Friday (Thursday) Email Bag

by - Radio Host -

Friday Email Bag

Each Friday I publish your comments and answer your questions.  To submit a comment or questions please email me at

Note-This week we have moved the Email Bag to today. Friday we will review the Wake game.

Mick - the future is bright on the CU D-front!  BV is still shuffling 3-4 linemen in and out so often sometimes it's hard to keep up with who's playing. When Reader and Watkins were in together on Saturday - WOW they were mauling the O-line of VaTech! On 2 consecutive plays Watkins drove his man nearly into Logan Thomas and during one play he missed Thomas in the backfield but ended up making the tackle about 20 yards downfield.

IMO Reader and Watkins are the next "Jarvis and Yams". 

Shuey has earned his time in the game. Stephone is going to be fine but he still looks like he's trying not to screw up. He and Quandon are still bad about over pursuing and taking themselves out of plays. Tig Willard has been lights out!

If we can keep BV and Morris we might be on the verge of busting out big time!  GO TIGERS!!



I am also excited about Reader and Watkins. I think Watson, Jarrett and Williams have also played OK. Add to that list Pagano and the defensive tackle slots look solid for the next few seasons. The defensive ends coming in next season will also have a chance to play right away.

Next year's corps of linebackers should also be a strength. Kellen JonesKellen Jones
So. Linebacker
#52 6-1, 215
Houston, TX

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will have a chance to start right away after red-shirting this season. The only unit I worry about it the secondary. Hopefully Blanks and Kearse will be as good as I think next fall.


I know you like Georgia but how on Gods green earth if "every game matters," are the Bulldogs ranked 10th. We have to do away with the preseason polls because the perception of the sec helps them way too much.

Tiger Blake

Tiger Blake,

I agree. Georgia has done nothing. They have not beaten a FBS team with a winning record yet and might not unless they beat Florida Saturday. The only team they have played that is any good, destroyed them in Columbia. When you look at Georgia, you see a team that has done nothing impressive all season.



A few years ago, the continuous ESPN bias against Clemson during a football game with an SEC foe was so over the top that I began to ponder the basis, the motivation, as well as the direct and indirect impacts.  I tried to determine if the strategy was isolated to certain announcers or if systemic.  The overall negative campaign against the ACC in general was also evident.  But the Clemson specific focus was something more.  Even so, many considered me paranoid.  Hopefully, the ESecPN propaganda machine will soon self destruct under its own preposterousness.


ESPN best triangulates itself during a blowout of one highly ranked SEC team by another with the excuses given --- "the SEC grind takes its toll on these special teams" or "hard to stop the super human effort of an SEC team when a perfect game of football is played even when the opponent is another nearly super human SEC team".  When the polls come out the next day, the loser often finds itself ranked higher since how could anyone be expected to play a good game when an SEC team makes its mind up to to destroy you.  If the losing team is from another conference, particularly the ACC, then they and their conference are besmirched to such a degree as to suggest that the game might should have never even been played at all.


Notice that the sprinkling throughout the game of SEC facts involves far fetched winning streaks (did you know the SEC school has won every game ever played against the non-SEC school when the kickoff occurs between 1:07 and 1:08 p.m.), positive community accomplishments, traditions, and the SEC facilities (even showing baseball stadiums during football games obviously intended to influence recruiting in another sport without any effort to mask same).  The ACC teams, particularly Clemzon, are derided with mockery, back-handed compliments, far fetched negative streaks (did you know that so-and-so has lost seventeen straight games against a particular SEC school when the game is played in weather hotter than 76.5 degrees but cooler than 81 degrees).  During SEC games, each highlight is replayed continuously.  The non-SEC team gets few replays even while WINNING the game against the SEC.


Since ESPN has taken influence peddling to such a new level of visible extreme, may I also assume that behind the scenes, they choose which high school games will be televised to push a recruit to the SEC, pay for poll votes either directly or indirectly, had a vote on the programming techniques used by software developers generating rankings software, etc.?  Or do you believe ESPN has succeeded in forcing their nationwide pro-SEC strategy strictly by applying psychological tactics such as those used by cult leaders such as Jim Jones?  Or, and I saved the best for last,  is it a combination of the two?





I don't think they have done anything illegal. I think ESPN has paid a bunch of money to broadcast the SEC and they want to make sure it is hyped. A few years ago ESPN lost the rights to NASCAR. During that time period Sportscenter never featured anything on NASCAR. They almost ignore sports they don't have the rights too. Rarely do they take Game Day to a location where they are not broadcasting. It is a great example of cross promotion. To be fair though, the top of the SEC has produced. They do have an impressive streak of national titles. Also, the SEC packs stadiums and they like showing games that look important.

Hey Mickey,

Love your show, try to listen every morning.I haven't been a fan of college football in the past. I grew up watching the NFL, but its gotten to so disappointing. I started pulling for Carolina, when I started watching college football because of a Clemson fan at work that was a jerk.

But I started going to Clemson last year towards the end of the season, and have fell in love with the program. I love the campus, coaches, and the players. I've got friends on both sides, but my blood is running orange. Thanks for all you do for Clemson.



Welcome to the good guys' side. Moses only roamed the desert for 40 years. Thank goodness you found us sooner. Thanks again for the kind words.

Mickey: I listen to you on the internet in Columbia and enjoy your blog on Tigernet.

You may have touched on this already, but I just wanted to say how embarrassed I was at the "fans" who booed at the mention of the "President of the United States" during the induction of new soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines Saturday.

For those who say that they were exercising their first amendment rights (the majority of whom have probably never served our country in uniform), I hope that they realize that their selfishness is exactly what the young people being inducted are now sworn to protect and defend. You would think that such people would have the graciousness to recognize the enormity of the moment for the inductees and have enough self-control to not ruin the experience simply to give voice to their personal political views.

Sorry for the long rant, but thanks for the opportunity to get this off my chest.

A Clemson veteran

Clemson Veteran,

I understand your feeling and don't disagree. I also believe that our citizens have the freedom to say what they feel and boo when they want. If we don't agree with either side, that is OK. I did not boo and would never boo (unless it is a bad call by a ref). But those that chose to do so have the right. Those that disagree with booing have the right to express that as well.

I hope those men and women who were taking the oath were not offended. The president should not be offended. Part of his job is to take criticism.

The real tragedy here is that Clemson had its best Military Appreciation Day and many heroes were recognized but several days later some continue to focus on a negative subject.

The booing is not the lasting story. The honoring of heroes should not be lost because a few hundred people in a crowd of 81,000 booed.



Seems like new ideas are often not sufficiently evaluated.  On one hand, the campus is going smoke free.  But on game day after each score, the stadium is now engulfed in fireworks smoke long enough to make people sick whenever a stiff breeze is not blowing east to west..  Has there been any discussion of checking which way the wind is blowing before setting off a round or better still simply discontinuing the new custom sooner than later?  Has anyone checked to see if the fireworks being used are carcinogenic?  Has there been any thought of doing this only at night games since fireworks during the day is a bit silly anyway?


Yes, I realize that only shooting off fireworks during night games and stopping altogether are redundant ideas.  By the way, usually I adore new traditions.


Wooo Hooo,



I have not thought about the health effects of fireworks but maybe one of our readers can add something. I agree that fireworks in the day are less spectacular. However, Clemson has had only three home night games in five years. I wish I could be of more assistance and I will inquire about the future of fireworks at home games.


If the student section can 80,000 people to do the slo mo and fast forward wave then why cant they get 80,000 to stop Woo Hooing?



Best point I have read recently. I wish someone had the power to stop it. I am convinced we could end it but I have no idea how. Great point though.

Hi Mickey,

Enjoy your Blog

I have a question about the pace of our Offense. During the first few games, it was very fast. The Offense was snapping the ball almost as soon as it was set by the Officials. Is it just me or has it slowed considerably since then? Any thoughts?



I have not noticed a slow down. I think they are going the same speed. The number of plays has not been affected except for the Virginia Tech game. The Hokies sacked Boyd and made third down stops. Clemson went three and out more against VT but I am not sure what effect the pace had.

Hi Mickey,

Is it just me or am i dreaming,it seems at the first of this season we were kicking into and thru the end zone on kick offs and also getting better production from our punter. I haven't heard anyone address that. Maybe I'm the only who thinks that important part of the game has fell off. Can you bring me up to speed on that or maybe its been discussed and I've missed it.




It is not you. Clemson was getting much better efforts out of the kick offs and punts earlier. I am not sure if fatigue has anything to do with it but the results have not been the same.

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Prayer List

We have started a prayer list on the blog. Here are the guidelines:

If you are offended by prayer or prayer lists then I apologize in advance. The blog is free and the prayer list will be on the bottom of the page so you don’t have to read it.

If you would like to add someone to the list please email me at

*Please let me know when it is appropriate to take the person off of the prayer list.

Those who need our prayers include:Finn Brookover, Mary-Louise Pawlowski (John's daughter), Jo Ann Bachman, Kenneth Bryant, Pruitt Martin, Got igers and his family, David Rowland, Leonard, Gillespie and his family, Jim S, Daniel Rosborough, The Huffman family, Nancy Winkler, John Reeve, Ethel Southard, Vinnie Brock, Kaitlyn L, Susan Miller, Joyce Harley, Steve Proveaux, Jeffrey Greene, the Hutto family, Sherl Drawdy, Caleb Kennedy, Teresa O'Connor, Matt Jacobs,Perrin Seigler, Candee Massee, Lindsey Jordan, Sam Catoe, Tyler Felch, the Nicolopulos family, "the Jacksonville, FL guys", Kim Sims, the Coyle family, Ryleigh Tedder, Steve Lee, Kelly Trakas, Jimmy Moore, the Thomas. V Family, Emary Claire Young, Kitty Bowers,Julie Locke, the Scheider family, Lauren Kittles' family, Frank Gentry, Joyce Bussey, Stacey McKeown, Dale Childs, Larry Lentz, Jr, Carl Sharperson, Scott Hannon, William Perry, Tyler Swaney, Lillian, Mark Feit, David Frame, Chad Berry, the family of Matthew M. Watson, the Dowis family, Shervin Messer, Alan Putnam, the Olivers, Lee Tate, Ronnie Abrams, Eddie Greene, the Jackson family, Bill Vader, Jim Taylor, Tina DeWitt, Rock Horne, Christopher Tuten, Bobby Wayne Thomas, Emma and Danielle Carothers, Robert Ditty, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smith, Dot Cartee, Ayden Mills, Millie Heatley, Lynn Martin and family, Michael Pinson, Jake David family, Angie Crowley, Ira, Mike Tolson, Poly Wells, Dr. Muriel Bishop, Jack Cunningham, Emily Jefford Meister, Zachary Stoller, Aaron Clackum, Pat James, Cortney Moore, William Moore, Angelia and Savannah Anderson, William Ross, Meredith Legg, Scott Johns, Frank Carroll, Brandon ThompsonBrandon Thompson
Defensive Tackle
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, Alvin Sammons, Georgine McAlhaney, Glen Davis, Mike Price, Clay Childers, Aaron Knight, Danielle Johnston and family, Nicholas Abrams, Lana Kuykendall, Gary, Billy McLeroy, Gary G, William Huggins, Jim Bennett, Chantz Fowler, Ethel McElveen, Michele Gurganus, William Gentry, Lewis Usher and Tanya Sanders, Shon Cooper, Nick Collins, Travis Patterson, Nick Chrisley, Bud Long, Arthur R. Cressman Sr, Jennifer Chancy, Eden Chandler, Amanda Peake, Danny Hammond, Chip Turner, Nick Collins, Allen Steen, The Sturkey Family, James Caylor, Ron Johnson, John Ellis Haddad.

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