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########## a Negative Into a Positive
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########## a Negative Into a Positive

Nov 2, 2014, 1:04 AM

Hey, South Carolina. Sorry, you can't take ########## from us. You see, phrases only get coined after the popular. Unfortunately, you had the longest losing streak in the nation at one point and no one gave a jack squat!

So what is ########## to you? Is it 63-17, getting your degree, meeting your wife, gathering at the paw, a cadence count in front of Bostoners that have no clue what your talking about (suck it BC)?

Take a negative and turn it into a positive. That way nobody can use it against you. What's ########## to you?

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Re: ########## a Negative Into a Positive

Nov 2, 2014, 1:22 AM

"##########" is a meaningless construct concocted by proliferated by a hostile and liberal press that HATE what the program stands for. Ignore it folks.

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Re: ########## a Negative Into a Positive

Nov 2, 2014, 1:51 AM

Sorry, no.

We earned it.

We're less so the last three years - though that loss at FSU was painfully reminiscent of all those similar losses we managed under Tommy Bowden - but we earned that title fair and square. I can push the wayback machine if you've forgotten, but I haven't.

Remember Megatron's first-ever college game? I do. It was against us. Remember how that went?

Remember losing to Duke the week after going into the Orange Bowl and beating Miami while the Orange Bowl was still standing, and Miami was still good? I do. I also remember Mike O'Cain blearily mumbling afterwards about how "confusing" the Duke defense was.

Remember losing 30-0 against UGA on opening day because our coaching staff tried to jam a 180-pound speed back up the middle while ignoring this guy called Charlie Whitehurst and his fleet of elite receivers that were as good as anything we had even the last couple of years with Sammy/Nuk/Jaron Brown/Martavis Bryant? I do. I also remember going on a monster rampage later on in 2003 that included wiping out #1-ranked FSU and then #6-ranked Tennessee in the Peach Bowl. And oh, yeah, we also blasted the Gamecocks 63-17.

And then, fresh with confidence, we came out and got beat by Texas A&M to start 2004. Badly.

That laundry list of performances - and a dozen others - is why ########## is referred to as ##########, and why Vegas called us the "most scarily random team in college football", and I remember one Vegas site stating categorically: "If you want to lose your shirt, bet for or against Clemson."

We earned that title, whatever face anybody wants to put on it. Sorry.

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You tell em coot***

Nov 2, 2014, 1:00 AM

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Re: ########## a Negative Into a Positive

Nov 2, 2014, 8:01 AM [ in reply to Re: ########## a Negative Into a Positive ]

With the right marketing, the positives can outweigh the negatives. That's the point. It's embracing it and turning it into something positive. ########## is a BCS win, ########## is Sammy Watkins, ########## is a top 20 public university, running down the hill, etc.

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