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Trip to Clemson
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Trip to Clemson


Oct 14, 2023, 7:31 AM

The wife and I are heading down from PA to the Notre Dame game for our anniversary. The kids are staying home. It’ll be her first Clemson game EVER and my first game in like a decade. We’re staying in Greenville with a friend. Where should we park on game day to be a reasonable distance from the stadium? How can we avoid the bumper-to-bumper traffic pre and post game?

We’ll be there Friday through Sunday. I graduated in ‘05, so I’m sure a lot has changed in Clemson. Is there anything I must take her to see around campus/town while we’re there? TIA!

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Re: Trip to Clemson


Oct 14, 2023, 7:42 AM

Really no great way to avoid the traffic. If it’s a noon game arrival will require an early start from Greenville, but many will stay post game so not as bad if you can stay awhile. Opposite problem if it’s a night game. A 3:30 start kind of allows you to arrive early and leave later to avoid the worst of the traffic.

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Appreciate the reply.


Oct 14, 2023, 7:47 AM

How far in advance of game time should we leave to minimize traffic? For planning purposes, how long should we expect the travel time to be? Is it basically only one road in and out?

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Re: Appreciate the reply.


Oct 14, 2023, 8:08 AM

If you want to see downtown/shop and walk around campus, I’d plan on leaving Greenville atleast 5 hrs early. For a noon kick be on the road by 7am, so you can get parked and over to the stadium without having to rush. ND weekend is going be big crowd.

An early arrival would allow to find a paid private parking spot around downtown (homeowners yards or one of the churches). That would be convenient for shopping and still not a bad walk to the stadium. I have a season parking pass at St. Andrews Church. They also have some spots available for drive-ups. I don’t recall the fee, it might $30-40.

I’ll let others advise about best driving route from Greenville, but if parking downtown I would guess coming in from Easley on Hwy 123 would make sense. You can also check for buying an IPTAY parking spot on campus here on Tnet. Depending on the location, you may want a different route into campus.

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St. Andrews was $45. First Baptist was $50.


Oct 14, 2023, 8:58 AM

That was for the Wake game. I assume it is the same for ND.

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Were you able to buy those parking passes in advance?***


Oct 14, 2023, 9:01 AM

Edit: nevermind, I see your post below that says it’s first-come-first-serve.

Message was edited by: clemsonstud05®

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Yeah, I called in advance...


Oct 14, 2023, 9:24 AM

.... and was told no reservations or advance sales.

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Re: Trip to Clemson


Oct 14, 2023, 7:59 AM
IMG_0477.jpeg(86.2 K)

There are a lot of folks that park along Old Stadium Road (see map screenshot). It’s free - which for a cheapskate such as myself is a good thing! Also, if you park so that your car is already pointing the way you come in, you can get out pretty easily. Check the Clemson (IPTAY) site for the traffic flow/patterns pre/post game.

NOTE!!: You want to get there early!

Oh, it may sound crazy, but I’ve found driving past exit 19 on I-85 south, then coming up from Townville is not as congested getting in to Clemson.

There is gameday parking in C Lot on the east side of campus, but it fills quickly and the time (just once) I used it, getting out after the game was brutally slow and congested.

Game day activities will depend on game time. You definitely need to show your bride the campus areas you ‘knew/frequented’ imo. It will definitely show her who you are and why you are like you are (y’know, the Clemson part. Can’t help you with being a stinkin’ Phillies fan 😂😉).

Have a great visit and bring our Tigers the W!


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Whatever choice(s) you make makes you. Choose wisely.

Re: Trip to Clemson


Oct 14, 2023, 8:02 AM

Try North Clemson parking NorthClemsonParking@gmail.com.
St Andrew’s Catholic Church downtown also usually has parking available at a reasonable rate. Maybe call them and see if you can reserve a spot?
I would recommend being in your spot a minimum of 4 hours prior to game time. 6 would be better if it is a later game. Drive time from downtown Greenville is about 45 minutes with no traffic.
Go to the 55 Exchange in the Hendrix Center for ice cream if you have time. Call them Thursday or Friday before the game to get their gameday hours. It changes depending on kickoff time.
Where in PA? We lived up there for about 11 years so I understand how exciting this trip is for y’all.

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We grew up in the Philly burbs.


Oct 14, 2023, 8:41 AM

I’ve lived in South Philly, Bucks & Montgomery Counties, and now reside in Lancaster County.

I’m definitely excited to get back down there, I just wish we were performing a bit better on the season so that the game had playoff implications! Though I assume fans will still show up with energy and passion simply because it’s ND.

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Re: We grew up in the Philly burbs.


Oct 14, 2023, 1:58 PM

We lived in Erie. About as far away from Philly as you can be and still be in PA 😂

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Re: We grew up in the Philly burbs.


Oct 14, 2023, 1:59 PM [ in reply to We grew up in the Philly burbs. ]

Also grew up in Philly burbs, Wayne specifically, graduated from Clemson in 1970, reside now in Chadds Ford, and make the trip for a two week visit with my sister and brother-in-law (also grads) who live on Lake Jocasee, to catch two consecutive home games each year! Trust me you will be amazed at just how much has kept on growing there - I know you guys will have a blast! Go Tigers! Beat Notre Dame!

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Re: Trip to Clemson


Oct 14, 2023, 8:14 AM

I would highly recommend buying a parking pass. Worrying about parking, and not knowing where you will be adds an extra level of stress for sure. As others have said, the game time makes a very significant difference in pretty much everything related to how you spend your day. Not sure where you are staying in Greenville, but make sure you take in the downtown area. They have done an outstanding job over the years in making it a “go to” destination.
Oh, and the best way to get from Greenville to Clemson- there isn’t one! That part hasn’t changed since you were here.

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There are several churches near downtown.


Oct 14, 2023, 8:56 AM

They sell game day tickets, first come first served.

First Baptist, St. Andrews Catholic, and a couple more right there. We parked in the Catholic lot and had no trouble getting to 123. We turned and went toward Seneca. Not sure how bad the traffic will be heading toward Greenville.

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How far in advance of kickoff did you arrive at the Church?

Oct 14, 2023, 9:04 AM


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It was a 3:30 kickoff.


Oct 14, 2023, 9:23 AM

We arrived at 8:00. Baptist church was just opening their lot. We were the second car in the Catholic lot.

1. I have no idea how quickly they filled up.
2. I'm sure there will be more people showing up for ND than for Wake.

We got there early just to make sure we had a parking spot. But, we enjoyed it. Walked toward the campus. Just enjoying the ambiance and atmosphere of a college campus on game day. Went to a Starbucks close to the stadium and had a cup of coffee.

Went to meet some T-net tailgaters around 10:30 or so.

I don't think you would need to get to the parking spot at 8 unless it is a noon game. And, it just depends on what you want to see around campus before the game.

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Re: Trip to Clemson


Oct 14, 2023, 9:06 AM

I have a parking pass in that St. Andrews lot also. You can call and see if you can get a reserve space for game, but they usually only sell the pass at beginning of season. Drive up is pretty easy. My .02 was I was going to say there are about 3 churches it seemed there that had parking on game day you can drive up and get. You take a right past Walk-Ons restaurant(old movie theater) at the light off College Ave. Keep going up that way to Sloan Street. Then you can park and walk downtown on Sloan St. past Nick's, etc.

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This may be a stupid question

Oct 14, 2023, 9:14 AM

But if we want to imbibe and avoid driving, is there public transportation direct from Greenville?

Is Uber a bad idea?

Edit: bump to ask about Uber again.

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Can't help you there.

Oct 14, 2023, 9:26 AM

My drink of choice is either Coke Zero or black coffee.

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Contact this guy


Oct 14, 2023, 10:27 AM [ in reply to This may be a stupid question ]

His name is Terry and he runs a shuttle service around the Upstate. Does a lot of Clemson to airport. Not sure about a game day shuttle, but it’s worth asking. Great guy, too. Oh, this won’t be cheap. It costs me $120 from Seneca to Greenville on a normal, non-game day.
Airport Shuttle

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Re: This may be a stupid question


Oct 14, 2023, 1:17 PM [ in reply to This may be a stupid question ]

I know people that have successfully used Uber to get to Clemson, but they arrived 5-6 hours before the game. I don’t know how it would even be a possibility after the game unless several hours afterward.

I have seen Uber/Lyft drivers getting sent away by police. Around the stadium you have to have a parking pass to get through.

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The thing that will

Oct 15, 2023, 10:55 AM

Surprise you and your wife the most IS The short skirts and low tops !

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