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110%er [9171]
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Aug 12, 2024, 8:51 PM
EXPERIENCE 1 I won’t go into details, but I was in Afghanistan in 2008, and I was injured in the performance of my duties. During which, I clinically died twice for a total of 6 minutes and a few seconds. Whenever it happened at that time, I experienced the following: 1. COMPLETE PEACE- I was consciously aware, but it felt like I was sleeping. Indescribable peace came over me that cannot be replicated here on Earth. 2. I understood I had passed away and was in the afterlife. 3. It was not as I imagined it to be, because I believed that I would see streets of gold, angelic beings, etc. 4. I held a concept of eternity, but NO concept of time at all. 5. It felt like I was an engine revving up with joy and then I would calm back down and be at perfect peace again. This feeling was not unpleasant, and I never grew tired of that feeling. 6. After a few days had passed from my experience, I grew depressed because it felt like I was robbed of a peace that could not be replicated. If I could describe it, it would be a drug that has never been created nor can be replicated…EVER.
EXPERIENCE 2 Some years would pass after that event, and I grew depressed and sought out sinful desires which would prove to be futile. One evening, I was contacted by a friend whom I hadn’t spoken to in several years and he invited me to his home. He lived with two roommates that were fishing at a tournament lake with friends. Whenever I arrived, I had a 6pack of Yuengling Lager, but didn’t intend on drinking the entire lot on account that I had a 45 min drive back to my apartment at the end of the evening. Upon arrival, my friend was already intoxicated and turned in for bed early, so I decided to watch television until they returned from their fishing trip. While watching television, a weird sort of trance came over me and my entire existence. My body turned parallel to the couch, and I lost consciousness for a moment. After what felt like an eternity, I was somewhere else. The first thing I noticed was my nakedness, and then how hot it was. The second thing I noticed was the foul odor of rotten eggs and the sounds of a massive number of people screaming. I was in this cave-like structure and ventured out of it. It felt like my legs weighed 110lbs each. It took a lot of energy to move and walk. I took notice of the fact that I felt an absence of hope in its entirety and there was no concept of time at all. Time did not matter at all where I was. In a place that could only be described as a prison. As I was walking down this shoreline to a river of fiery lava-like substance I laid eyes upon this table. There was a man lying on this table. He was bound to this table, and though he uttered no speech, he could speak to me. I even knew his name. His name was James. As he spoke to me telepathically almost, he showed me a vision of his life. I saw his family, his congregation, and his life dedicated to Kingdom works. However, he was a Methodist Pastor and was having inappropriate relationships with women of his congregation of which some were married. Which would explain why he was in his predicament. There was this hunched back goblin of sorts that stood at the foot of this table where this man was strapped down. He would rip the ######## from this man and place them in a bucket and as he would do so, the man’s head would jerk violently forward, and meat hooks would enter his eye sockets. Oddly enough, the man’s ######## would regenerate, and the process would be repeated. Suddenly, I saw this other creature in the distance. It had T-REX legs and short stubby arms with pig hooves as hands. As we made eye contact, it began to move towards me and as it did so, the ground felt as if it were bouncing with each step. This creature had a disfigured head and face and was possibly the ugliest creature I had ever laid eyes upon. It began striking me with its hooved hands and I shouted out, “JESUS HELP ME!” Once that occurred, I immediately snapped out of that trance, and I was back on that couch at a friend’s house. Oddly enough, I could still smell the foul odor, and my skin was burning hot. I had tears streaming down my face and I ran outside to drive back home. As I was driving, I could still feel the striking blows from the creature to the point that it was knocking the breath out of me. The interpretation of that spiritual visitation to me alluded to the fact that I had been viewing pornographic material online and fornicating with women. I was falling victim to sexual sins and iniquities. EXPERIENCE 1 PERSONAL INTERPRETATION Those who physically perish who are in Christ, are at rest. They’re consciously aware but are sleeping in a spiritual holding pattern. IT FEELS AMAZING! You won’t be afraid at all either. SCRIPTURES TO SUPPORT THIS 1Samuel 28 Mark 5:21-43 Luke 8:40-56 1Thessalonians 4:13-17
EXPERIENCE 2 PERSONAL INTERPRETATION Even those who believe are not exempt from damnation should they choose a sinful path. To my own understanding, blood atonement does not automatically absolve our guilt or punishment, but rather validates our repentance. For without the blood of Christ, our repentance is counted as worthless in the sight of the Almighty. However, full and total repentance is still required to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. After all, not only was I a believer, but the man on the table was a believer as well and was a clergyman for God.
SCRIPTURES TO SUPPORT THIS Matthew 7:11 Matthew 7:17-19 Matthew 7:21-23 Matthew 8:12-13 Matthew 22:8-14 (IMPORTANT) Matthew 25
I, Travis Hamrick, share those experiences and scriptures with you to provide anyone who should hear this message with the importance of obedience and repentance unto salvation.
Here’s the reason why I take this so seriously:
Every second of each day on average (2) people on Earth pass away. That’s (172,800) souls who will cross into eternity every day. Another way stated that’s (63,072,000) who will pass over into either eternal damnation or paradise each year on Earth. To broaden the seriousness of this discussion, if you lived for 80 years, the average number of people who will find out their eternal fate will be (5,045,760,000) So, each person who lives a full 80-year life will have lived on the same planet as more than 5 billion other people who will pass away and either live for eternity in peace or face final judgment. To me, that means that I must be doing everything in my power to show others the path to eternal life through Christ. Otherwise, I may find myself casts into outer darkness or in the lake of fire upon the final day of judgment.
Orange Blooded [2486]
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Aug 12, 2024, 9:19 PM
Chesty, You'll catch helll from those on TNET, but not from me Brother.
110%er [9171]
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Aug 12, 2024, 9:23 PM
Those who are ashamed of their testimony aren't worthy of Christ or eternal salvation. I stand firm in my own faith and share even embarrassing aspects of my testimony because through that shame and embarrassment I was humbled enough to repent and find the Lord.
CU Medallion [64543]
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I had no such experiences when I was wounded
Aug 12, 2024, 9:53 PM
Never feeling that I had moved beyond the earthly life. But have had several conscious experiences in which thoughts came into my mind that were beyond my capacity to even imagine much less comprehend unless it was from a higher power. I could attribute those occurrences to ESP but then I would be claiming that I was the source of the “revelations” and I make no such claims. Those experiences have only been shared with one person and that was with my son who is a minister. Maybe that was to strengthen his faith, but probably more related to the fact that I would never have the courage to open myself up to the scrutiny of others as you have shown here.
110%er [9171]
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Re: I had no such experiences when I was wounded
Aug 12, 2024, 10:13 PM
The scrutiny of man bears little effect on me. If even one person decides to obtain a Bible and get to know Christ through my testimony, then I would have achieved the goal.
All-TigerNet [14170]
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Aug 12, 2024, 9:48 PM
Amazing! Thank you for posting. 🙏🙏🙏
Legend [17523]
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TLDR but happy
Aug 12, 2024, 10:07 PM
you're around to post all that.
Go Tigers!
All-In [46400]
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Thank you for sharing these powerful experiences.
Aug 12, 2024, 10:18 PM
Thank you as well for your military service.
110%er [7436]
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Re: Thank you for sharing these powerful experiences.
Aug 13, 2024, 5:11 AM
A thumbs down for JK? Here?
110%er [9171]
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Re: Thank you for sharing these powerful experiences.
Aug 13, 2024, 5:18 AM
JK, thank you for your kind words. We may not agree on everything Clemson football related, and many give you grief on here for your sports view, I tend to agree with some of what you say on here. I just hope for the best when it comes to Clemson Sports. Not sure why people give you a TD for the sake of giving you a TD. Just wanted you to know that I do not do that, and I am not the one doing that.
All-In [38108]
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Until Now I Had Not Fully Shared This Near Death Story From This Summer...You
Aug 12, 2024, 10:23 PM
Have inspired me to do so, as now I understand more of what happened to me in June of this year.
Early June, my 24 year old son and I were fishing in remote Northern Manitoba about 800 miles North of Minneapolis. We have done this Walleye and Northern Pike fishing trip for 16 years and my son and I look forward to it counting the days until the trip. We fish from a remote camp where a float plane drops us off and fish in 16' Lund deep V hull boats w/25 HP motors. I have run outboards for 45 years of my life and am an experienced boater having near to 1,000 hours in all conditions.
Day 1 of the trip we were just leaving shore after a quick lunch on a gigantic stone boulder, the air temp was about 55 and the water temp was around 49. About 75 yards from shore the outboard torques hard to the left and in a matter of seconds I am flung into the water with 2 layers of clothing, boots, rain gear etc. My first reaction was cold and anger and fear for my son in the bow.
I then see he was not ejected from the boat but thrown to the bottom of the hull as the boat starts the death circle back at me a mere 20' away. In that instant everything went into super slow motion as I see my son scrambling to kill the motor. Dummy me had not worn the wrist kill strap that afternoon. As aluminum monster is arcing my way I realize I don't have time to get outside of it's arc and am going to take a hit.
I felt like Robert Redford in A Bridge Too Far playing an 82nd Airborne Major crossing the river at Nijmegen repeatedly chanting the Hail Mary, but the Lord's Prayer starts in my mind and it was like a calming song in my head. I had ZERO fear, I knew the Lord was with me in those long seconds before I was pummeled by boat and prop. I felt the rear side of the hull buffet me and I had my arms out to push hard on it as it impacted me. Still in a sense of slow motion now about 2' under the hull in crystal clear water I see the boat moving thru it's turn and the prop, partially obscured by a rock prop guard coming for my upper arm and chest.
I can see the chipped up blade spinning the cavitation of the water then feel 3 distinct punches but almost no pain. Still no fear just peace and wonder at the whole scene. I bob back to the surface and notice shredded cloth about me and see my son literally 5' from me looking over the stern with a terrified look on his face. He had just shut the motor off and was asking me what happened. He at that point didn't know I had been hit. He then saw my triceps gash and blood and knew.
Long story short the prop cut thru a small flotation vest, a wet weather top, a PFG fishing shirt and an undershirt like a razor leaving 2 8" gashes one on either side of my nipple and one on my bicep. the gashes were about 1/3" wide and 1/8" deep and not bleeding too badly. After getting over to shore and my son dressing the wounds, they probably needed stiches but the outback medevac from the SATPHONE was likely $15K plus, we continued to fish and finish the trip. By the time I got back to Texas 4 days later and saw my physician, my entire torso was yellow, purple and green bruised, but the cuts healed up no infection, but ugly as sin.
All said and done, in the service in the Balkans and one other place I didn't face regular daily grave danger, but there were some dicey moments over the years with some ill intentioned folks, but nothing that brought me to the moment of true serenity and peace in a horrific moment in Northern Canada. It 100% reinforced to me that when the Lord wants us, he will take us or not if we have not lived the life he wanted for us. That day made me ever more grateful for every minute I have here.
About every other night, I still in my dreams will relive what feels like 3-4 seconds of that event, but it is a calming warm blanket beautiful scene and it shouldn't be. I now welcome the dream as it reminds me normally around 5AM that every day is a gift.
After reading Chesty's post again, I am truly glad I haven't had to live anything like his second vision. He may have scared me straight.
All-In [46400]
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Thank you for sharing!***
Aug 12, 2024, 10:27 PM
110%er [9171]
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Re: Until Now I Had Not Fully Shared This Near Death Story From This Summer...You
Aug 13, 2024, 5:23 AM
[ in reply to Until Now I Had Not Fully Shared This Near Death Story From This Summer...You ] |
An outstanding story. God certainly spared both of us for a purpose. We shouldn't squander it any. As far as my combat experience, I tell folks that I served in combat, but it was a far cry from what I could consider to be a war. There were skirmishes, raids, pushes through cities or regions, and even battle campaigns. However, we were fighting an enemy of inferior means. Should we fight against Iran, Russia, or China in direct conflict then we will then know what a real war feels like. I pray that we never have to.
Hall of Famer [24786]
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Thank you for posting those. I will not doubt your experiences.
Aug 12, 2024, 10:40 PM
However, as a fellow Christian, I will disagree with your theological interpretations of those experiences.
But, there is no way to adequately discuss those differences on a message board. If we had a couple of hours and could sit down an drink a cup of coffee or three or four, I'd love to have that discussion.
Message was edited by: bretfsu®
110%er [9171]
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Re: Thank you for posting those. I will not doubt your experiences.
Aug 13, 2024, 5:25 AM
I have T-Mailed you my contact information. PS: I like your unbiased views on here regarding football and other topics. You seem to be even keeled enough to hold a fruitful conversation. Give me a text first so that I can save you as a contact. My phone has an app that blocks unregistered calls. So, text me first.
Orange Blooded [4472]
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Aug 13, 2024, 12:30 AM
Chesty, Clover, and Morbid - thank you all for sharing your experiences. May God Bless each one of you!
110%er [7436]
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Aug 13, 2024, 5:26 AM
What we do in life echoes in eternity.
Amazing experiences, CP. Your story has specific details that I have experienced while recovering from my second major surgery to remove something that caused 4 years of colossal amounts of pain within me: I felt eternity as well but in a difficult way. Not similar in place but in infinite joy. I had a full understanding of all life and its vulnerability that must be protected.
My #### was on Earth during this lifetime, and God knows my path is akin to Sisyphus, but that the stone does actually stay up there after years of futility.
See the light, be the light, and do good for others.
Orange Blooded [3919]
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Aug 13, 2024, 9:18 AM
Very interesting experiences and thanks for sharing.
I know there is a God and one day I will see him even with my sins
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