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Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to
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Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to


Sep 26, 2023, 12:19 PM

relate it to my own personal business. I assume you all know I am a Realtor. I have been one since I was 24 years old. Never ever had a real full time job. Anyway, since the first year after I got my license I have been a multi-million dollar producer every year. Anywhere from 3 million to 9 million per year. I am a one man shop...no assistants, team ,etc. Just Ole Spud. Anyway, I've survived Jimmy Carter, ( we were selling homes with 14% adjustable rates if you can believe that),Black Tuesday,9/11,2007-2009,and Covid. In 1990 when my son was born and had to undergo a proceedure known as ECMO, and he survived, Mrs. Spud had to abruptly quit her job as head of Micro and Easley Baptist Hospital and I had to somehow make an additional 40K that year....and did. So, I have been what I would call consistently successful. HOWEVER, even with my skills and willingness to work long hard hours..I HAVE AND STILL DO.....RUN INTO SLUMPS. I mean...slumps of 60 to sometimes 180 days where no matter what I do, how I do it, or how hard I work..I can't get a deal CLOSED to save my life. Bo Mattheny, an old Realtor friend, used to say,"The hardest one to close IS THE ONE YOU HAVE TO CLOSE!"...But, you keep getting after it and then all of a sudden, things turn and you get some easy ones and things start going your way again....

That is how I see our team right now. We had a 6 year roll with dang near everything going our way...No injuries to speak of....Missed field goal by NC STATE...goal line stands against Louisville and ND...scoop and scores stopped by the most famous walk on in Clemson history...a pick six to set the tone in San Francisco.....ANd now...we are in that slump that all of us go through at times...Maybe you are a mechanic that has had 3 people in a row return to your shop with a transmission that you just rebuilt...maybe you are a top builder and now you've had three or four people call with water in their crawl space...or a straight "A" student and Calculus is now kicking your behind...But you all will overcome...That's where we are fellas...

That Duke game..they get a fumble on the one and run it back almost to our endzone..Makuba gets a fumble and is off to the races unopposed and trips up before he can get started...Last week they get a scoop and score, but in the first half, Mickens I think, drops an interception that would have been a pick six....Still....we are getting better in my opinion. THE WORM IS GONNA TURN!!!

Go Tigers!


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Does the worm already have a hook in him ... or not ?


Sep 26, 2023, 12:27 PM

makes a difference.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Does the worm already have a hook in him ... or not ?


Sep 26, 2023, 12:32 PM

Isn’t the “worm is going to turn” what Tommy Bowden kept waiting and waiting and waiting to happen? Spud, I agree with the wisdom of everything you stated, but please let’s not wait out the worm. Instead go out and make our own good vibes.

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Any comparison to Bowden is being shortsighted.


Sep 26, 2023, 1:28 PM

Bowden had ten years and never won the conference or reached double digit wins. While the last two seasons were not what we had hoped for they were really good seasons with teams we could be proud of. Obviously the mistakes this team has made so far are extremely frustrating but the season is not over. We’ve got a long way to go and we can get better. Worse case scenario is that we don’t and it will be our first “bad” season since 2010. After having lived through Hatfield, West and Bowden I will take the recent stretch of Clemson football any day. Keep your heads up.

Go Tigers!

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Re: Any comparison to Bowden is being shortsighted.


Sep 27, 2023, 3:23 PM

Danny Ford had some bad seasons as well. Even lost to Duke in his last season. Beat the Gamecocks 45-0 that year. Let's pray that happens this year.

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Re: Any comparison to Bowden is being shortsighted.

Sep 27, 2023, 9:25 PM

You mean the Duke team led by Spurrier that won the conf championship? Ok, good example

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.

Fixin' to go run...and just spit my coffee out!!!!!!!!!!!!***


Sep 26, 2023, 12:56 PM [ in reply to Does the worm already have a hook in him ... or not ? ]

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Re: Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to


Sep 26, 2023, 12:31 PM

Great post, Spud! As a salesman, I, too, have had many feasts, and several famines, and some big ups and downs in our family, as well. The strong survivors learn from these and move on and keep on grinding. That's where we are now. I think being a grinder is in Dabo's DNA. His life has been one of lots of setbacks, but also of so many victories (on and off the field). A great saying I love to recall in bad times is, "this too shall pass". We just need to put on our "Big Boy Pants" and keep looking up. GO TIGERS!!!

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to


Sep 26, 2023, 12:32 PM

Sometimes you get the bear...couple of bad breaks cost the Tigers dearly this year but I think the Seminoles were exposed Saturday. No way they go undefeated this year judging by the way they looked against BC and CU and if they do they will be badly embarrassed in the playoffs.

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Re: Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to


Sep 27, 2023, 8:49 AM

I think it's going to be deja vu to the Rose Bowl vs Oregon for them this year should they make the playoffs.

They play Duke in a couple weeks and we know firsthand they are no slouch

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

we're 2-2, not 1-5 or 1-7 or 2-6


Sep 26, 2023, 12:37 PM

or any other Dumb-A record completely fabricated by trolls who are no better than the scum of the earth.

THIS team is 2-2.

This team also has fixable issues. If they get pissed at their predicament (and rout hail out of ND and USuC), and get a little lucky and Duke/Louisville/UNC all lose 2 ACC games, then maybe they'll be waiting for the Noles in Charlotte come December.

Two things about that:

1. The Noles dang sure don't want that.

2. The Tigers would blister the Noles be-hineys for 60 minutes straight in the game.

We let them off the hook this time - it wouldn't happen again.

And by the by, Eff you Jester Keller....

Judge Keller®

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I'll take Clemson for a $1000 if we somehow get a rematch


Sep 26, 2023, 12:58 PM

with either Duke or FSU....

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Spud, I'm all in, and iffin we're there, I'll spot you


Sep 27, 2023, 1:05 AM

the dime to bet! Hold me to it!


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Re: we're 2-2, not 1-5 or 1-7 or 2-6


Sep 27, 2023, 8:17 AM [ in reply to we're 2-2, not 1-5 or 1-7 or 2-6 ]

I agree with you, the only problem is Duke or FSU has to lose 3 ACC games if we win out. They both have the head-to-head on us and we already have 2 ACC losses….

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

You have serious mental issues bro.***


Sep 27, 2023, 8:33 AM [ in reply to we're 2-2, not 1-5 or 1-7 or 2-6 ]

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Re: Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to


Sep 26, 2023, 12:39 PM


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Our country won't go on forever, if we stay soft as we are now. There won't be any America because some foreign soldiery will invade us and take our women and breed a hardier race.

~Chesty Puller
Lt.General United States Marine Corps

Re: Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to


Sep 26, 2023, 12:43 PM

Thanks for the pep talk. A lot of us need it...

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Re: Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to


Sep 26, 2023, 12:45 PM

Outstanding post. Quite frankly, it sort of makes games fun going not knowing who is going to win. Don't get me wrong, I loved going to games where I was confident we were going to roll. But to watch young talent develop and learn and see them improve game after game ........ even with the mistakes ..... is sort of refreshing. We have been spoiled by the Watson's, Lawrences, Spillers, and Watkins, but those guys are rare, rare, rare. I can't wait to see what the future holds for this team.

Message was edited by: TigerLinks®

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Re: Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to


Sep 27, 2023, 6:56 PM

Great attitude! +1

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

W post!!!!!!!!***


Sep 26, 2023, 12:46 PM

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Sort Of Like A Snake Handler ---


Sep 26, 2023, 12:46 PM

Has handled hundreds of snakes without getting bitten. But every now and then one or five of them get aggressive and bites him or her. Some may study further as to why him or her was bitten by a usually non-aggressive snake or snakes.

It may take a long while to figure out....but it could be something somebody put in the environment that the snakes dwell in. Keep in mind the most poisonous snakes... yes..they would want to be extra careful with..... because if they were to by chance get severely bitten.....there could be no coming back.

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THX a million bitcoins SPuD..


Sep 26, 2023, 12:56 PM

Gonna get off the couch, turn off Finebaum saying We & Dabo are finished forever, put up the half gallon of pecky pecan left and go hunt for a business that surely needs a box of Light Bulbs, NOW!

Saying , I ain’t quitting when the going gets tough!

Go TiGERS..Jeep RoCKing Guys!

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Re: Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to


Sep 26, 2023, 1:01 PM

Nice post. In an earlier post I equated our current situation to the swinging of the pendulum. It will swing our way again in time.

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Look you seem like a great guy and I am glad that you


Sep 26, 2023, 2:35 PM

shared this. No doubt your work ethic and views of life's ups and downs has carried you through. I salute you for it and for others that it resonates with.
That said there are people that have life continually crap on them...Bad chronic health, bad luck, they work hard but never make it to the next level of income. This isn't my situation but I know and try to be a friend to people who are in that way...they are perpetually snakebit and it isn't their fault.
There are plenty of football programs like that as well...the worm will never turn for them. Some bear some of the blame for that themselves (SCar for instance), but others grind day in and day out and never see success on the field.
In short, hard work and waiting things out doesn't always equal success in life or on the field. Sorry if I sound defeatist but I have lived long enough now to be able to know when I see it.

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Re: Look you seem like a great guy and I am glad that you


Sep 26, 2023, 2:59 PM

Glad you posted this. I love spud to death as do I for most on here. It's a great post and a super message that Clemson football hasn't and won't be kicked into oblivion. But a good friend of mine is in the situation you described. I certainly don't think spuds message was "all you have to do is work hard and the worm will turn " meaning that in a global manner. At least I hope not.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I know things don't always work out...regardless of how hard


Sep 26, 2023, 10:46 PM

you may try. I have empathy for those who just cannot get over the hump... But, if I know someone going through a tough time like that..I will do my dead level best to encourage them to keep getting up....

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I've never measured a man by how hard he got knocked


Sep 26, 2023, 10:42 PM [ in reply to Look you seem like a great guy and I am glad that you ]

down. I measure him by how he gets up. But, my dad was a football coach. I learned early that you don't win them all. And...anyone that has never failed...has not shot high enough. And, when I tell you that my son' birth was a setback...well sir, his heart stopped beating in the ambulance on the way from Greenville memorial to Richland in Columbia. It stopped for 14 seconds. It stopped again when Dr. Marsh and Dr. Pai tried to get him on the ECMO machine. Dr. Pai told me before the surgery that his chances were less than 1 in a thousand to survive. When he did survive...we did not know if he would walk or talk because his O2 levels had dropped in the 60's when he was on a jet ventilator....Therefore, when he came home, we made the decision for my wife to quit her job so she could do whatever it might take. He is now an engineer at Edgewater Automation with a degree from Clemson. I did not work for 6 weeks, going to the hospital everyday...but when we got him home...I got after it....When I started my real estate career I sold Krispy Kreme donuts every FRIDAY door to door. I left Greenville at 530 am, picking up 150 dozen from Glenn Reese in Spartanburg. 50 plain, 60 assorted(Chocolate,strawberry,lemon,apple,creme filled and plain) and 40 others....plus 40 to 50 dozen cookies I grabbed from the chocolate shop in Greenivlle. None of them were pre sold...I sold them in Clover, Saluda,Edgefield,Greenwood,Abbeville,Ware Shoals, Honea Path and Belton....It was embarrasing at times when I ran into a fraternity brother seeing me run in a bank or beauty shop, courthouse etc. selling donuts for a living...but, it paid the bills while I built a real estate career. In fact, I developed my first subdivision when I was 25 with 400k that a donut customer gave me. I did not have a clue what I was doing. Another customer gave me 650k for my next subdivision....I didn't fish much back then...I busted it 6 to 7 days a week...I cold called neighborhoods 2 to 3 hours a day until I got a listing appointment...many times I went on 2 appointments a day...When I first started going on listing appointments, I only got about 1 out of 5, but eventually I started getting about 3 out of 5...

THe point is...I failed a lot. Much more failures than successes. Hardwork does not guarantee you anything in life. But, quitting certainly does. So, I never quit. Dabo is no quitter. Cade absolutely is not a quitter. Ship...no way...Stellato...LOL. That boy has had every reason to quit! But no sir. He stayed in the fight as our soldiers on here say... So, I think our future is bright... We've just got to weather the storm a little.

And lastly, my advice to young people starting out. Find a job you like...and get to it. When you hit a road bump...speed over it the best you can. One of the most successful friends I have did just that. 20 years or more ago, he left his high paying sales job to take a job in Georgia as national sales manager. 30 days into the new job, the owner came to him and said he was getting rid of the chemical division and my friend was now out of a job..with a mortgage from a house I had just sold him, AND FIVE CHILDREN. So.....he got on his horse and got after it. He went out and found a chemist who was developing some good products and cut a deal with him to market them. He worked his tail off...Selling,billing, AND DELIVERING the chemicals in totes on a trailer pulled behind is truck. He is now a multi-millionaire...still working... I have another good friend and client who has a small electrical company (I say small..but he does million dollar jobs) who decided he wanted to be a high school football coach...So, when an opening came up, he put together a plan and made a proposal to the principal at Walhalla HS. His only experience was he had coached the Clemson little league team for 10 years...LOL. He got the job...even though he told the principal he could only be there 2 to 3 days a week becuase he still ran an electrical company in Easley. Well boys and girls, Walhalla had won maybe 3 games in two full years before he took over, but he had them in the playoffs in either his second or third year....

As Dabo says, the fun is in the winning. So, keep your head up and keep trying. I think our guys are gonna do that this week. I think we are gonna get rid of this fumble bug...and get back on track.

Go Tigers!!!

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Great time to add this link to Stellatos interview....


Sep 26, 2023, 11:16 PM


flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Great post***


Sep 26, 2023, 2:36 PM

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Re: Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to


Sep 26, 2023, 2:42 PM

You sold $3 million worth of real estate in 1978? Considering my parents bought a straight up average suburban 3/2 home in 1980 for $30,000, you must’ve had two closings a week!

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I got my license in 83 ..I was 25...started my first subdivi


Sep 26, 2023, 9:55 PM

In '85....back then I sold 70 percent of my own listings...I also developed some commercial property ...it was much easier back then...

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Re: Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to


Sep 26, 2023, 2:42 PM

I like it Spud! We all go through slumps. Lol! I just wish it were not our Tigers right now. It hurts us all to see them lose games we should have won. Just like I told my daughter this morning: you win some and you lose some, but I am still a Tiger!

Go Tigers!

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Sep 26, 2023, 2:52 PM

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Sometimes the road to the truth is so elusive it's confusing and reality becomes illusion.

Dammmm good post, Spud, and so right!


Sep 26, 2023, 6:18 PM

I've been in business for 51 years, since I completed military duty, and there are ALWAYS ups and downs in all endeavors.

There is not a team in this nation that hasn't faced the same issues; what makes a superior leader is his ability to face, then take the steps neccessary to adjust.

Right now, Dabo Swinney is our leader, and I'm certainly willing to let him make the adjustments. He's earned my respect and admiration for what he has already done for our Clemson family.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to


Sep 26, 2023, 11:03 PM

Championships don’t just happen. Opportunity favors the prepared. We are not a prepared program right now. You said it yourself that at times it came down to s goal line stand or a break here or there. Because we were prepared to rise to the occasion in those moments. Michael Jordan once said the reason why most guys crack or are scared to take the gamewinning shot is because they havent put in the work for that moment. MJ said by the time he had to take GW shot he’d already practiced it a million times. Dabo has not been preparing us for this new age but thinks what made us successful in 2015-2020 will magically start working again

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Doesnt apply to Dabo.


Sep 27, 2023, 6:56 AM

$12M is put up or shut up money.

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Re: Doesnt apply to Dabo.


Sep 27, 2023, 7:27 AM

The difference being your job success is about one man’s efforts. The success of the Tiger football team lies in a large group getting the job done. Team Sports. Coaches AND players succeeding as a team. Not an easy task either way.

Dabo will get the job done because he and his staff have the skills to “right this ship” but it may not be done in 2023. Lots of work to do and it begins with bringing in the right players.

Tough guys win games

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Im not a pro golfer.

Sep 27, 2023, 9:15 PM

My success is very much rooted in a team effort. Team sport.

Dabo -- and team -- haven't gotten the job done since we were all walking around in masks. He's not about to start.

$12M's alot of kool-aid to not even win the lowly ACC.

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even Danny Ford had a 6-6 year only to close out his time at


Sep 27, 2023, 7:35 AM [ in reply to Doesnt apply to Dabo. ]

Clemson with some of our best seasons!

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpgringofhonormyfavorange.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: even Danny Ford had a 6-6 year only to close out his time at


Sep 27, 2023, 7:45 AM

Good remark and very true. He and Dabo are special coaches but much different in a lot of ways.

Football during Dannys realm was much,much different than it is today also.

I think that Coach Ford was totally dedicated to Clemson and, perhaps still is. He never left!
I’ve often wondered if he and Dabo have any kind of relationship. Certainly two different personalities.

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Coach Ford got a farm for his effort.

Sep 27, 2023, 9:19 PM [ in reply to even Danny Ford had a 6-6 year only to close out his time at ]

Coach $winney could buy Oconee County and have a little left over for a barn.

It's not even close to the same era.
Im just one of few, apparently, who happen to think a guy getting paid Saban money should deliver Saban results.

And he's not even close.

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Re: Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to


Sep 27, 2023, 7:58 AM

I agree spud.

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The phrase "the worm is going to turn" is coach speak for


Sep 27, 2023, 8:06 AM

We need to recruit better. Better players will come in key positions. We have some key positions where we are ok to good. We need good to great there. It's going to take another season or two, and top recruiting classes.

Plus, what I have seen is that we are a young team starting with the QB. Since we won't portal, it's going to take some time and luck, barring no injuries.

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3 players in next year's class are gonna get us back near


Sep 27, 2023, 8:19 AM

the top. Wesco,Moore,Hauser.....plus all the others. But those three need to come in "Right out to the box" as Dabo says...

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Great post, and analogy. And, other than losing Mikey for a


Sep 27, 2023, 9:05 AM

whole year due to injury, you are certainly right about us avoiding the injury bug when we were having our major run of success. Nowadays it seems that just when things might be about to get rolling, along comes another injury to derail things. It has already happened again this year, with Walter Parks and Cole Tuner both lost for the year, and several other receivers already banged up and missing various amounts of time going forward.

Pure and simply, Clemson is in need of a win, right now, more than at any time in recent years. We need that game where mostly everything goes RIGHT for a change, just to get over ourselves mentally. Hopefully that win comes this Saturday against a crop of Oranges in New York.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to

Sep 27, 2023, 11:00 AM


Are you hiring?

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Re: Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to


Sep 27, 2023, 3:35 PM

Very strong post Spud. I think if you look at our last 3 games last year and our first 4 this year, you have to separate the teams into tiers to see where we are.

Tier 1 Tennessee and Florida State were clearly the best of the 7. We could and should have beaten FSU but Tennessee was just better than we were. No shame in losing to either of these 2. 0-2.

Tier 2 North and South Carolina were on the same level. We beat the real Carolina and pretty much gave away the game against the Coots. We were 1-1 and should be 2-0.

Tier 3 Duke. I can't even explain all the turnovers that night except maybe the combination of a new OC and an inexperienced QB resulted in the disaster. Loss to a team that does not have our talent. 0-1

Tier 4 are our cupcakes. Enough said, 2-0.

We are not the only team that recruits, trains, coaches and wants to win. We can get better and get out what you call a slump but it will not because we are better than our opponents, it will be because we outwork them.

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You're a coot.


Sep 27, 2023, 4:02 PM


2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Great Poast! TU


Sep 27, 2023, 7:10 PM

I’ve thought many times about how all of those things fell our way for a long period of time. Quite possibly Dabo is right and it is a matter of a few plays. If all of those lately had gone our way, I seriously doubt we’d be enduring the level of naysaying so prominently showing up here.

Go Tigers!

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Re: Boys, I am looking at our past 7 or 8 games and want to


Sep 27, 2023, 8:12 PM

Ol' Reliable Spud . I'll thumbs up this thing !

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Well, I am glad this one aged well....keep it up

Sep 30, 2023, 5:56 PM


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