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For all you sunshine pumpers...
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For all you sunshine pumpers...

Nov 12, 2017, 5:31 AM

If we don’t sure up our mistakes and get some people healthy, we won’t beat Miami. Turning the ball over and leaving receivers wide open won’t win that game. I’m sry but it just won’t. Kelly Bryant throwing the ball 5 yards over recievers heads and not making the right reads won’t win it. The defensive backend has played horribly. Offensive coordinators calling awful plays won’t win it. I really hope a new sense of purpose and focus comes over this team or our playoff chances will be short lived.

If you can’t see this, you just aren’t paying attention. I’m happy with 9-1 but let’s be honest, it’s been a pretty shaky 9-1.

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Re: For all you sunshine pumpers...

Nov 12, 2017, 5:38 AM

Did you mean to say shore up ? If not and you just didn't know the idiom , you're welcome .

Also , don't you coots have to get ready for your annual beating ? It's only two weeks away now ...and that's a lot to think about ...for sure .

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Re: For all you sunshine pumpers...

Nov 12, 2017, 6:06 AM

Take off your orange colored glasses.I agree with everything he said.

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Re: For all you sunshine pumpers...

Nov 12, 2017, 6:25 AM

Of course you do , Cootie .
This trolling racket is supposed to be done when your team is the better team , at least this was my understanding .
To the points he faked and that you honnestly agree with ...yes , KB made some errors and has had some struggles with consistency . What I know however is that CFB is a team sport , and Clemson is way more than a bad throw or a dropped pass .
We're 9-1 and should win out to be 11-1 with a date in Charlotte facing a possible unbeaten in UM.
Winner is playoff bound .
Kelly will be the guy taking snaps barring another injury , and his record is 9-1 .
So dump if ya must , but have a little decorum and do it when it makes sense .

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Re: For all you sunshine pumpers...

Nov 12, 2017, 6:01 AM

You must have a different recollection of last year than I do. Seems to me we had lots of close wins last year and DeShaun was spotty at best throughout the season. Yet they rose to the occasion and eventually won the National Championship. I don't consider myself a "sunshine pumper" but it's hard for me to complain when they've won the Atlantic Division of the ACC and will get to play a Miami team that will almost assuredly be ranked in the top 5, which will solidify our standing in the Playoff rankings. So tell me again why I'm supposed to be upset? There aren't any pictures on the scorecard; just numbers. And from where I'm sitting, our numbers look pretty good. Go Tigers!

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Considering I thought we'd lose 3-4 games this yr

Nov 12, 2017, 6:03 AM

I'm pretty pleased. Plus this will probably be our worst offense the next 4 yrs now.

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Re: Considering I thought we'd lose 3-4 games this yr

Nov 12, 2017, 6:05 AM

We need to be concerned with this year's offense, not the next 4.

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Re: Considering I thought we'd lose 3-4 games this yr

Nov 12, 2017, 8:40 AM

Why do WE need to be concerned about the offense? WE have no say so on the offense or the play calling. Never ceases to amaze me how many "coaches" WE have on this board.

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If you thought that, youre not very bright.***

Nov 12, 2017, 7:09 AM [ in reply to Considering I thought we'd lose 3-4 games this yr ]

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Why you gonna get all personal now

Nov 12, 2017, 7:16 AM

It's called a discussion board not an attack board

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Re: For all you sunshine pumpers...

Nov 12, 2017, 6:04 AM

I totally agree.Or offense is shaky at best, and when you are allowing teams back in the game because of turnovers, or the inability to sustain drives, somebody is going to score points on you early, and you might not catch back up.
In fact, as of this moment, I'm glad we don't have to face either Miami or Auburn this weekend.We have got to get some people healthy and get Kelly firing on all 8 cylinders.

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Re: For all you sunshine pumpers...

Nov 12, 2017, 6:29 AM

Auburn still playing the same guys that struggled to get 2 field goals on us ? They got around to a few getting wins ? Good for Gus because we completely stoned that team , embarrassingly so .

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Re: For all you sunshine pumpers...

Nov 12, 2017, 6:12 AM

I agree 100%. A lot of blame has been put on Kelly Bryant, but at the same time nobody has really stepped up to become that primary playmaker on the receiving end. Yes, Bryant is missing his fair share of throws, but our passing game has become anemic. The O Line has done well opening up the run game, but which of our receivers right now could honestly beat the Miami secondary consistently on routes? If all Miami has to defend is the run, there's no way we beat them. On the defensive end, I like the matchup, they aren't an explosive offense. Turnovers and 3 and outs helped generate those 41 points. They do have speed, and leaving them wide open is a great way to lose a game in which points will probably be at a premium. If the offense can find a rhythm through the air at a serviceable level and open up the run-threat of Bryant, bringing 3 phases to the offense, we'll score enough points to beat them. If the secondary can find a way to stay disciplined, look out. Right now though, the matchup concerns me.

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Re: For all you sunshine pumpers...

Nov 12, 2017, 6:37 AM

What about Miami makes you think they will beat Clemson if we play tough defense and produce adequately on offense and special teams ?
We have a better roster ...have far better coaching and oh yeah , we have been there and shown our consistent nature in winning big games .
Miami has bben impressive of late but against who ? VT and ND ? I am not impressed .
They're young and inexperienced . They don't have much depth , and to be frank they're nowhere near as good as people are making them out to be .
Could they beat us ? You bet . I think they will not be able to run the football on us like others haven't been able to , and without offensive balance teams break down agains Venable's defense . If the offense plays with intensity and holds on to the football , I think we beat the Canes by 10+ points.

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Three things that must improve...

Nov 12, 2017, 6:52 AM [ in reply to Re: For all you sunshine pumpers... ]

1) Cain must stop dropping catches

2) Too many turnovers are hard to overcome

3) play calling is too Bryant dependent and UN creative

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Re: For all you sunshine pumpers...

Nov 12, 2017, 6:26 AM

My question, are there multiple coots posting in this thread or one coot with multiple screen names? Axing for a friend

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Re: For all you sunshine pumpers...

Nov 12, 2017, 6:40 AM

I submit that they are one voice ... one people .

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Let's be honest

Nov 12, 2017, 7:10 AM

Your team plays in the worst division in CFB. Several of their victories came against teams who will have a new head coach next year. They couldn't beat Kentucky. It took a miracle to beat La stinking Tech. Their best win was a fluke. NC State out gained your coots 500-250 in total yardage. It's extremely rare that a team wins when they are out gained that much. They handed you the game. You offense is ranked like 114th or something like that. Your defense, just like last year, has inflated numbers from playing offenses just as bad as yours. All this to say why would come on your rival's board to troll? Your house is on fire but you're going to worry about your neighbor burning trash in the back yard. But just like last year you won't realize it until Clemson physically abuses your team for four quarters.


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Don't worry be happy

Nov 12, 2017, 7:39 AM

We are 9-1.

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I want to know what your posts were like last year

Nov 12, 2017, 8:00 AM

Especially after the Pitt loss.

We have areas to improve...no shiite. So do all the teams vying for the playoffs.

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Honestly, if we don't beat Miami we don't beat Miami.

Nov 12, 2017, 8:08 AM

I'll be disappointed but this team has achieved as much as I possibly could've hoped for this year. Of course we still need to beat SC, but if we finish the regular season 11-1 I think it will have been a big success.

And yes we need to play better, particularly on offense, but we also just need to get a bunch of really important players healthy and back on the field.

And Miami certainly hasnt been faultless all season. They played really well in these last two big games at home, but they struggled quite a bit with lesser teams before that. And they are going to be outnumbered at least 10-1 in Charlotte. There's not going to be any home crowd to feed off of. We can beat those guys.

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Re: For all you sunshine pumpers...

Nov 12, 2017, 8:14 AM

We will shut Miami down and our O will score when it needs to. KB is a winner and win he will keep doing.

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Nov 12, 2017, 8:15 AM

"Its been a pretty shaky 9-1"

What? 9-1 Is 9-1. You could have said the exact same thing at this point last year


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Re: For all you sunshine pumpers...

Nov 12, 2017, 8:17 AM

The other teams are not world beaters. VT and ND turned the ball over early and often. That is why those games were blowouts.

OU has no defense. Bama is very much like us this year offensively and defensively. Wisconsin please. We or Bama are a terrible matchup for them, but they would be a bad matchup for OU. Every team has their weaknesses is my point. We do need to start hitting on a couple of these throws though. At least one in each of the last 2 games ices those games.

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Without looking it up, I think we won...

Nov 12, 2017, 8:37 AM

5 games last year by a TD or less.

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