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Numbers show offense unable to overcome Ellington loss
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Numbers show offense unable to overcome Ellington loss

Dec 2, 2010, 10:40 AM

Numbers show offense unable to overcome Ellington loss

When Clemson running back Andre Ellington limped out of the interview room following the Tigers’ loss at Boston College on Oct. 30th, much of the Clemson offense hobbled out with him. Full Story »

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Our offense wasn't productive when AE was healthy...

Dec 2, 2010, 10:46 AM

we just sucked a little more when AE was out.

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Yah, I really doubt the result would be any different***

Dec 2, 2010, 10:47 AM

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Numbers show offense not able to overcome Dabo and Billy***

Dec 2, 2010, 10:46 AM

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I wish I could give you 1,000 points!!***

Dec 2, 2010, 1:40 PM

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Do the guy asking how to make Napier's 2010 into a positive

Dec 2, 2010, 10:49 AM


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In all seriousness...

Dec 2, 2010, 10:57 AM

How are we getting these articles that spin what really took place??

First it was the "Final Numbers for the Regular Season" post. That was ridiculous. Showed NOTHING but random "positive" things and did not show the REAL final numbers.

Now this.

I'm starting to wonder if Napier is writing this article. Or maybe it's Dabo. Or maybe it's Napier AND Dabo. But, we'll never know which one it REALLY is.

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There wasn't a positive spin, it was only stats, how

Dec 2, 2010, 10:59 AM

is that spinning anything? If you go into the article with your mind made up that it is going to be biased then it will be hard to change your mind. I thought it was a fair analysis and I think the numbers speak for themselves. Our offense was pitiful, and even worse without AE. No spin involved.

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If you only point out favorable stats, that's spin. E.g...

Dec 2, 2010, 1:34 PM

Our offense stank this year, but earlier there was a T-Net article that talked about how good the defense was. But there was no comparable T-Net article about how bad our offense was. That's spin (by omission).

Deliberate or not, this article (while arguably just presenting stats) essentially makes an excuse for Dabo's and Napier's poor performance down the stretch.

Or for example, the average yards per game given up by our opponents leading up to BC was 142 yards per game. The average yards per game given up by opponents after BC was 131 yards per game. So on average we faced tougher run-defenses after Ellington's injury. That doesn't account for all for the drop in running production after BC (because it's true that Ellington is a much better RB than Harper), but I think a more objective presentation of stats would have noted that.

Other websites, like shakingthesouthland.com provide statistics and analysis that sometimes show the weakness of our coaching staff. But I don't think I've ever seen such an article on T-Net (understandably so because the T-Net reporters don't want to anger the AD or coaches and lose access). For example, before every game shakingthesouthland.com does a statistical comparison of the 5-year cumulative team-talent based on the recruiting rankings from Rivals.com and Scout.com. This season, those statistics show that only two teams on Clemson's schedule (Auburn & Miami) had superior recruits and that Clemson lost to 3 teams with inferior player talent. That implies that our coaches are inferior. But not every website is willing to post stats that make the coaches look inept. If you only post pro-coach stats, that's spin.

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that article was awful....only pointed out good things

Dec 2, 2010, 11:00 AM [ in reply to In all seriousness... ]

and those were a stretch.

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That is ludicrous...I saw nothing positive.

Dec 2, 2010, 1:26 PM [ in reply to In all seriousness... ]


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Good analysis, the numbers speak for themselves!

Dec 2, 2010, 10:57 AM


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Here are the numbers that speak the loudest:

Dec 2, 2010, 11:18 AM


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I like how we ran the ball MORE when AE got hurt

Dec 2, 2010, 11:01 AM

So when we had the ACC leading rusher and a 2 back tandem, we ran the ball less than we did when the leading rusher got hurt....that makes absolutely no sense at all...

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Actually we ran the ball 2% less of the time after AE

Dec 2, 2010, 12:23 PM

With AE we ran it roughly 54% of the time and after AE we ran it 52% of the time.

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Do the numbers explain why we didn't see more of

Dec 2, 2010, 11:02 AM

McDowell after the injury in an effort to rest Harper and get a second guy in the game ?

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Re: Do the numbers explain why we didn't see more of

Dec 2, 2010, 11:39 AM

He's really shown his age this season. I imagine they didn't think he was ready for prime time yet, which I could definitely agree with.

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Re: Should've had North Texas and PC

Dec 2, 2010, 11:03 AM

at the end of the season.

And how crazy is it that the kicker everybody wants to rag on is the second leading scorer?

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Kickers are most often the highest scorer but that is

Dec 20, 2021, 8:55 AM

beside the point of this article .

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Re: Numbers show offense unable to overcome Ellington loss

Dec 2, 2010, 11:06 AM

We may have won one or two of those close games because AE can break a run for 6 and Jamie (while his effort was awesome) does not have that kind of speed.
But who really knows.

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Re: Numbers show offense unable to overcome Ellington loss

Dec 2, 2010, 11:12 AM

My opinion when Ellington was lost a very good receiver was limited in the passing game. Talking about Harper.

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I don't see much spin here...the facts show we didn't get it

Dec 2, 2010, 12:26 PM

done on offense. An quality analysis of why we didn't, e.g., poor play calling, would require a review of the game film. I don't have a problem with the article.

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Our inability to produce in the RZ got exposed when

Dec 2, 2010, 12:28 PM

we lost AE's home run threat.

We scored a lot more long TDs when he was healthy which helped us avoid the RZ.

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Yes. Clemson ranks 115th in red zone offense.

Dec 2, 2010, 1:38 PM


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RedZone success is all about coaching & play selection.***

Dec 2, 2010, 1:43 PM [ in reply to Our inability to produce in the RZ got exposed when ]

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Dayum, I never would have guessed. Our only playmaker is

Dec 2, 2010, 12:28 PM

out and our offense struggles. Thanks for the revelation.

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Did you read the entire article or just stop at the first

Dec 2, 2010, 12:37 PM


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Re: Numbers show offense unable to overcome Ellington loss

Dec 2, 2010, 12:32 PM

I'm am so tired of reading negative posts on TigerNet. If you are a Clemson grad you ought to be ashamed. It is our alma mater no matter what. As for the "Clemson Fans" on here, try another school. Wofford is close by. They had a good season and have a jumbo-tron. The Panthers practice there in pre-season, too . Hey how about Furman? Oh maybe not, Billy Napier might be the head coach there. We all know how dumb a coach he is. North Greenville, Willy Korn has another year.
I am as frustrated with this season as anyone on here because I love Clemson. A 6-6 season is not the end of the world. We have a good young coach and a good staff. We are running basically the same offense as last year when we were ACC division Champs. So, I'm assuming that our staff just went insane during the off season and forgot how to coach.
Clemson has always had the reputation of having some of the most loyal fans in the country. We follow the Tigers as far as BOISE, Idaho, we cheer them on, and we stay till the bitter end at games. Now with the internet and boards our fans portray a different side of Clemson. It's not pretty.

Like my Grandmother used to tell me...if you can't say something nice then don't say anything.

Go Tigers!

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If you are looking for something other than Doom and Gloom

Dec 2, 2010, 12:39 PM

you have come to the wrong website.

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Yeah! Accept Clemson's lousy coaching like a TRUE fan!

Dec 2, 2010, 2:08 PM [ in reply to Re: Numbers show offense unable to overcome Ellington loss ]

The coaching and play-calling was lousy last year too. But Spiller and Ford were exceptional (perhaps once-in quarter-century) talents that made Dabo and Napier look good, when in fact they were just mediocre, at best.

Parker's completion and interception percentage didn't really change from 2009 to 2010. The difference is that he got the ball to Spiller and Ford in 2009.

Parker completed 57% in 2009. (90th in the nation.)
Parker completed 56% in 2010. (77th in the nation.)

Parker was intercepted 3.25% in 2009. (65th.)
Parker was intercepted 3.09% in 2010. (61st.)

Those are similarly below-average stats both years. And you'd expect an NFL-hopeful QB to improve with good coaching, right? Or you'd expect one of our two 4-star QBs to be able to play above average with good coaching, right?

My hat is off to Dabo for recruiting Spiller (and recruiting in general). But only two teams on Clemson's schedule had higher-ranked recruting talent than Clemson (Auburn & Miami), yet Clemson lost 3 games to teams with inferior talent and one game to a team with equivalent talent (FSU).

So what makes you think that we have a good, young coach and a good staff? Do you have any data that indicates that our coaches did more with less or better than most?

I love my alma mater too much to accept lousy coaches that no other self-respecting FBS school would hire as HC or OC.

However, I respect other people's right to voice differing opinions.

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Ellington played vs UNC, BC, Maryland. This offense was

Dec 2, 2010, 12:50 PM

putrid before Ellington went down.

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Why did our stupid coaches EVENLY split carries w/AE & JH?

Dec 2, 2010, 12:58 PM

It's been obvious since last season that Ellington is a MUCH better running back and homerun threat than Harper. Ellington had far more yards per carry and points per carry than Harper (or even Spiller). But for some reason our coaches spent the first several games EVENLY splitting the carries between Ellington and Harper, until the press analysts and the fans started screaming about how foolish that was.

I think that if the coaches had run Ellington about 3/4 of the time (and especially in critical situations like the 4th-down-conversion attempt at Auburn where Harper failed to convert because he didn't follow his two lead blockers both of whome went well past the 1st down marker.) Clemson would have won a few more games this season. But it seems like the coaches didn't want to hurt Jamie Harper's feelings or something so they evenly split the carries between Ellington and Harper. (I think it's the same foolish sensitivity that the coaches showed in playing Ashe, Dye over Hopkins and McNeal, and perhaps even Parker over Boyd.)

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Hey Razz...

Dec 2, 2010, 1:25 PM

....I'm arguably your biggest fan on this board. I mean that. But come on dude... you HAVE to stop posting the same thing over and over. MOST of us agree with you already. All of your points in that argument are painfully obvious to us already. I'm not sure if its because you're hoping a coach or a BOT member will see it and do something about it, or you just don't have any other points to make. Either way, it's getting old and tiresome. I know you've got more than the "splitting time" argument inside you, and I for one would rather hear about those from this point forward. I'm just sayin...

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..:: ru4god2 ::..

Sorry for inculcating ad naseum.***

Dec 2, 2010, 3:00 PM

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ad nauseum***

Dec 2, 2010, 3:01 PM

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Re: Numbers show offense unable to overcome Ellington loss

Dec 2, 2010, 1:09 PM

The Ellington loss would of been ok If bellamy was here. I look for Bellamy to be our home run threat next year. This guy will come on the seen as a freshman and change our whole offense to center around him before he done at CU.

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Numbers show we should play North Texas and PC more***

Dec 2, 2010, 1:25 PM

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Actually the third straight pumper article declaring

Dec 2, 2010, 1:31 PM

everything else to be the problem than what the real problem is. L love AE, but Enuf already with propaganda which tries to bail out coaches from responsibility.

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Nice Damage Control

Dec 2, 2010, 3:28 PM

Tigernet is an extension of the the administration.

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So 4 star Jaime Harper was what Dabo called a great back

Dec 2, 2010, 3:30 PM

but with him the whole offense stunk. huh

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the ellington factor doesnt matter...

Dec 2, 2010, 4:08 PM

dumbo and crew didnt give ellington enough carries when he was healthy.

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Same injury>

Dec 4, 2010, 10:45 PM

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Spiller play with a turf toe injury most of last season and not miss a game?? I think someone should've sucked it up a little...not that it mattered much with "hurt" quarterback...just saying.......

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AE's was more severe broken bone and tendon or ligament

Dec 4, 2010, 10:49 PM


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Re: AE's was more severe broken bone and tendon or ligament

Dec 4, 2010, 10:54 PM

Don't remember hearing that report...I know that turf toe does not usually include a broken bone; just pulled tendons/ligaments. Maybe a small fracture?? Not his fault we lost games anyway. All moot at this point. I don't see the point in looking back like this article does...could'a should'a???

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