer: Yep, message board posters and one media outlet portrayed the situation in a completely inaccurate perspective.

Question: With the news coming out about J. Crawford, will Josh Adams be our #1 RB target now? How do we look with him now? One of his favorites?

Answer: Carlos Brown is #1, but Clemson chances are not very good right now. Adams is the most likely candidate, but Clemson trails North Carolina.

Question: What do you think about Daniel Barton?

Answer: Solid D-1 prospect. He would be a starter at almost any other high school in the state.

Question: I've always liked Kyle Browning, but it seems like Duane Coleman brings the same skills to the table in regard to offensive roles. Will Kyle be able to get anytime on the field not related to blow-out games?

Answer: Browning will see the field. He has averaged over 4 yards a carry in his career. He is similar to Coleman in style. Coach Burns loves Browning's work ethic and he should be rewarded this year

Question: Who are we high on at rb besides Jo Jo Cox, are we cooling it with Crawford?

Answer: Crawford is off of the board. Carlos Brown, Josh Adams, and there is a couple of players that will go unnoticed for at least a few more weeks that they are high on.

Question: So, basically, our chances at nabbing a great RB this class took a major hit?

Answer: It was a big blow, but they feel good about Cox. I am not ruling Hobby out with Adams, but North Carolina holds the edge going into September, but a coaching change could affect UNC this season

Question: mickey... 12 days before opening day... what's your prediction for the A&M game... and what about CU's record overall?

Answer: No prediction for A&M just yet, still looking at 7-4 overall

Question: What is the over/under on moronic questiohns re-hashing the James Davis incident today?

Answer: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Question: Will James Davis see more and more playing time as the season progresses or is he stuck behind RM and DC for good?

Answer: I think as the season progresses it will be more difficult to keep him off the field. Coach Bowden wants a back to separate himself in the games, and Davis will have his opportunity

Question: Do Clemson fans have any reason to fear Steve Spurrier as Carolina fans would have us believe? Please expand on this if you will.

Answer: There is no reason to fear anyone at South Carolina. There is reason to pay attention. Spurrier put together a very solid coaching staff, highlighted by Tyrone Nix IMO. He will increase the talent level at South Carolina, but they are two years away. SC will begin going the offensive line struggles we have seen at Clemson the last two years this season

Question: Will the Clemson OL be able to hold its own vs the aTm D-Line. This is the key to our game, IMO.

Answer: I think Clemson's OL is going to hold up fine. They will not be asked to pass protect for 30 yard pass everytime, and the run blocking is much improved over last year. IMO I think our D-line may be a bigger key

Question: Will Korn the real deal or is he an above average QB within a great system.

Answer: The real deal. If you see him in person or on film, watch him very closely. He is very accurate throwing the ball and moves well in the pocket. He can throw on the run or just dropping back. They do have a great system at Byrnes, but Korn would be productive in any system

Question: What do the coaches think of Tribble Reese, he doesn't appear to be getting much work in the scrimages?

Answer: Reese is behind Harper. Harper has been more dedicated to this point. The spring will be a big key for Reese. It is imperative his sense of urgency kicks in or else it is likely he will not see much playing time at Clemson

Question: Do you chuckle when Billy and other gamecock callers on your how try to talk themselves into feeling confident about things going on at Carolina?

Answer: I think Billy is by far the most reasonable. You cannot criticize someone for being optimistic. Fan is short for fanatic, so I enjoy realistic enthusiasm

Question: Do we have any chance with Geathers?

Answer: 1) Tenn 2) Clemson

Question: Mickey - did Brad Scott or Lou Holtz leave Carolina in better shape upon departure?

Answer: Brad Scott, Lou Holtz left the Richland county jail in much better shape though

Question: Is lack of big bodies on the DL going to hurt us badly this season? Sounds like DL is Bowden's biggest concern?

Answer: DL is Bowden's biggest concern. It is a question of size, but the group has some talent. Scott's absence has hurt. He was having a great camp, but he did return today. The future at defensive tackle is Rashaad Jackson and Dorrell Scott. Donnell Clark is a solid player, who Coach Hobby is high on. Clark is a guy he works hard every snap. Tate and Groover need to get healthy

Question: Rank our current TE's with Green gone and how they will be used

Answer: 1) Bobby Williamson 2) Cole Downer 3) Thomas Hunter 4) Durrell Barry. Williamson and Barry are the best receivers at tight end. Barry will see more action as the season progresses. Downer and Hunter are solid blockers

Question: How do you feel about our defense as a whole? D-line? Linebackers? Secondary?

Answer: D-line, I am concerned a little about the tackles. I feel confident they have four DEs that can play. The linebackers will be solid. Tramaine Billie has a chance to be a star. The secondary has the benefits of Tye Hill and Jamaal Fudge. Derek interviewed Hill and Fudge this morning, and hopefully we will have those interviews on the show today. CJ Gaddis has played well at cat. Clemons and Gilliam will battle all year. It looks as if Haydrian Lewis and Ray Ray will play this season. Both will be very good players down the road, but Ray Ray is ahead today

Question: will their be 2 back sets with 2 TB's in the game at the same time?

Answer: It will not be used a lot, but some. Steven Jackson and Cliff Harrell have had good camps. Both have surprisingly good hands and are very good lead blockers

Question: does Charlie seem to be staying focused and does he have a favorite WR/TE?

Answer: He is distributing the ball well. He has a lot more confidence in his receivers this year. Aaron Kelly would appear to be the favorite, but in the games I expect Stuckey to be the go-to-guy

Question: What are you worried more about overall .. offense or defense this season?

Answer: Defense

Question: will K. Grant play in the aTm game?

Answer: Still doubtful, but he is less doubtful this Monday than he was last week

Question: How will our light DT's do against TAMU's interior OL?

Answer: It will be a difficult battle for Clemson to win. The linebackers need to have a great game in run support for Clemson to win against TAMU. Gaddis will come up in run support as well. The DTs will get better as the year goes on, but I feel they will be a little behind at the start of the year

Question: Looking through your crystal ball, do you see Bowden winning enough games to be here in 2008?

Answer: Yes

Question: Mickey - Do we have talent at DL that is just inexperienced or do we have major issues there?

Answer: We have inexperienced talent. Talent will overcome experience every time if you give talent experience

Question: Who do you will avoid the redshirt?

Answer: It changes every week. Today, I would say for sure: Lambert, Davis, Taylor, Grisham, Merling, Ray Ray, Clay, and Barry. On the bubble: Murchison, Chambers, Miller, Lewis, Humphries

Question: Is Proctor the kind of QB that can lead Clemson to a 8-3, 9-2 type of season next year?

Answer: I see 8-3, 9-2 would be difficult with the road trips next season.

Question: Do you think the dl can become a strength this year?

Answer: It can but it needs time to grow

Question: Will Korn - great QB in a good system or good QB in a great system?

Answer: Great QB in a great system

Question: Where do you see Michael Wade fitting in at Clemson? He has very little help at Riverside.

Answer: He is a lot like Proctor. He is a good athlete. He will not shy away from the competition.

Question: What WR recruits left do we still have legit shots to sign?

Answer: TJ Williams, Xavier Harris, and Alex Rose

Question: What do you think of Michael Wade's potential?

Answer: He has the potential to be a good quarterback under Spence. It is difficult to make a final judgement on him now, b/c he does not have a lot to work with at Riverside

Question: clemens or sergio - who will win that starter's job?

Answer: Clemens

Question: I know you've mentioned the DL vs aTm as a major key to the game. What other major keys do you see in our game with aTm?

Answer: 1) No turnovers 2) No missed tackles or assignments on defense 3) Running the ball

Question: Mickey - in what lot do you tailgate at Clemson?

Answer: Last year, Lot 1. This year McFadden

Question: Korn and Clausen will be in the Top 3 QBs next year nationally?

Answer: They will be highly rated, but I am not sure exactly where

Question: Are our linebackers adequate?

Answer: More than adequate

Question: With Barry as the 4th tight end, will Muse redshirt?

Answer: yes

Question: What are the keys to our chances for success against the Aggies?

Answer: 1) No turnovers 2) Containment of McNeal 3) No missed assignments on defense 4) Rushing for close to 130 yards

Question: What ols are in the rotation?

Answer: LT-Richardson, Debeer LG- Roman Fry, Brandon Pilgrim, C- Dustin Fry, Roman Fry RG- Nathan Bennett, Chip Myrick RT-Dukes, Lambert

Question: Who eventually wraps up the DB spot opposite Tye Hill and are they talented enough to do a good job?

Answer: Clemens and yes, be sure to listen for the Tye Hill audio today. I will have it hopefully on the show, and we will have it on Tiger Source later. Hill has some really good things to say about the younger guys

Question: Why has GT, MD, NCState been ranked higher than Clemson in most of the polls?

Answer: I didn't realize Maryland was. GT and NC State's defenses play are major role in their projections

Question: How's Chansi looked so far? Will he be used more as Currie was or Dham?

Answer: He has looked great. Stuckey will establish his on role in the offense. It will be more like DHam than Currie. They really want to get Stuckey the ball and let him work in the open field

Question: Why won't Texas A&M just run the ball continually?

Answer: They did last year, and I am not sure they won't this year.

Question: Will we have a secret play where the cornerback lines up at the QB position?

Answer: yeah and he throws to Charlie Whitehurst after he base jumps from the WEZ

Question: What are the odds on this Clemson team coming out flat for A&M this year?

Answer: Not very good.

Question: Do you see Reggie Merriweather as a 1,000 yard back this season or next?

Answer: He will be close this season

Question: Will Brandon Croley stay on the scout team?

Answer: Yes, then I believe he moves to free safety in the spring

Question: Mickey - does Clemson win more games next season than this season?

Answer: We will see how the young guys develop this year, but the schedule lightens next season

Question: Which freshman will make the biggest impact IN GAMES this season?

Answer: Phillip Merling

Question: What are A & M's strengths?

Answer: Running the football, and getting pressure with their front four

Question: Latest news on the WEZ? What is expected to be completed before Sept 3rd? Will they work on it during FB season, etc.?

Answer: The locker rooms will be completed by Sept. 3rd. I am not sure of the plans during the season

Question: How do you rate the importance of the A&M game to the team, given that Umd is more important for the season's prospects?

Answer: From talking to several players, it is the only thing that matters right now. Under Bowden, his teams have shown great resilience. All is not lost if they lose the first game

Question: Mickey - do we have air-conditioned buses for this year's game?

Answer: Nope the buses have gone on strike. The team will be carried over in golf carts and John Deere gators

Question: I fear a first game - UGA repeat of a few years ago. Not probable? Why or why not?

Answer: TAMU is very good, but they are not as talented as Georgia was two years ago. Plus, Clemson is closer in talent to TAMU than they were to Georgia that year

Question: merling, even over James Davis, Grisham, etc?

Answer: Merling the biggest impact, but there will be several good freshmen, who perform well this season

Question: Who are the no.3 and no.4 def. ends?

Answer: Bandit-Vincent DE-Merling

Question: While you're answering stupid questions, can you tell me what our record will be in 2011? LOL

Answer: 30 year reunion, Clemson no doubt about it wins the National Championship in 2011 derailing Southern Cal 84-0

Question: Am I completely wearing orange colored glasses, or does Clemson not resemble a team that could be a sleeper/darkhorse/suprise team?

Answer: They could be a surprise, because the Atlantic Division is wide open

Question: Have you heard anything out of COlumba in regards to the NCAA investigation? In your opinion, do they get a slap on the wrist or is the penalty more harsh?

Answer: nothing new, I still believe the self-imposed penalties will be accepted

Question: Do you think Antonio Clay plays much this year?

Answer: He is second team Mike right now

Question: I felt like we played well at A&M last year but just had some bad breaks. If those things don't happen this year I think we win. Can our offense be effective against A&M w.out the turnovers of last year.

Answer: We were hungover verse A&M last year, we will have a better feel of how the two teams match up this year

Question: For mblum ... realistic expectations for our basketball team this season?

Answer: 4th or 5th in the ACC

Question: Will Vincent stay at bandit or eventually be moved to LB?

Answer: eventually, I think he moves back. Coach West really liked his performance on Saturday at bandit

Question: What do you think of Vincent at bandit?

Answer: Just a gifted football player. I think you good put him at almost any position and he would produce. A natural Mike, but he will be effective at bandit this year

Question: How much will we miss Cheyenne Moore?

Answer: KC Rivers will be a better shooter and more all around player, and Perry plays better defense

Question: Which true freshmen have the staff said will avoid a redshirt? I know Bowden said he'd have a list out by now I believe.

Answer: He is not releasing his list

Question: what was accurate about james davis... what did happen?

Answer: He was homesick, and he did not handle being "de-recruited" well. It is not all of the glitz and glamour you see on an official visit. Blood, sweat, and tours make those visits possible

Question: how many will they sign with this years class?

Answer: 22 or 23...Gotta run to the day job, tune in for the audio form Saturday's scrimmage and this morning

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