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To all the former rats out there
Tiger Boards - The Amphitheatre
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To all the former rats out there


May 21, 2024, 11:08 PM

I have a question.

Did you “choose” to go to Clemson College or were you “told” that’s where you were going to college?

I ask this because I read the book

Old Clemson College, it was a hell of a place

about a decade ago and was wondering why any 18 year boy old would “want” to go there.

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Re: To all the former rats out there


May 22, 2024, 6:11 AM

Kinda both for me. My first day at Clemson was the day my folks brought me home from the hospital then 3 years on the 3rd floor of Fike. Not much choice in that. Grew up in Low Country but always a Tiger fan and loved Howard. Come choosing time my dad said I could attend any school I wanted to but “Clemson’s the only one I’m paying for.” Eeezy peezy there. Still mandatory ROTC for 2 years then, but it was Vietnam

Rat year was a blast. Learned self-discipline & commitment to a goal. Many lasting friendships too. Love the place. Don’t know why a young guy would want to go anywhere else. Has to be one of the best overall college experiences anywhere in the US and the education is outstanding and highly regarded by all accounts even today

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Re: To all the former rats out there


May 22, 2024, 6:29 AM

I chose. Rat season was a bonding experience that those who came after will never know.

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Class of ‘71. Went through “rat season” and glad I did.

Re: To all the former rats out there


May 22, 2024, 8:57 AM

I applied to Presbyterian and Clemson, chose Clemson as I had been a long tine fan. Being a rat was the most fun one would have at Clemson. Too bad they lost that.

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the tug abides

I applied to Clemson, GT and VT (the latter with a long history of


May 22, 2024, 6:37 AM

family attending,) and told my folks I would run with the first acceptance.

Clemson immediately accepted; then VT, then GT; however, I honored my pledge, the choice being Tiger Town, USA. Very close neighbors celebrated, as their oldest son graduated from C.U. in 1955, and he clued me in about the school. Most of my Virginia relatives were disappointed that I didn't opt for VT, as a Great Uncle was an early grad and head of the Alumni Association, plus other family were alumni. No one said anything about GT, other than me liking its location, as well as being familiar with it.

Thank God, I held to my original pledge and opted for C.U., as the Army Scholarship I received probably wouldn't have been available at the other two. A footnote: never had set a foot on campus until the day I arrived, and the first siting was of kids walking around in shorts. An upperclassman told me shorts were acceptable for class, which I liked. The fact that most of the sporting venues were a short walk from the tin cans were a plus, so I immediately celebrated my choice. Didn't like the Rat System, but I obliged, being largely left alone due to my quick acceptance onto the cheerleading squad (an immediate vacancy arose, and my hall supervisor was a member, as well as the Student Body President.) He got me on the team, plus, my participation on the news staff of "The Tiger." The fact freshmen couldn't have cars on campus made me learn to like walking, which I still enjoy today.

The ONLY person really disappointed with my choice was my Mother. In fact she cried upon hearing my choice...she was hoping I'd select a school way, way out west, like upper podunk Washington, meaning far enough away to discourage visits home! When she and Dad dropped me off at CU., she said, "DON'T come home with dirty laundry AND call us first to see if it's convenient!" Chagrin became a part of my character......! LOL.

Message was edited by: hartins®

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Re: I applied to Clemson, GT and VT (the latter with a long history of


May 22, 2024, 6:47 AM

I too don't recall setting foot on campus till I arrived to live there. My parents were not into college sports and I dont rember a tour or any of the other niceties they offer now.

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Re: I applied to Clemson, GT and VT (the latter with a long history of


May 22, 2024, 7:00 AM

I spent a weekend with some older high school class mates and went to an “official” visit (not sports related) wherein my parents and i got free tickets to CU vs UVA. We won and i was hooked.

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Class of ‘71. Went through “rat season” and glad I did.

Re: I applied to Clemson, GT and VT (the latter with a long history of


May 22, 2024, 9:43 AM [ in reply to I applied to Clemson, GT and VT (the latter with a long history of ]

Same Rat class as you - I had never been near the campus until the day I moved into one of the old barracks. I didn't even know about Rat Season and even got a haircut the day before going - and had to get the shaved head wasting money. Had applied to Erskine and USuC as a backup but was accepted to Clemson before Christmas break so no hesitation there.

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DON'T come home


May 22, 2024, 2:17 PM [ in reply to I applied to Clemson, GT and VT (the latter with a long history of ]

You are a fun poster.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

the tug abides

LOL....The dirty laundry warning was a fact: she meant business,

May 23, 2024, 6:53 AM

as she had three younger siblings still at home, plus my paternal Grandmother, so I never took laundry home.

She and my Dad had this attitude (due to their own life experiences) that when a man turned 18, he should be able to support himself. Hence, when I left for Clemson in August 1965, at age 18, I never lived at home again, never asked them for money, and typically called prior to visits. AND I certainly never walked in their homes again without knocking...mainly because I never had a key!

My younger siblings were pretty much the same way, largely fending for themselves once they hit the older teenage years. Oddly enough, I suppose, but none of us ever have given two thoughts about it...it's the way my folks were, and you had no choice but tow their line.

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Re: To all the former rats out there


May 22, 2024, 10:01 AM

I entered Clemson in 1954 in a family tradition. It was an all male Clemson Agricultrial College with a uniformed cadet corps. I had done well in high school but had to learn how to study in college. I believe my class was the last to be subject to serious rat service. I earned a commission through ROTC but got deferred from the draft to enter med school. Going to Clemson was one of the best decisions I ever made, second only to marrying my high school sweetheart. I recently celebrated my 88th birthday and although we live 100 miles away we return for every home football and baseball game. We will continue to return as long as health permits and after I leave this world my ashes will be scattered across cemetery hill. Go Tigers!

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Re: To all the former rats out there


May 22, 2024, 10:04 AM

A true and dedicated Clemson man !!!!!

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Re: To all the former rats out there


May 22, 2024, 10:34 AM [ in reply to Re: To all the former rats out there ]

You are correct that the 1954 Freshman class was the last to have serious Rat Duty. My dad, Francis Holladay, was class Secretary - Class of 1958 was the first class listed on the sidewalk as you passed the Shoebox from Johnstone D section.

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celebrated my 88th birthday

May 22, 2024, 2:20 PM [ in reply to Re: To all the former rats out there ]

GOD has blessed you and surely will going forward.

YOU are Clemson.

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the tug abides

Re: To all the former rats out there


May 22, 2024, 10:15 AM

I chose Clemson over The Citadel. I was after a military career. Wouldn't take anything for the rat experience.

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military career


May 22, 2024, 2:22 PM

Did you do that?
I made Captain but never was in for the long term.

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the tug abides

Re: To all the former rats out there


May 22, 2024, 10:39 AM

I applied to CU only. Like others, I'm convinced that rat season helped me. I was one of few from my rural high school to go to college. So, I left HS thinking I was somebody only to arrive at CU, grabbed by upperclassmen, shaved my head, and sought me to do all kinds of work details. That caused me to look to the other low lifes "like me", to "become"....bond. When there was a push by others in my class to discontinue the season because of "hazing", I fought to keep it....wrote a lengthy letter to the Tiger mentioning similar things above. Unfortunately, it ended. But I'm a better man for it.

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Re: To all the former rats out there


May 22, 2024, 10:55 AM

1967 was the next to last year of bald rat heads. I applied and was accepted at PC and UGA (? decision) but 13 of my high school classmates chose CU so I did too. Never looked back but wondered a few times if graduation was in my future. I like to say it wasn't that hard to get in back then but it could be h... to get out with a diploma. I knew plenty who transferred, flunked out or just never returned.
For the record, all 14 of us made it.

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rural high school


May 22, 2024, 2:26 PM [ in reply to Re: To all the former rats out there ]

Hitch hike home, and strutting around in your rat hat made one feel like a god.
Bald head was a badge of honor we were proud of.

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the tug abides

Re: To all the former rats out there


May 22, 2024, 12:58 PM

My rat year was 1962.

I had no idea where I wanted to go to school. I had taken the Civil Service exam in late summer and applied to West Point and Air Force Academy. Sen. Strom Thurmond contacted me to say that he had already awarded his allotted appointments to those schools, but offered me an appointment to the Merchant Marine Academy in King's Point, NY. Meanwhile, GaTech offered a work scholarship.

I didn't want to do the Tech work program, but seriously considered the Merchant Marine Academy until I realized that the service committment was 6 years- not 4 as it was then. Also after graduation, 6 months sea duty per year was required and I sure didn't want to do that, so Clemson it was - even though I had never set foot on campus.

I enjoyed my rat year - wasn't bad at all.

In hindsight I probably should have accepted the Merchant Marine Academy appointment. Later in life I discovered how much I enjoyed the sea through offshore fishing and also enjoyed the challenge of running large boats in rough water. Also, the money made by captains of cruise ships and commercial vessels was pretty good - just not the best life for a married fellow and his family. So, I think I made the right call at the time.

AND..... I don't think I could have enjoyed being a fan of the Merchant Marine Mariners football team for the rest of my life as I have for Clemson!

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Re: To all the former rats out there


May 22, 2024, 2:32 PM

I hoped for West Point (which is often given as a reward by politicians to the rich who can donate) or any free ride. My newest neighbor is a West Point grad and great guy.
As a poor mill hill kid, $$ was a big deal, and a deal hard for me. I am often there now and see all the places I could work and pay to remain there. In my day there was not one job.

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the tug abides

Old Clemson College


May 22, 2024, 2:15 PM

I read that book. Clemson was awesome in the days before my time.
It was full Military which aint for all but incredible for some.
In '64 considered Citadel as an old lawyer friend had graduated there and was pushing me to go there.
Like him I did go on to become an Officer, so that pleased him.

I would say I chose Clemson as I was a football fan and hated USuCk.

In 1964 ROTC was required just for two years. We only drilled one day a week and classes a couple days a week. It was far from being military then, not even close.
Rat season was not what most believe who did not experience it. It was much harder and much more fun than most believe. Upper classmates had fun with you. It bonded the Rats into a team. There was a "Rat Court" to discipline. In no time you knew that you were a part of Clemson.
I feel for kids who missed on that.

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the tug abides

Re: Old Clemson College


May 22, 2024, 2:44 PM

I started the same year as you ..... 1964. I still remember my mother letting me off near the Loggia where the haircut table was set up and I think they charged me $.50 to shave my head ...... not a lot of skill required. I also remember at one of the prep rallies at the amphitheater a freshman was fingered for not having his head shaved and wearing a rat hat. He was chased down by the student body where I believe he was held down and his head shaved. Maybe the worse part was trying to eat in the mess hall when every two minutes an upperclassman would make us do CLEM in cadence count. It was all good though!

PS: Like Tugaloo, I wanted to go to Clemson because of football. Never really considered anywhere else except Auburn where a girlfriend was going.

Message was edited by: TigerLinks®

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Re: To all the former rats out there


May 22, 2024, 4:54 PM

Thanks to all of that replied. I enjoyed reading all the posts.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: To all the former rats out there

May 22, 2024, 4:59 PM

Pardon me but what is meant by “rat”?

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Re: To all the former rats out there

May 22, 2024, 8:10 PM

tigerpsy said:

Pardon me but what is meant by “rat”?

Freshman. Lowest form of student life pre 1970 or so.

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