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FGF still talking about Newspring...lol
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FGF still talking about Newspring...lol

Nov 29, 2021, 9:24 AM

I know its just a handful of the idiots on there that do this but.. what is with the "Newspring is funneling money to Clemson" thing? Like how is that still used? What would a church gain from Clemson having a good football team? How dumb is that? What sense could that even make? do great football recruits tithe more than the bad ones? There's a special kind of dumb that is smeared on those people on that message board.. goodness.. I figured by year 8 of this beat down streak they would just come to grips with being a horrible football program but...nope. They still think its the SEC schedule and newspring that beats them every year. NEver ceases to amaze me.

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Re: FGF still talking about Newspring...lol

Nov 29, 2021, 9:31 AM

You are looking at the most jealousy fan base in all of college football . They will always makes excuses, ride the SEC coat tail and be the laughing stock . Heck the big brother teams that that sit beside and look up too in the SEC think of them as a scrimmage team and make fun of them .
All you can do is just say Bless your heart to them .

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As far as that, like Doc Holliday said in Tombstone,

Nov 29, 2021, 9:33 AM

"And this time, it's legal."

Just get Newspring to show the Coots their Star, and move on. :)

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Re: As far as that, like Doc Holliday said in Tombstone,

Nov 29, 2021, 9:37 AM

Jealous fan base = correct. They have no original thoughts. They even planted hedges around the field to copy Georgia’s between the hedges look.

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Re: FGF still talking about Newspring...lol

Nov 29, 2021, 9:39 AM

FGF is good entertainment right now.

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Re: FGF still talking about Newspring...lol

Nov 29, 2021, 9:41 AM

NewSpring opened a location in Columbia over 10 years ago. The thought that a church with a presence in Columbia would take donations from Columbia attendees and re-distribute to Clemson football players is completely absurd. But I guess believing that is more palatable than coming to grips with the harsh reality of your program's ineptitude.

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Re: FGF still talking about Newspring...lol

Nov 29, 2021, 9:41 AM

Those are undercover tiger fans poking at the coot fans. Even coots are not that dumb...

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FGF is a bunch of knuckle-dragging mouth breathers...

Nov 29, 2021, 9:43 AM

whose collective brain power couldn't generate enough energy to light a firefly's a$$.

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Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

Re: FGF still talking about Newspring...lol

Nov 29, 2021, 9:45 AM

Well it's legal now so go eff yourself you inbred coots!Hahaha

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There is a Newspring in Columbia***

Nov 29, 2021, 12:49 PM

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Geville Tiger on Clemson football , "Dabo's only problem is he has to deal with turd fans questioning every move he makes.”

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