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A goody from Facebox
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A goody from Facebox

Jan 8, 2013, 8:04 AM

Pres Obama declares ND the BCS Natl Chmps-They are entitled to 1/2 of Bama's points. Then he'll tell Nick Saban "You didn't build that"

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Re: A goody from Facebox

Jan 8, 2013, 8:39 AM


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Re: A goody from Facebox

Jan 8, 2013, 8:49 AM

"President Obama created quite the stir last weekend in a speech at a fire station in Roanoke, Virginia. In the speech, he made some remarks that touched a nerve of several hot-button issues of business, tax rates of the wealthy, and government spending on programs and infrastructure. “If you’ve got a business,” said Obama, “you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”


2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"Clemson has been historically better than Carolina. That's pretty obvious." - Classof09

"No one knew we were overhyped until the season started." - Classof09

Re: A goody from Facebox

Jan 8, 2013, 9:18 AM

You're so right. He wasn't talking about the infrastructure that businesses require, and use, in order to be successful or anything.

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Re: A goody from Facebox

Jan 8, 2013, 9:30 AM

don;t waste your time, he probably watches Hee Haw and eats pigs ears.

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Re: A goody from Facebox

Jan 8, 2013, 9:43 AM

So being a republican automatically makes me a backwoods redneck? Care to explain how that works? I'm actually an educated IT Project Manager that has opinions and beliefs.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"Clemson has been historically better than Carolina. That's pretty obvious." - Classof09

"No one knew we were overhyped until the season started." - Classof09

Re: A goody from Facebox

Jan 8, 2013, 9:50 AM

So you don;t watch Hee Haw?

Congrats on having a job.

As far as your opinions, they are not your alone. They were cleverly implanted by Fox news.

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Re: A goody from Facebox

Jan 8, 2013, 10:05 AM

I thought you lefties were supposed to be more understanding of everyone?

I love how my opinions are implanted by a station I have NEVER watched. I actually read and research and base my opinions on my own comprehension and personal beliefs.

So, are your opinions implanted by dem stations?

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"Clemson has been historically better than Carolina. That's pretty obvious." - Classof09

"No one knew we were overhyped until the season started." - Classof09

Re: A goody from Facebox

Jan 8, 2013, 10:40 AM

No, didn't you know ---

Liberals are impervious to hive mind behavior. All of their opinions are solely their own, and aren't a result of a collective sense of the need to tout their intellectual superiority in the name of progressivism.

No, liberals are completely original. That they are.

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True - I saw that on MSNBC one time.***

Jan 8, 2013, 10:45 AM

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: A goody from Facebox

Jan 8, 2013, 10:36 AM [ in reply to Re: A goody from Facebox ]

If all else fails, imply that conservatives don't think for themselves just because they have differing opinions.

That liberal open-mindedness knows no bounds. Unless, of course, your beliefs aren't in line with theirs.

The only difference between conservatives and liberals is that liberals have convinced themselves that they're tolerant, introspective and worldly. When in fact, they're the most militant of breed of them all.

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Re: A goody from Facebox

Jan 8, 2013, 10:39 AM [ in reply to Re: A goody from Facebox ]

Can liberals have a conversation without insults?

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Re: A goody from Facebox

Jan 8, 2013, 10:41 AM

No, they can't. Which speaks to their fabricated emphasis on intellectual curiosity and open discussion.

It's hypocrisy at it's finest. If a conservative acts that way, they are labeled a bigot, Fascist or redneck. When a liberal acts that way, he's just fighting the good fight.

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That's a liberal for you.

Jan 8, 2013, 10:07 AM [ in reply to Re: A goody from Facebox ]

Insulting conservatives.

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"that" = infrastructure

Jan 8, 2013, 11:31 AM [ in reply to Re: A goody from Facebox ]

Funny how the GOP built their entire campaign slogan on a quote that was taken out of context.

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