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IF ??
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IF ??


Feb 25, 2023, 7:18 PM

We win one of the last 2 games we will finish 22-9(14-6) and 4th and a double bye in the ACC tournament. If that does not qualify for an NCAA bid then just forget about EVER GOING AGAIN no matter who the Coach is you BB haters !! No justification at all for firing Coach Brownell.

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Re: IF ??

Feb 25, 2023, 7:22 PM

It doesn’t matter if Tommy Bowden loses to Wake Forest because he beat Florida State. End of discussion.

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"Anybody that says Coach Brownell is the best coach to come through Clemson is going to start an argument." -JP Hall

Re: IF ??

Feb 25, 2023, 7:25 PM

Tommy was every bit as good on tv as he was at being our head coach. Hence why we don't see him anymore

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Re: IF ??

Feb 25, 2023, 7:31 PM [ in reply to Re: IF ?? ]

Basketball is a TOTALLY different animal than football.

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Re: IF ??

Feb 25, 2023, 7:24 PM

I think you are better at picking corny country songs


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monter le cheval de fer
A coot will usually blink when hit in the head with a ball-peen hammer

Don't lose to SC, LUC and Louisville


Feb 25, 2023, 7:33 PM

who are a combined 23-61 and it's a non issue.

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Re: Don't lose to SC, LUC and Louisville

Feb 25, 2023, 7:49 PM

Once again thatis why basketball is totally different. There are more upsets in basketball. That's what you football MORONS can't comprehend.

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Re: Don't lose to SC, LUC and Louisville

Feb 25, 2023, 7:56 PM

If this is true why does almost every team in the top 25 have 0 quad 4 Ls??

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I posted this the other night after a “that’s bball” post

Feb 26, 2023, 12:45 AM

We have 3 quad-4 losses. The top 32 teams have 3 combined. Only 3 teams in the top 100 NET have 3 or more; Indiana St.(3), James Madison (4), and us

So no, it’s not “that’s basketball”. The Wake, Miami, and UNC losses are understandable and forgivable. That’s basketball

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Re: Don't lose to SC, LUC and Louisville

Feb 25, 2023, 7:58 PM [ in reply to Re: Don't lose to SC, LUC and Louisville ]

The fact that SC moved out of quad 4 recently may help us but no team with 2 or more quad 4 losses has made the tournament. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure.

After 13 seasons we are tired of making the tournament 1 out of 5 times. Just make the tournament Brad. That’s what the fans want.

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Re: Don't lose to SC, LUC and Louisville

Feb 25, 2023, 8:01 PM

Of we beat uva we would be 5-3 in quad 1 games I believe. That should make up for the quad 4 Ls.

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Re: Don't lose to SC, LUC and Louisville


Feb 25, 2023, 7:49 PM [ in reply to Don't lose to SC, LUC and Louisville ]

Almost NEVER is there an undefeated team in a basketball season!

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Re: IF ??

Feb 25, 2023, 7:54 PM

The ACC is way down. It’s down right terrible. That’s one reason for our NET. That and those 4 god awful losses. We should of had one max on the year. Not 4. The comity will have a hard decision on their hands if we win one more and lose our one game in ACCT. I personally don’t think that’ll be enough. I think we need at least two more wins. No matter how we get them.

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Re: IF ??

Feb 25, 2023, 9:16 PM

As Brownell said, "If they (NCAA, ESPN) don't want us IN the Tournament, they'll find a way to keep us out" (paraphrased)

It's all about the TV ratings and money. A top 4 finish "should" qualify for a berth in the Big Dance, but if there aren't enough flashy or "generational" teams available due to down years, they're going to find a way to get them in and keep other teams that have played "up" years out of it. There are millions of us "Boomers" who have grown up watching Duke, NC, Virginia, Gonzaga, Indiana, MSU, U of M, Purdue, UConn, etc. Many of them have money to spend on their favaorite teams in many ways. They travel well and spend that money when they do.

I've got my fingers crossed that Clemson finishes strong and has a good showing in Greensboro. If they do these things they will have earned their way into "The Dance". If they do that, and don't get in, that'll be proof of a very flawed system.

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