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New Story: Swinney not in favor of Big Ten schools holding camps in ACC territory
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New Story: Swinney not in favor of Big Ten schools holding camps in ACC territory

Apr 22, 2015, 4:03 PM

Swinney not in favor of Big Ten schools holding camps in ACC territory

This summer, coaches from Penn St. will travel into North Carolina to hold a “satellite camp” at Davidson College near Charlotte, effectively setting up camp in the backyards of schools like Clemson, South Carolina, Wake Forest, North Carolina St. and North Carolina. Dabo Swinney thinks that Big Ten schools are taking advantage of a league loophole, and he doesn't like it. Full Story »

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Re: New Story: Swinney not in favor of Big Ten schools holding camps in ACC territory

Apr 22, 2015, 4:05 PM

TQ79 is not going to like this...


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Franklin should just do what Urban does and read Tigernet.

Apr 22, 2015, 4:05 PM

He reads about our new offers and then offers the same players. Saves OSU loads of time and money.

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Re: Franklin should just do what Urban does and read Tigernet.

Apr 22, 2015, 4:10 PM

I dont think he is that good and I suspect he will fail at Penn St

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Re: Franklin should just do what Urban does and read Tigernet.

Apr 22, 2015, 4:22 PM

The B1G is trying everything to get the recruits from the SE. Live in B1G country and they all think it is the only conference. Hate them as much as the SEC. Maybe when they are holding their camps, it will rain really hard each day. The schools that allow it I hope they lose all of their recruits.

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Re: Franklin should just do what Urban does and read Tigernet.

Apr 22, 2015, 6:18 PM

you're telling me nothing. I live in Central Ohio. Easy to hate the buckeyes. Nonstop media hype about those bozos

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Re: Franklin should just do what Urban does and read Tigernet.

Apr 22, 2015, 6:21 PM

delta is ready when you are!

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Re: Franklin should just do what Urban does and read Tigernet.

Apr 22, 2015, 6:24 PM

Yeah but I'm being the good dad and family member. Sadly

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Tell 'em leadcoot

Apr 23, 2015, 10:20 AM [ in reply to Re: Franklin should just do what Urban does and read Tigernet. ]


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Re: Franklin should just do what Urban does and read Tigernet.

Apr 23, 2015, 8:37 AM [ in reply to Re: Franklin should just do what Urban does and read Tigernet. ]

If Franklin wanted to coach in the South, he should have stayed at Vanderbilt.

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Tell 'em Dabo!

Apr 22, 2015, 4:17 PM

GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Tell 'em Dabo!

Apr 22, 2015, 5:32 PM

pumper in the HOUSE! go athomas, do your thing, you ex lineman, history major.

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Re: Tell 'em Dabo!

Apr 22, 2015, 5:34 PM

#### lover in the HOUSE! go lead tiger do your thing, you #### loving pretend clemson fan fool.

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Tell 'em leadcapon

Apr 23, 2015, 10:19 AM [ in reply to Re: Tell 'em Dabo! ]

sad, very sad

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Re: Tell 'em Dabo!

Apr 22, 2015, 6:26 PM [ in reply to Tell 'em Dabo! ]


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Re: New Story: Swinney not in favor of Big Ten schools holding camps in ACC territory

Apr 22, 2015, 4:24 PM

Did something slip by me. But isn't Penn St. still on something close to lifetime NCAA probation. Oh now I see, they think that the southern boy athletes don't know nothing about the nasties that was going on with dem yankees.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: New Story: Swinney not in favor of Big Ten schools holding camps in ACC territory

Apr 22, 2015, 4:27 PM

No, the NCAA lifted it.

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Re: New Story: Swinney not in favor of Big Ten schools holding camps in ACC territory

Apr 22, 2015, 4:44 PM

I liked Franklin at the Nashville Medical College when he was giving the coots all they could handle.
I agree, having a camp in the south is extremely advantageous to schools from the frozen wastelands , and it should be put in check.
Do what Dabo has done , hire people that are good at it , have a plan that makes sense and then build the most beautiful , sublime setting you can around your college that mimics Clemson University...that's the ticket.

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Re: New Story: Swinney not in favor of Big Ten schools holding camps in ACC territory

Apr 22, 2015, 4:49 PM

Why the he....anyone would want to go to school up there is beyond me!!

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Re: New Story: Swinney not in favor of Big Ten schools holding camps in ACC territory

Apr 22, 2015, 5:04 PM

It's hard to put into words how much impact a visit to our beloved campus has on a prospective player. I appreciate the effort the coach Swinney and his staff pour into their camps and into making these young men feel at home.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I would simply have a recruiting video of B1G 10 winters.***

Apr 22, 2015, 5:08 PM

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Maybe Brad Brownell should have camps in ....

Apr 22, 2015, 5:12 PM

Baltimore, Washington, New York,Boston, Chicago Muwaukee, St. louis, Cleveland, Indianopolis etc.

This could get out of hand pretty easy if the NCAA does not get a hold of it.

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And Leggett could have a baseball camp in Maine ...***

Apr 22, 2015, 5:13 PM

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Re: New Story: Swinney not in favor of Big Ten schools holding camps in ACC territory

Apr 22, 2015, 5:19 PM

Does the NCAA actively go out of its way to be stupid and prove its insignificance? Simply absurd.
And...let me clarify my understanding of this. Penn State conducted satellite 'camps' while still on probation and bowl ineligible? Did I get that right. So, any recruiting restrictions are essentially undone by this 'loophole'?

If there is a more lawless enforcement agency other than the NCAA...and the NSA?

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: New Story: Swinney not in favor of Big Ten schools holding camps in ACC territory

Apr 24, 2015, 10:51 AM

Have you ever heard of the United Nations?

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Memo to Northern Football Programs

Apr 22, 2015, 5:37 PM

& people from up North:

Stay home. Schools from up North should not be setting up satellite recruiting stations in states in the South. Your schools are located there, not here. Sorry that your University is located in the North. You built it, you own it.

You don't see Southerners moving up North, vacationing up North, sending their kids to college up North, retiring up North, or buying vacation homes up north. Why? Because the North is a dumpster-fire, and apparently a lot of Northerners agree with me because they're carpet-bagging it down here in record numbers.

EVERYBODY needs to follow the rules.

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Memo to Northern Football Programs

Apr 22, 2015, 6:03 PM

Reckless, Some southerners move north. I am originally from SC but I moved north right after graduation with my CU diploma. There are a lot of us here in the NY market that are Clemson alumni and many are originally from the south. I agree with you and Dabo about the football camps from the Big Ten setting up shop out of their geographic region-- bad idea. But what does that have to do with northern people in general?
Also- Sammy Watkins says "Hi from Buffalo, NY"

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Re: Memo to Northern Football Programs

Apr 23, 2015, 8:47 AM

You just pointed to a few outliers.

There's a drastic population shift going on in this country and unless you've been living under a rock you're probably aware that people are moving from North to South.

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

True, but

Apr 23, 2015, 9:01 AM [ in reply to Re: Memo to Northern Football Programs ]

in the end, I bet a lot of you (and Sammy as well) end up back South eventually.

My Dad, from Manning, took a job in NYC after graduating from Clemson. Then we moved to Syracuse for a few years. After a couple of winters shoveling snow, we moved to Charlotte where I grew up.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Memo to Northern Football Programs

Apr 22, 2015, 6:28 PM [ in reply to Memo to Northern Football Programs ]

Agree with Dabo and agree on the rules. Stay away from our territory. Go Tigers..

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Re: Memo to Northern Football Programs

Apr 22, 2015, 7:32 PM [ in reply to Memo to Northern Football Programs ]

Well the reason for people moving, retiring, schooling, etc. in the south is because it is cheaper and there are less people.

I loved my time at Clemson and it was a wonderful place, but for some reason there are southerners that feel that every square inch of the south is some kind of oasis, and it's just not true. Where I grew up in NJ is nicer than a lot of areas in SC.

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So you agree with me

Apr 23, 2015, 11:38 AM

The South is better. Not sure how you came up with the notion that Southerners think every square inch is an oasis though. That's not my experience.

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Ignorant post

Apr 23, 2015, 7:07 AM [ in reply to Memo to Northern Football Programs ]

If you're talking about vacationing, living, and retiring in the Rust Belt, then yes maybe. But there are lots of great places in the North, from the Michigan UP to Pittsburgh to the coast of Maine. Don't be ignorant.

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Re: Ignorant post

Apr 23, 2015, 8:57 AM

Sorry to have gotten your panties in a wad grover173.

To your point, there are nice places to tailgate in Columbia, does that mean their campus is pretty? No, compared to Clemson its pretty ugly. Just like the North is a dump compared to the South. I've lived in and visited the North, so I would know...which makes the only thing "ignorant" here is your post.

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Memo to Northern Football Programs

Apr 23, 2015, 7:34 AM [ in reply to Memo to Northern Football Programs ]

Come on Reckless96. Let's not be so biased we don't see the beauty in all parts of our country. Clemson has been a top public university because of its diversity within its student body. Don't even try to get into a stupid pissing contest that you will lose. Summertime in the northeast is a wonderful experience compared to the heat and humidity in the southeast. We can love our Clemson Tigers without calling out our fellow countryman.

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Re: Memo to Northern Football Programs

Apr 23, 2015, 9:09 AM

Clearly you have an affinity for the North, hats off to ya brother. I wish more people felt the same way. Please spread the word...lol! But, in my opinion there's no contest in terms of places to live, the South is hands-down the winner and the vast majority of people agree with me(see Southern migration). I do like striking a nerve with all the Northerner's!

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Message removed by Author

Apr 23, 2015, 9:43 AM [ in reply to Memo to Northern Football Programs ]

Message removed by Author

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Re: carpet baggers?

Apr 23, 2015, 11:32 AM

There it is...the personal attack.

That's how people like you ALWAYS respond when somebody says something you don't like. let me give you some advice:

Throw away your computer, and lock yourself in your house. "You can't handle the truth" :)

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Sounds like coaches in the North finally concede ...

Apr 22, 2015, 6:02 PM

that the players in their state are marginal. Surprised it took this long.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Sounds like coaches in the North finally concede ...

Apr 22, 2015, 6:33 PM

Big 10 has for years come south for team speed.

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Re: New Story: Swinney not in favor of Big Ten schools holding camps in ACC territory

Apr 22, 2015, 6:17 PM

When is ACC day at Davidson this summer ?? Maybe ACC fans should pick a day to attend & show Davidson how we feel about this.....

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Davidson will laugh and say show me the money

Apr 22, 2015, 6:41 PM

I'll bet the check from PSU covers their summer AD budget.

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“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov
Panta Rhei Heraclitus

Re: Davidson will laugh and say show me the money

Apr 22, 2015, 7:25 PM

I'll bet the check isn't that much and they probably get more money from playing SE schools in all sports then loaning a camp.

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Breaking news: Bi-Lo doesn't like Winn Dixie selling food across the street***

Apr 22, 2015, 6:49 PM

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Haha point***

Apr 22, 2015, 7:17 PM

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Doesn't Bi-Lo own Winn Dixie?

Apr 22, 2015, 7:24 PM [ in reply to Breaking news: Bi-Lo doesn't like Winn Dixie selling food across the street*** ]

I know what your point is, but found your choice of stores kind of funny.

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Re: New Story: Swinney not in favor of Big Ten schools holding camps in ACC territory

Apr 23, 2015, 8:19 AM

This s where having other coaches from other programs into your practice leads.
You get too friendly with them, and then they take advantage of that openness.
You have them in for a practice, show them your system, show them your facilities, eat with them
and then they take advantage of your niceness.
This doesn't surprise me at all, and I don't know why it surprises Dabo.

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Nobody from down here wants to play up there in the Winter

Apr 23, 2015, 8:26 AM

host whatever camp you want whenever you want, but signing kids from the South to live in Ohio or Michigan for 3 or 4 years is always going to be a challenge. At the end of the day, your campus and your weather is what it is

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Best Is The Standard

Re: New Story: Swinney not in favor of Big Ten schools holding camps in ACC territory

Apr 23, 2015, 8:52 AM

Let's go back and look at the last, say, 5 to 10 years. How many current and past Clemson Players picked Clemson University over Penn State and.Michigan offers they received? The 2015 Class had about half or better receive offers from Penn and Mich. Sooner or later they will realize that it's a waste of time and effort for " away " camps in the south. GO TIGERS!!!

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Fight fire with Napalm

Apr 23, 2015, 9:55 AM

FCS schools that do this get a 4-year ban from local cupcake scheduling. It would be a totally fair move; small schools can't expect their local big schools to fund your athletic programs with cupcake games if they turn around and pull this garbage.

This could be a league rule for both the SEC and ACC if the power five can't get together to stop this sort of thing. Or it could even be our own rule here.

Little schools would see that a small paycheck for a combine is not worth 4 years of large paychecks from the local big schools.

And Dabo is spot on about our goal, at least, being to get the kids on campus and not trying to have satellite camps. Besides the ethical questions, I'm guessing it would be a high-cost venture with only marginal benefits in exposure.

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Next time, vote Jabba like you're supposed to.

I'll edit myself a little...

Apr 23, 2015, 10:10 AM

Just looked through Davidson's schedules since 1998. Not one single cupcake paycheck game over the last 18 years. AND they play San Diego every year... what kind of conference affiliation is THAT?!?

Still, any school that hosts a satellite camp needs to be banned from the gravy train.

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Next time, vote Jabba like you're supposed to.

I'll edit myself a little... oops

Apr 23, 2015, 10:11 AM [ in reply to Fight fire with Napalm ]

Just looked through Davidson's schedules since 1998. Not one single cupcake paycheck game over the last 18 years. AND they play San Diego every year... what kind of conference affiliation is THAT?!?

Still, any school that hosts a satellite camp needs to be banned from the gravy train.

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Next time, vote Jabba like you're supposed to.

Ha! I love it. Let them do it.

Apr 23, 2015, 11:49 AM

Don't doubt that Dabo can take a tactic like that and make a recruiting rival up north look ridiculous. Not that he would...negative recruiting doesn't seem to be his thing. But like he said, getting his players on campus and being a part of this overall experience is part of his recruiting process. If I'm a recruit, I'm wondering why the Big Ten schools aren't the same. And like the article said, it hasn't really done any good for them, so let them tie up their money and time on this desperate ploy.

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Re: New Story: Swinney not in favor of Big Ten schools holding camps in ACC territory

Apr 23, 2015, 11:49 AM

That's a lot of work just to try to get some out of area recruits.

Do like Ohio State and just use cash, strippers, etc.

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Easy way to fix this

Apr 24, 2015, 11:16 AM

all the schools in the ACC and SEC should just say they won't schedule schools that support satellite camps. Most smaller school athletic departments depend on those game checks to operate.

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Brad Brownell: more losses than any other coach in school history.

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