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now the full court press to stop the football season starts
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now the full court press to stop the football season starts

Aug 29, 2020, 5:34 PM

keep in mind its safe to go to the national mall in dc and pack in like sardines over 100k that doesnt spread the virus though


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Re: now the full court press to stop the football season starts

Aug 29, 2020, 5:45 PM

We’re gonna look back on this time 20 years from now and just go wow.......this was by far this nations dumbest knee jerk era ever. From Covid to social stuff to politics......just flat out dumb and unproductive.

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if we had a dem president

Aug 29, 2020, 5:49 PM

and it wasnt an election year the hysteria from the media would be no where near where its at ..its sad really

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Re: if we had a dem president

Aug 30, 2020, 12:34 PM

guess it is time to vote dem so we can increase our chances of getting out of this mess...trump is not going to do anything about anything

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Re: if we had a dem president

Aug 30, 2020, 1:08 PM

You are a moron , Trump has done all he can do . He has other things to take care of .
The only reason this Covid crap is still spreading is because dumb a zz Dems want to protest everything because they scared their free stuff will go away.

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I would have liked to have seem Trump acknowledge

Aug 30, 2020, 1:27 PM

COVID as a real pandemic threat, encourage people to follow basic "as up-to-date" science based recommendations as we had at the time, not be dismissive of the threat, and encourage people to protect themselves with basic concepts like wash your hands, wear a mask in crowded or public places, don't touch your face. Leadership in this realm would have done wonders.

Instead, we have a virus creating a political divide.

When I clock in and gear up for my ICU shifts, I don't ask my patients their political affiliation. Our daily response and personal responsibility to ourselves and one another should have been echoed and magnified through the leadership of the highest office in the land.

It was not.

Social issues aside, Trump completely and incompetently mishandled and downplayed COVID.

Side note: I do not expect Trump or ANY politician to know all the ins and outs, especially of a NOVEL virus. I do expect leadership to surround themselves with educated experts and to adhere to, follow, and encourage the support of those recs.

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With all due respect

Aug 30, 2020, 1:38 PM

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You are absolutely correct. I have the benefit of hindsight.

Aug 30, 2020, 7:11 PM

We did not ever see the numbers in March and April we expected; during the shutdown.

We then DID and still have the numbers after reopening. Specifically, 2 weeks after July 4th, we hit out peak to this point and have continued to carry 20-24 COVID pos pts in a 30 bed ICU. In the other 130 licensed adult beds, we have another 25-30 pts. We have had to "create" additional ICU space on a telemetry floor to house another 4 "non COVID" ICU pts.

Anesthesiologists, cardiologists, and interventional cardiologists have been caring for and rounding on ICU pts. They are NOT critical care MDs. GI and another group (escapes me at the moment bc I'm on the regular floors less) have been rounding and caring for patients with the Hospitalists/Intern MDs. Not sure about you, but I never thought I'd see the day where an Anesthesiologist and a tele RN are the team caring for a critically ill ICU pt.

We've had telemetry RNs working alongside ICU RNs to care for the "less sick" ICU pts.
We have seen the surge and the numbers, it just took a while to get here bc, I guess (genuine), it turns out the shutdown did buy us some time to ramp up equipment and maybe a little more understanding.

I think it's important for a leader to not show panic and create mass hysteria, maybe that was his goal, but if so, he overplayed it.

Trump had a responsibility to echo the recommendations of the scientists and advisers around him (not the political ones!) and encourage the basics: wash your hands, don't touch your face, wear a mask in public or crowded spaces.

Don't you wonder where our economy would be right now if he could have delivered that unifying message: maintain the calm, but promote the best advice for the country at the time (and is still true today!)?

We still know very little about this virus or how to treat it. We can look at very short term mortality numbers, but have no clue what the long term implications of contracting the virus are. Chickenpox aint just chickenpox anymore right? Ask anyone who has had shingles.

I genuinely try to provide objective and honest assessments. I feel the criticism I have in this circumstance is warranted. I appreciate you asking and calling me out and hope to always be as transparent and honest about being right or wrong, or just matter of fact about what I see in my little sample size out here.

FWIW, I flew across country last week, took my daughter to Magic and Animal Kingdoms down in Disney, went out to dinner in Orlando 3 nights in a row, rented a car, and stayed in a hotel. I DO NOT live in fear, I do wash my hands, try not to touch my face, try to keep distance, and wear a mask. So far, so good ????

Be well, and GOOO TIGERS!!!!

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Re: You are absolutely correct. I have the benefit of hindsight.

Aug 30, 2020, 7:42 PM

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Helped with an ICU pt, 31yo female, only has asthma, otherwise healthy.

Aug 30, 2020, 8:08 PM

Definitely seen younger this time around.

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LOL - Trump followed the advice of Fauci almost to a T

Aug 30, 2020, 10:05 PM

- it was Fauci who first said "masks weren't necessary"

- it was Fauci who first said "the flu is what you would be better worried about"

- it was the Democratic leadership (DeBlasio, Cuomo, Pelosi, et al) who said to "go on and live your life" in February and March

- it was Fauci who has continually poo-poo'ed the use of HCQ and derivatives, even as it was he who was in the best position to insure Trials were being run effectively - but now months later, the jury's still out (and please, this isn't a pro-Trump suggestion - everyone knows he was simply trying to be positive but had absolutely ZERO medical knowledge)

- it was also the CDC and NIH that were totally unprepared for this Pandemic even as South Korea and Taiwan WERE PREPARED. The US Medical profession IN TOTAL was unprepared for the need to test and return results immediately, test at extremely high volumes, test in places other than Doctors' offices where the infected would be commingled with her population, trace at extreme high volumes using technology to do so, elicit Private Sector assistance to do these things with existing preparations, elicit Private sector assistance to build tests, etc. ad nauseam. And as the HCQ mess has shown, we can't even run Trials without Politicizing them so bad that they become ineffective in actually testing a treatment.

Frankly it was a complete #### show in the Medical profession, and you of all people should be mad as #### because it was the front line workers (along with the victims) who bore the pain of these up front failures.

Hail, the CDC didn't even have an effective protocol set for how to decide what were the most important factors for their Tests to accomplish - their initial Testing solution was not only too cumbersome, it also actually failed from a disease identification standpoint.

I could go on and on.

To lay this on "Trump" is ridiculous to the point of being disingenuous, and I am appalled that someone of your stature on this site would make such a statement. It is clear that you are a very well-meaning person - it's also clear that the Medical Profession stupidly and almost uniformly falls to the Left in their predilections, even as it has been the Deep State that has let them down. SARS hit the US in 2003 - the NIH and CDC have had 17 years to get ready. Trump was fighting a sham Impeachment when the virus hit - he's had 6 months.

Could Trump have pushed "social distancing" more. Sure. Could Fauci have supported him more without being Politicized. Good Lord yes.

And the real problem is that Trump isn't the Subject Matter Expert - he's he Commander in Chief. I don't want him making detailed Health Policy decisions any more than I want him designing tactical plans for a War on Terror in Afghanistan or Iraq. He's simply not capable - and that isn't his JOB.

When people stop acting in a political fashion, then maybe this world will be a better place for all of us.

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Re: I would have liked to have seem Trump acknowledge

Aug 30, 2020, 2:51 PM [ in reply to I would have liked to have seem Trump acknowledge ]

So in January Trump should have surrendered his self with better Dr’s and Scientists that knew how to handle Covid better ? Can’t believe his team did not know more about it when it first started.

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That's not what I said at all. But I have given

Aug 30, 2020, 7:15 PM

enough voice to this already if you wanna read my 2nd response. Per Dr Fauci and other scientists who've since left the CDC, the recall were given and largely downplayed by our president. That is the point.

Its OK for people to make mistakes. I do all the time. Own them, adjust, correct, move forward.

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Re: I would have liked to have seem Trump acknowledge

Aug 30, 2020, 7:18 PM [ in reply to I would have liked to have seem Trump acknowledge ]

Do adults really need their President to tell them to wash their hands?

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As a part of the a few simple guidelines

Aug 30, 2020, 8:06 PM

to keep the country safe, open, and functioning, apparently so.

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Re: I would have liked to have seem Trump acknowledge

Aug 30, 2020, 10:17 PM [ in reply to I would have liked to have seem Trump acknowledge ]

It's a #### shame. And people lost livelihoods and businesses.

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Re: if we had a dem president

Aug 30, 2020, 11:16 PM [ in reply to Re: if we had a dem president ]

How about we blame China for spreading the virus world wide. While closing all travel from Wuhan inside of China but let international flites continue until Trump banded flites from China.
China is to blame for the whole mess. come on man.

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Re: now the full court press to stop the football season starts

Aug 29, 2020, 6:29 PM

World News Tonight can report all the Covid numbers that they want. There is no way football will be canceled in Alabama.

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Re: now the full court press to stop the football season starts

Aug 29, 2020, 9:14 PM

Wow. years from now we will say, how did a wealthy society completely screw this up which resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and many long term disabilities. Hint: Denial and incompetence.

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Re: now the full court press to stop the football season starts

Aug 29, 2020, 9:16 PM

Maybe they don't teach math at Clemson anymore? These numbers eclipse wars.

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Re: now the full court press to stop the football season starts

Aug 29, 2020, 10:34 PM

Didn't realize they sent 80 year olds and the unhealthy into wars... if your going to compare to war deaths, years of life remaining is the number you would have to look at. While still sad, there is a difference between a healthy 20 year old being killed in war (with 50+ years of life expectancy remaining) and and an 80 year old cancer patient with 1 year life expectancy with or without catching a virus.

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Re: now the full court press to stop the football season starts***

Aug 30, 2020, 12:31 PM

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Re: now the full court press to stop the football season starts***

Aug 30, 2020, 12:31 PM [ in reply to Re: now the full court press to stop the football season starts ]

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Re: now the full court press to stop the football season starts***

Aug 30, 2020, 12:31 PM [ in reply to Re: now the full court press to stop the football season starts ]

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

you should probably drink more bourbon,,,

Aug 29, 2020, 10:35 PM [ in reply to Re: now the full court press to stop the football season starts ]

anxiety is a bad thing..

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Re: you should probably drink more bourbon,,,

Aug 29, 2020, 10:42 PM

The college athletes are safer in their football bubble getting tested multiple times a week than at home or on campus taking classes online. You don’t stop their gatherings, cookouts, parties, etc.. unless you have some kind of accountability & protocols like what a coach puts in place for the season. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t know many college kids...??

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Re: now the full court press to stop the football season starts

Aug 30, 2020, 12:36 AM [ in reply to Re: now the full court press to stop the football season starts ]

The sad part is you actually believe what you just posted.

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Drink Your Clown Kool-Aid and Watch Your NBC News

Aug 30, 2020, 11:03 AM [ in reply to Re: now the full court press to stop the football season starts ]

Truly go look at the data. Unemployment, Social unrest, homelessness and a wrecked economy will cause more than 180k deaths of people generally 76+ who could have just as easily died from pneumonia, flu or other common diseases.

By the way Biden won't win.

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Re: Drink Your Clown Kool-Aid and Watch Your NBC News

Aug 30, 2020, 12:35 PM

username checks out

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Re: now the full court press to stop the football season starts

Aug 30, 2020, 3:05 PM [ in reply to Re: now the full court press to stop the football season starts ]

I bet you none of those 1200 will die. Go ahead and act like covid is killing everybody and that we should all stay home. That is wonderful for our economy.

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They can't come right out and say so, but they are obviously

Aug 30, 2020, 12:21 AM

developing Herd Immunity. All will have gone through it before season starts.

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Re: They can't come right out and say so, but they are obviously

Aug 30, 2020, 9:55 AM

great. so in other words, roughly 3 million deaths through this wave, if it turns out the mortality rate is only 1% while it burns through the populace.

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Re: They can't come right out and say so, but they are obviously

Aug 30, 2020, 11:14 AM

The .05% death rate should continue to go down as long as elderly and immunocompromised stay isolated. We’ve learned enough by now to know the best path forward. Pushing for continued destruction of economic and social norms among the healthy at this point is a political ploy or uniformed fear mongering.

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I have a serious dose of reality for you. It WILL burn

Aug 30, 2020, 1:30 PM [ in reply to Re: They can't come right out and say so, but they are obviously ]

through the entire population, eventually, even if everyone exerts their best safety practices. It will just take much longer, which was the whole initial rationale for all we have gone through, to slow the spread to not overwhelm the health care system.

Since I am in the high risk group according to several pre-existing conditions, it certainly gives me no joy to admit I will eventually be exposed. I, like many others, am hoping and praying that a vaccine finds me before the virus does.

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Coots are making a good run as well

Aug 30, 2020, 1:46 PM

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Re: Coots are making a good run as well

Aug 30, 2020, 11:34 PM

That is predominantly the numbers from USC’s mandatory testing the week of returning to campus. That’s how big the delay is. It is also before DHEC got busted for only putting in positive numbers from private labs (private labs = any non-DHEC run testing site). So the increase in case volume was entirely predictable and the rise in % positivity was deliberately contrived.

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