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A Non-Story
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A Non-Story

Jan 30, 2019, 11:33 AM

Why did it take 2 weeks to realize that some players did not go the WH ? And this is not even a story. Just more GARBAGE to stir up anything negative. It should surprise no one to learn that not all went. I guess that got all they could out of the fast food story. I'm betting the players that did not go would love to have gone but got so much pressure from parents, friends etc to make a stupid political statement about something that should not be political at all.

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Re: A Non-Story

Jan 30, 2019, 11:59 AM

It seems that many so-called journalists will stoop to no low to run a controversial story. The integrity of that profession is at an all time low and appears it will continue to degrade as newspapers and magazines die.

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Re: A Non-Story

Jan 30, 2019, 1:11 PM

It's definitely one thing the Donald got right. The media: "LIARS!!!!!!!!" Not just for saying things that aren't true, but for posing as journalists when they are really no more than slanderers, gossip columnists, pathetic pundits, poor prognosticators, and trouble makers. The fourth estate has dropped in the rankings, IMO.

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Re: A Non-Story

Jan 30, 2019, 12:02 PM

I just got a text asking me about this. I was thinking the same thing. The White House visit was 2 weeks ago. Why is this story coming out now? It looks like it originates from "The Root," an online publication who styles itself as Black News (their words, not mine). They are quoting anonymous players from the team, so there is no way to confirm this story. The only named source is from a Clemson AVP who gives a pretty reasonable explanation to why 1/3 of the team did not go to the White House.

I saw an attempt at this story right after the White House visit. It didn't go anywhere, presumably because it isn't true. But, in today's day of clickbait news, if it doesn't stick, wait a little while and try again in a different news cycle. This time it got picked up by all the usual suspects. I haven't read every single one of them, but as far as I can tell there is not a single "on the record" comment from a student-athlete.

I have a hard time imagining anyone on this Championship team boycotting a visit to the White House. I have an even harder time believing any student-athlete on this team would talk to the media. That's my opinion.

The Root, however, is in the business of inciting people. It's how they make money. And, when you don't cite any official sources, it doesn't matter if it's true or not.

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The Root is a bigoted, race-baiting site

Jan 30, 2019, 12:10 PM

with zero redeeming value. They exist to justify and rationalize racial hatred and divide people. It's basically black Stormfront, but since it's politically correct to hate whitey nobody says a word.

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yeah, they aren't too shy about it either***

Jan 30, 2019, 2:50 PM

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The timing is certainly intentional

Jan 30, 2019, 12:22 PM [ in reply to Re: A Non-Story ]

He didn't want this article to get lost in the McDonald's debate that was going on immediately afterwards.

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There were quite a few comments made on social media***

Jan 30, 2019, 12:29 PM [ in reply to Re: A Non-Story ]

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Anyone who was paying attention at the time knew a lot of guys didn't go

Jan 30, 2019, 12:24 PM

It's a story again now I guess because of that Root story where the author talked to a few players about the visit.

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Tell 'em u5c coot

Jan 30, 2019, 2:06 PM

slow day at the chicken house ?

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Re: A Non-Story

Jan 30, 2019, 2:43 PM

Most of the guys that went were Fresh and Soph; that means they probably didn't go last year.

Bottom line: Who cares? They stayed home and didn't make a big deal out of it. It sounds to me like a personal decision rather than a political one. Good for them.

I appreciate the players comments about the team relationship and lack of pressure put on by Clemson. That spotlight, especially when politicized, can be poison. Our players have seemed to rise above it. That is a good lesson for those watching.

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