Boys,while we for thought. As I have stated before, I am not the
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Clemson Sports Icon [57838]
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Boys,while we for thought. As I have stated before, I am not the
Jan 13, 2025, 8:26 AM
smartest person in the world, but I have been thinking about the coaching carousels that spring up after every season...and how these schools then hire each others castoffs,and usually it results in a pay increase for each coach...
Well sirs, I think the 12,000 home owners in California, whose homes have been burned to the ground should get together and do this. I am assuming in much of those situations, the land amounts to at least 50 to maybe even 75 percent of the value of the home. And I assume that state's government will still want to collect taxes BASED ON THE LAND VALUE AT LEAST. So, if I were selling property in California, I would reach out to EVERY one of them who lost their homes and propose that they...GET TOGETHER WITH THE LAND OWNERS IN THEIR IMMEDIATE AREA..and SELL EACH other their properties at significant losses..THEREBY REDUCING THE ASSESSMENT VALUE OF EACH property going forward and possibly saving them each enough money on taxes to rebuild.
Just Spud's humble opinion on the matter....
Clemson Sports Icon [57568]
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Re: Boys,while we for thought. As I have stated before, I am not the
Jan 13, 2025, 8:43 AM
That's a wonderful idea. Hopefully the brokerage association will get together and spread the word to the residents. They'd be better served to take the monetary donations from all the companies/people, put it together and use it for your plan. They'd come out way better as you laid out than spending it on paper towels.
Top TigerNet [28912]
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Educate me, please.
Jan 13, 2025, 8:47 AM
I own a lot in Pacific Palisades that is valued at 2 million dollars. I built a 2 million dollar home on it. My next door neighbor did the same thing. We were paying taxes on property assessed at 4 million dollars.
Both our houses burn to the ground. We agree to sell each other our lots for 10,000 dollars.
Do you think the tax appraiser will just drop the assessed value of the property to 10K? (Even if every person with a home that was destroyed did the same thing, do you think the appraiser will just drop the assessed value of the property?
The houses across the street from mine were spared from the fire. What will happen to the assessed value of their land?
Orange Beast [6147]
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Re: Educate me, please.
Jan 13, 2025, 8:49 AM
You’re right. See my reply below.
Clemson Sports Icon [57838]
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Jan 13, 2025, 9:15 AM
[ in reply to Educate me, please. ] |
few years...the appraisers certainly updated that tax appraisals to reflect that. Now, we know we are talking about a crazy state in California...who has shown ZERO concern for their citizens...but, I would think there would be precedent for ever increasing price values, so why not price deductions...ANd I think you could justify the sales. The biggest problem is most likely that most of those owners have mortgages that may affect their ability to institute my plan. However,it would be nice to see the people get one over on the government for a change....
Ultimate Tiger [33060]
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according to the post below Californi set a rate of increase NMT 1% in the late
Jan 13, 2025, 9:39 AM
70's so they seem to have tried to protect existing home owners as they aged.
..but i went to wikipedia and there is a clause for developers and real state agents to take advantage of.
It prohibits reassessment of a new base year value except in cases of (a) change in ownership, or (b) completion of new construction. These rules apply equally to all real estate, residential and commercial—whether owned by individuals or corporations.
Orange Beast [6147]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Boys,while we for thought. As I have stated before, I am not the
Jan 13, 2025, 8:47 AM
Flaw in hat theory. As a former resident of CA, I can tell you, the property taxes aren’t based off most recent sale prices. It’s an average over time based on yearly increases. If possible, everyone would have already done something similar to what you’re suggesting. Values are assessed by the counties, based on mil/rate set by the assessors office. While Prop 13 put a cap on the amount of annual increases, the average increase in LA county had been just over 1% a year. In short, you could sell for a penny, but your value won’t drop enough to make your idea work.
Letterman [184]
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Re: Boys,while we for thought. As I have stated before, I am not the
Jan 13, 2025, 8:53 AM
Or you could leave the people’s republic of California…just don’t come to SC…we’re full.
Ultimate Tiger [33060]
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totally full. take your money spending votes to Ohio
Jan 13, 2025, 8:56 AM
South Carolina is not a CLM (Coyote lives matter) state.
Ultimate Tiger [33060]
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Clemson Sports Icon [57838]
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Wouldn't this be something if Tnet was on the national news for helping
Jan 13, 2025, 9:40 AM
Clemson Sports Icon [57838]
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Ultimate Tiger [33060]
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okay.. lets take a step back. People all want the highest amount they can get
Jan 13, 2025, 9:42 AM
for their property.
They drive up the price as well. If they can sell their house for 3 mil, do you think they say, "naw.. that isn't right.. i'm going to sell my house for 200k, because that is what i bought it for"
Have you ever told a client , "your house is assessed at 600k but that is unfair.. i think you should do the right thing and sell for 300k"
Clemson Sports Icon [57838]
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I think you totally missed the point.....thousands of homes are GONE. I suggest
Jan 13, 2025, 10:31 AM
They get together and sell to EACH other..only an idiot would suggest they sell at a loss without being able to buy someone else's NOW VACANT land at a substantially reduced price. Now...the government could say these are nit arms length transactions thereby making the sales invalid for comparables.
Keep in mind..many of these homes are very old. The replacement cost is no where near WHT the value of the structure was.Heck, my personal home in Powdersville may be worth 650 to 700k not counting the land ...BUT IT WOULD COST ME EVERY BIT OF 1M to rebuild it.
No telling what the replacement costs are in CALIFORNIA. Personally...I would like to know just what the fees are for water,sewage,building permit. How many permits and approvals do you have to get. And heaven forbid if you are going to wipe out a colony of purple striped ants.
Ultimate Tiger [33060]
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this wasn't a response to your original post about what the citizen should do
Jan 13, 2025, 10:37 AM
this was a response to
Well, that confirms my assumptions that California has thought of every which way from Sunday to screw its citizens.
California certainly was going to greed their way into more tax money. No doubt. The developers, home owners, real estate agents and brokers played their roll as well in increasing property values.
Clemson Sports Icon [57838]
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MY bad....***
Jan 13, 2025, 10:49 AM
Orange Beast [6518]
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Re: Boys,while we for thought. As I have stated before, I am not the
Jan 13, 2025, 9:18 AM
Spud you are a bad man😂
Paw Master [17508]
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This assumes that there are no mortgages involved***
Jan 13, 2025, 9:51 AM
Varsity [102]
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During the Great Depression, farmers did exactly that.
Jan 13, 2025, 10:19 AM
If one of their neighbor's farm was being forcl on, they would all show up at the auction, only bof pennies,
Orange Blooded [2118]
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Re: Boys,while we for thought. As I have stated before, I am not the
Jan 13, 2025, 12:03 PM
Berry Yellowstoneesque
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