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ACC is Notre Dames *****!
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ACC is Notre Dames *****!

Sep 12, 2012, 10:49 PM

I hate Notre Dame and this does nothing for the ACC or Clemson in football. ND gets their cake and a piece of our pie. In the words of Dabo, they are not " all in". They get to keep the money when they host ACC teams at ND? This is a joke. They don't play a complete ACC schedule but they can take the place of an ACC team in a bowl game? What a joke. This equivalent to letting another man have his way with your wife but you still having to live with her and support her. Just ain't right! The ACC leaders failed on this one.

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You got that right!***

Sep 12, 2012, 10:51 PM

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ACC is getting a lot more than what Notre Dame is

Sep 12, 2012, 10:52 PM

how bout trying to educate yourself on the deal instead of being a dead wrong trying to be an internet bad a$$?

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Re: ACC is getting a lot more than what Notre Dame is

Sep 12, 2012, 11:03 PM

Wow, I am a bad a** because I stated an opinion! Since you are such a genius explain how the ACC is getting the better end of this deal. They simply got out of the dying Big Least in other sports and joined a good conference for all sports except football. They benefit and we get what? We get a couple of million dollars and get to play them once every 3 years. Wait until the day they knock us out of a bowl bid when they have one less win than we do. You will change your tune

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and when we add another bowl or two (Gator) because we

Sep 12, 2012, 11:07 PM

added them...what say you then?

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One problem with that

Sep 12, 2012, 11:17 PM

The Gator already had both the ACC and Notre Dame and dropped us like a hot potato for the SEC and B1G. The Gator Bowl creamed in their pants last year over getting a .500 Gators team and a .500 Buckeyes.

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It wasn't what you said it was how you said it

Sep 12, 2012, 11:12 PM [ in reply to Re: ACC is getting a lot more than what Notre Dame is ]

and I've stated many many times in lists of why this is a good deal as have many reporters and writers all over the internet and twitter. All you have to do is a little research like I did. You're welcome to read my posts though.

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Sep 12, 2012, 11:17 PM

You're dead... right. Yes, this is a big win for the ACC and Clemson. A nationally televised NBC game and a huge home game every six years? Yes please.


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Re: It wasn't what you said it was how you said it

Sep 12, 2012, 11:22 PM [ in reply to It wasn't what you said it was how you said it ]

Man I am going to base all my opinions on the Internet and twitter. I read on the Internet where the illuminati controlled the world! LOL So I am an Internet bad a** because I dared to have an opinion that differed from yours that was based on the opinions of reporters on the Internet and twitter? I know, the leaders of the ACC always make the best decisions for conference members! Just face it, we are a basketball conference. Pitt is a great FB addition. Syracuse is a great FB addition. Not! It's all about basketball in the acc

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I said from reporters and writers on the internet and

Sep 12, 2012, 11:49 PM

twitter, as in actual sports reporters that give real news. The people who deliver the facts and information on this deal. Yes, you should be forming your opinions from that b/c obviously you have no idea about what this deal entails.

I also said it wasn't your opinion but the way you said it. You obviously have trouble reading too. No wonder you can't understand the benefits of the deal. And are you trying to threaten me now too lol? I can assure you that anything I've just said I would happily say to your face. What would you do, punch me? I bet you'd love that. I hope you don't share your uneducated opinions while you're coaching Charlie. He doesn't deserve it!

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But that's where you're wrong....

Sep 12, 2012, 11:54 PM [ in reply to Re: It wasn't what you said it was how you said it ]

It's not all about basketball any more... 80% of revenue is football related, 20% is basketball related. This deal pushes football but adds to all of the other sports and academically, and is the best thing that could have happened.

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So tell me...

Sep 13, 2012, 1:13 AM

...how does women's soccer and advanced computing push our TV and bowl payout to the level that it matches the other four power conferences?

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Here's some articles to give you some perspective

Sep 13, 2012, 2:49 AM






































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Re: It wasn't what you said it was how you said it

Sep 12, 2012, 11:30 PM [ in reply to It wasn't what you said it was how you said it ]

LAst time I checked this was a message board. A place to state thoughts and opinions. You have right to yours and I exercise my right to freedom of expression. I don't resort to calling people Internet bad a**es! You are trying to be the bad a** hiding behind a screen calling people names. You wouldn't say that to my face but you will hide behind your little screen and pretend to be all knowing based on Internet and Tweets.LOL

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What are we getting?

Sep 12, 2012, 11:08 PM [ in reply to ACC is getting a lot more than what Notre Dame is ]

A basketball program that is middle of the road in the BE, and will be middle of the road in the ACC? For all the hype they get from Digger Phelps take a look at their record the past 20 years. They are slightly better than we are in hoops.

One less bowl as a conference most years, and rest assured that Notre Dame will not ever be stealing away trips to Shreveport, DC, or San Francisco. They'll be picking a little higher in the order and forcing ACC teams that earned that bowl bid by playing a full conference slate to the less desirable bowls. Don't think so? Go ask WVU about 2002 and their 9 win, 2nd place in the Big East team getting "rewarded" with a Continental Tire Bowl game against UVA because Notre Dame took the Gator Bowl bid that year. Think it can't happen to Clemson? West Virginia is regarded at about the same level as Clemson in regards to bowl travel.

Baseball isn't horrible, but will be middle of the road at best most years.

We might see a token increase in the TV payout, but nothing that will significantly close the gap between us and the Big XII/Pac12/B1G/SEC. The Big East is negotiating with ESPN right now, but all indications are they intend to put their rights on the open market once the exclusive renegotiation window expires Nov 1, and when they hit the open market they stand a good chance at making close to what we are making simply because NBC Sports needs college programming beyond what they have right now and they are willing to pay for it. While we aren't going to be in the same group as the Mountain West or Conf USA there is going to be a clear line of demarcation between us and the Big Four. Eventually that is going to become very difficult to overcome when it comes to retaining coaches, enhancing facilities, and recruiting.

SO what exactly are we getting out of this deal again? A home sellout once every 6 years or so?

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Not Really

Sep 12, 2012, 10:54 PM


Notre Dame was powerful enough to join the Big East in 1995 without surrendering any of its football independence. Contrast that with today, when Notre Dame athletic director Jack Swarbrick said in a news release that the deal with the ACC will "maintain our historic independence in football."

Technically, he is correct. But it is independence by a vote of 7-5. Notre Dame will play seven games against whomever it chooses, and five games against the ACC. It is a weaker, meeker Notre Dame that made a deal with the ACC, the Monty Python knight yelling, "merely a flesh wound" as it loses limb after limb. Notre Dame has made sacrifices that the university and its partisans never dreamed would have to be made even a decade ago.

But by all means keep believing your bull

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Agree 100%

Sep 12, 2012, 11:26 PM


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Sep 12, 2012, 11:56 PM

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