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I don't want you to get sick, but....
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I don't want you to get sick, but....

Oct 25, 2021, 11:04 AM

..... I will warn you if you watch this video you might.

Go to the 5:09 mark. It is the TV replay of the shovel pass. I watched it several times. I paused it every second of the play. Don't just watch the pass. Look at what DJ had in front of him.

1. He had plenty of room to keep rolling to his right.
2. He had two defenders closing on the short receivers on the right side of the field.
3. He had a WR breaking free and was WIDE OPEN for a walk in TD.

No wonder DJ got benched. Dabo may not have been able to see it on the sideline, but Elliott and whoever else was in the press box could have seen it. That one play was not a 7 point turnaround, it was a 14 point turnaround.


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I figured so that he had daylight in front of him

Oct 25, 2021, 11:09 AM

That was an egregious error on his part.

I think he gets the play call and seems to go with the first read without analyzing the field. Now is that on coaching or his decision making i don't know.

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Don’t you mean even more sick?***

Oct 25, 2021, 11:10 AM

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Re: I don't want you to get sick, but....


Oct 25, 2021, 11:10 AM

Pretty feeble attempt at tackling the guy he just gave the ball to, also.
But in fairness, maybe he was just in shock like all of us.

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Re: I don't want you to get sick, but....

Oct 25, 2021, 11:13 AM

Not a thinker at all. And I can’t rewatch any Clemson loss. Haven’t recorded a game all year. Once DJ has the play that’s the only thing he’s capable of running. Or attempting to run.

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Re: I don't want you to get sick, but....

Oct 25, 2021, 11:23 AM

Just my opinion but I think the mistake with DJ was not going to a pro style offense in the spring. It must have been clear he is not an RPO type QB. He was a drop back pocket QB in HS so why recruit him and then try to change him? I honestly believe he would be great in Big Ben way if they had designed an offense for his skills instead of keeping the same playbook that has been used for years. Adapt to talent and do not try to change him.

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Re: I don't want you to get sick, but....

Oct 25, 2021, 11:25 AM

Agree. Pro style QB with big arm. Square peg round hole.

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Re: I don't want you to get sick, but....

Oct 25, 2021, 3:44 PM [ in reply to Re: I don't want you to get sick, but.... ]

Take my TU brother. This is a huge, glaring issue. I really don’t understand what our coaches were/are still thinking re: Clemson offense and DJU. With his current skill set, and what he had coming out of high school, DJ doesn’t really fit our offense. I won’t go down the recruiting rabbit hole here but based on where we are today…

He’s here and why we didn’t prepare a better offensive package in the spring/summer is beyond my comprehension. I can’t tell if it’s our coaches’ stubbornness/unwillingness to change our offense (it’s worked well in the past), overconfidence (we won 2 titles with this offense), or an inability to adjust our scheme to his skill set (do we know how to do this?) - maybe some combo of all the above.

Kinda feels like this was a gamble, coaches had concerns but thought he could learn it in the season. You could hear hints of of in some of Dabo’s pre-season updates. It’s mind boggling to me we had no plan B. I know only a rare few may ever get this but I’d love to hear Dabo’s non-public take on this in a private setting. We’ll likely never know.

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Re: I don't want you to get sick, but....

Oct 25, 2021, 3:59 PM [ in reply to Re: I don't want you to get sick, but.... ]

Don't disagree. Just another indictment of our Offensive coaching staff.

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Is FSU ready for our WR screen attack ?

Oct 25, 2021, 11:17 AM

We usually get at least 1 yard on that play every time we run it

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Re: I don't want you to get sick, but....

Oct 25, 2021, 11:18 AM

That was not on DJ. The playside guard was supposed to block back to backside backer (who intercepted the shovel). DJ is taught to have his eyes on the playside DE, and as soon as he stretches he pitches inside. Perfect play call against the front and blitz. However, poorly executed up front. Just an old school power play with new school spread wrinkles.

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Re: I don't want you to get sick, but....

Oct 25, 2021, 2:39 PM

Thanks. I watched it a few more times. You are correct. The playside guard (56) just whiffed on his block. It looked to me like he was releasing the guy and going to the second level. Until reading your post I assumed it was the pulling lineman tasked with blocking the LB, but he went straight to the DE.

I enjoy X and O talks, but am not hesitant to admit they are much more complex than I understand.

If what you are saying the first option was read the DE. If he crashes keep the ball, otherwise pitch it. Then, if he crashed DJ would have the second read - continue moving to his right and look downfield for the pass, it no receiver is open, then run it.

Just seems to me that the read should be it the DE drops, continue rolling out. The pitch to the TB should be made if the DE attacks DJ.

But, once again, I appreciate the education. Your explanation makes perfect sense.

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Re: I don't want you to get sick, but....

Oct 25, 2021, 4:12 PM

Well 7 had a free shot at DJ as well if he held it instead of intercepting it.

Most likely next read was to run for DJ...he had it wide open. I am not sure though he would have been able to get off the pass as 7 was trucking it in and would have harassed DJ across the field

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Re: I don't want you to get sick, but....

Oct 25, 2021, 3:16 PM [ in reply to Re: I don't want you to get sick, but.... ]

It absolutely was on DJ. It may have ALSO been on the guard, but DJ has to look before he throws.

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Re: I don't want you to get sick, but....

Oct 25, 2021, 4:14 PM [ in reply to Re: I don't want you to get sick, but.... ]

Did Putnam miss? ehhh, maybe or that parks didn't break free fast enough. Ehhh.... IDK, you want some of the LB to get behind... the problem was that the LB wasn;t behind the play it is once l but that one is on DJ.

Take TL. It ID the D first then the passes target and path. DJ didn't look/read the D. He just snapped back to his target

He completely missed the open field available to Ajou

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Re: I don't want you to get sick, but....

Oct 25, 2021, 4:20 PM

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Re: I don't want you to get sick, but....

Oct 25, 2021, 11:23 AM

The WR running wide open for a TD is possibly just another example of Clemson's WRs choosing not to block on plays that aren't designed for them.

A shovel pass is designed to be received behind the line of scrimmage and therefore linemen are too far downfield for a forward pass beyond the LOS.

Now your point is valid that maybe he could have run the ball, but continuing to roll right and not advancing down the field would have been a huge error as well, albeit it would not have resulted in a Pitt TD.

You are usually spot on with your assessments, but you missed slightly on this one.

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I was at the game...

Oct 25, 2021, 11:24 AM

If DJ keeps the ball there, he easily pick-up 10 yards and first down. The corner totally bit on the run, so if DJ looks downfield, he would have seen the WR (I believe it was Ajou) wide a$$ open down the right sideline for a walk-in TD.

Again...in many cases, the plays are there. It's largely a matter of pi$$ poor execution.

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Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

The truth is he never looked and noticed

Oct 25, 2021, 12:05 PM

all of the running space and none of us are surprised. We’ve witnessed the same unawareness in every game this year.

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Yeah, he couldnt throw that ball deep. RBs always catch it

Oct 25, 2021, 3:52 PM

behind the line so OL can get up field and block. They blitzed so our OL didnt get to the second level, but thats not a ball he can pull down and throw over the LOS.

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Re: I don't want you to get sick, but....

Oct 25, 2021, 4:05 PM

True dat

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