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imagine how bad Olsen and schussler must be at QB...
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imagine how bad Olsen and schussler must be at QB...

Oct 26, 2014, 2:02 AM

But seriously I don't know how we win in Atlanta.

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DW will play.***

Oct 26, 2014, 2:04 AM

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DW gun pick that crap defense apart***

Oct 26, 2014, 2:09 AM

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Re: imagine how bad Olsen and schussler must be at QB...

Oct 26, 2014, 2:32 AM

Yea, sometimes I wish they would put one of them in just to see if the offense can get a spark or something

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i dont buy it for 1 second

Oct 26, 2014, 4:41 AM

yet another example in a long list of upperclassmen who continue to sop up minutes that belong to underclassmen.

artavis scott vs humphries
crowder vs whatever else theyve rotated through there
guillermo vs norton
choice/gallman vs dj

i cant fathom a D1 QB being unable to throw anything better than those slings downfield which are 50:50 for getting picked. in all honesty, cole's numbers this year should be closer to 2 touchdowns and 9 interceptions. aint no possible way schuessler/olson could be worse than that.

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Re: i dont buy it for 1 second

Oct 26, 2014, 6:21 AM

I hardly ever agree with tigrrfan, but in this case...he's right.

The statement early in the year from the coaches that Cole was the best starter says to me that the coaches are either liars or poor evaluators of potential in-game talent. It does seem that one automatically gets bonus points for just being an upperclassman...and that there is sometimes a complete disregard for an obvious talent gap.

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He's way wrong. Alot more goes into a QB than throwing

Oct 26, 2014, 6:31 AM

the football. As a true freshman, Deshaun has to learn a very complicated offense, has to learn how to read college defenses, and has to adjust to the speed of the college game. A senior has a big advantage of that.

There was a reason why the coaches said all along Deshaun was gonna play even with Cole being the starter. They knew he was the better player, he just had to learn and get ready mentally and the coaches wanted to be sure he was, esp with playing 2 huge games on the road to start the year. That's a tall task for a freshman.

I think Deshaun progressed faster than everyone could've imagined and our team is better for it, but he wasn't held b/c of poor evaluation of talent. He was held back until he was fully ready to take over and in the FSU game the coaches saw he was ready to do that and they let him loose!

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I wish I could live in a Fantasy world***

Oct 26, 2014, 6:40 AM

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Re: I wish I could live in a Fantasy world***

Oct 26, 2014, 6:45 AM

You do live in one , Coot . You choose to masquerade as a rival teams "supporter" on a rivals site.
That is front row seat at the fantasy show , nimrod.

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Marlborocountycapon = tigerfanjack = Clemson_Alumnus

Oct 26, 2014, 10:40 AM [ in reply to I wish I could live in a Fantasy world*** ]


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U do , Tigerinvegas is right.***

Oct 26, 2014, 10:44 AM [ in reply to I wish I could live in a Fantasy world*** ]

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Re: He's way wrong. Alot more goes into a QB than throwing

Oct 26, 2014, 6:42 AM [ in reply to He's way wrong. Alot more goes into a QB than throwing ]

Seriously? All I can do is laugh at the part about the senior reading defenses better. Watson is LIGHT YEARS ahead of Cole. Just because daddy was a QB doesn't mean Cole is.

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Re: He's way wrong. Alot more goes into a QB than throwing

Oct 26, 2014, 6:44 AM [ in reply to He's way wrong. Alot more goes into a QB than throwing ]

Also if he was "ready" to take over why did they start with Cole? They went to Watson after Cole couldn't produce anything. I still say if Watson starts that game we win by 2 touchdowns.

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