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tRuMP wiLl KIlL tHe frEe MaRKeT!!
General Boards - Politics
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tRuMP wiLl KIlL tHe frEe MaRKeT!!

May 13, 2024, 2:21 PM

'member back a few hours ago when some dolt on TNet said this:

"Trump has proposed an end to the U.S. free market if he returns to office. Tariffs, trade wars, and the federal government taking more control over corporations" - Lib of Tnet


military_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Since Trump can do no wrong, than you must be agreeing with Biden

May 13, 2024, 2:45 PM

here, right?

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Negative. Tariffs on Chinese EVs wouldn't be needed without the "green new deal"

May 13, 2024, 2:55 PM

Biden has set unobtainable regulations on U.S. automakers and will be putting tariffs on Chinese goods. Both are things CAT stated that Trump would do.

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I didn't state he'd do it. Trump stated he'd do it.

May 13, 2024, 3:00 PM

Maybe you should actually research Trump's economic plan and see what you think.

So, do you support the tariffs or not? You either support Biden here or you oppose Trump on tariffs. There's no wiggle room.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

[Catahoula] used to be almost solely a PnR rascal, but now has adopted shidpoasting with a passion. -bengaline

You are the meme master. - RPMcMurphy®

Trump is not a phony. - RememberTheDanny

Re: I didn't state he'd do it. Trump stated he'd do it.e


May 13, 2024, 3:46 PM

x and I quote, "Trump was much better on Policy", without offering a single example.

You might as well be talking to a 10-year-old with Aspergers.

badge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Mandatory ESG rules for fiduciaries.


May 13, 2024, 4:37 PM

Trump: no
Biden and bammy: yes

military_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

That doesnt exist.***

May 13, 2024, 9:15 PM

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Stupid Trumpers rarely actually take time to read up...

May 13, 2024, 2:59 PM

On what their fat ### orange king is proposing this time around. They're still too busy mouthbreathing over border walls and draconian abortion laws. It's a big ask to get y'all to understand economics, I know. I also consistently call out Biden's as bad as well; you're a partisan imbecile who will support them if Trump does it.

Also, you're such a puss, you can't even call me out by name.

-Unlike his previous tenure, Trump is proposing a potential 10 percent tariffs across the board. All nations. This will spark a trade war and risk hyper inflation. This will create an estimated $1,500 tax increase per household.
-His advisors are also looking to devalue the U.S. dollar in hoping to boost exports.
-They want to provide huge deficit-financed tax cuts without increasing the capacity to produce goods and services to meet the demand.
-Want to deport immigrants? Fine... but that's a huge cut of the U.S. work force. You'll need them to meet these demands.
-There's a risk to the independence of the Federal Reserve under Trump's plans, and if this is too hard for you to grasp, imagine Biden being able to lower interest rates on a whim before an election. Scary, right? Yeah. No president should have this power.
-If Trump follows Hungary's Orban's footsteps, which he and his people are looking to do, he'll nationalize parts of the private sector, and any business that doesn't play ball or looks ripe for a takeover, will be slapped with investigations, blocked mergers, and other efforts to devalue them so Trump allies or the government can step in. It's a plan mapped out in Project 2025 and copies Orban's methods. And kids, what do we call it when an authoritarian government makes such strong arm tactics against the private sector? Have we seen this in history before, children?

Biden's plan is a stupid one to snag cheap votes. But if you think Trump is going to bring a great economy to us with his new plan, you're an idiot who didn't take an economics class.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

[Catahoula] used to be almost solely a PnR rascal, but now has adopted shidpoasting with a passion. -bengaline

You are the meme master. - RPMcMurphy®

Trump is not a phony. - RememberTheDanny

Funny seeing Libs call other people Nazis. Look around.***

May 13, 2024, 3:08 PM

military_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Funny how you basically just said

May 13, 2024, 3:09 PM

"Yeah, I don't have any grasp over economics or what Trump's trying to do, so lemme just focus on your gif."

If you support Trump's economic plan, you support a step toward fascism.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

[Catahoula] used to be almost solely a PnR rascal, but now has adopted shidpoasting with a passion. -bengaline

You are the meme master. - RPMcMurphy®

Trump is not a phony. - RememberTheDanny

No hyperbole there


May 13, 2024, 5:41 PM [ in reply to Stupid Trumpers rarely actually take time to read up... ]

Chatahuahua is fluent in 2 languages.

Strawman and hyperbole.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


May 13, 2024, 5:44 PM

add Jive.


flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Everything I've listed there...


May 13, 2024, 6:31 PM [ in reply to No hyperbole there ]

Trump and his people have said they plan to do. You can't defend it. The sad part is, I know you oppose it but you'll dodge discussing it.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

[Catahoula] used to be almost solely a PnR rascal, but now has adopted shidpoasting with a passion. -bengaline

You are the meme master. - RPMcMurphy®

Trump is not a phony. - RememberTheDanny

Re: Stupid Trumpers rarely actually take time to read up...

May 13, 2024, 6:27 PM [ in reply to Stupid Trumpers rarely actually take time to read up... ]

Tax cuts equal more spending and more investment and more R&D and more new products and more business growth and more hires and more tax revenue.

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

The FED has always been the driver of economic policy.

May 13, 2024, 6:57 PM [ in reply to Stupid Trumpers rarely actually take time to read up... ]


2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Im not a huge fan of tariffs.


May 13, 2024, 3:00 PM

The big tariff increase on Chinese EV’s that already are not coming into the US is no big deal. The other tariffs I don’t support. However, this is nothing compared to the 10% across the board tariff on all imports that Trump is proposing. That would make our current inflation look like peanuts.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

This is dumb.

May 13, 2024, 3:44 PM

But it's also dumb when Trump imposes tariffs across the board. See how this works?

Worth noting that the Biden administration feels the need to protect US car manufacturers because we really ###### up when it came to investing in electric. Also worth noting that this is consistent with US policy to protect companies and not consumers.

military_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Dumb move if Biden goes through with this.***

May 13, 2024, 3:52 PM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpgringofhonor-jospehg.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Geez not really enough information on a complex subject


May 13, 2024, 4:10 PM

Tiggity, please research and weigh in.

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Re: tRuMP wiLl KIlL tHe frEe MaRKeT!!

May 13, 2024, 6:22 PM

Sounds like it's going to be a blood bath.

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Ask Ford about the EV market. They only lost $4.5B last year...***

May 13, 2024, 6:59 PM

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Replies: 20
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General Boards - Politics
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