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IPTAY Question
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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IPTAY Question


Feb 18, 2024, 9:20 PM

Hey TNetters,

I have a Clemson/IPTAY issue to bring up that I am sure some on here have experienced, and I am curious if anyone has “fought the power” on this issue or what the history behind the issue is.

I am a fourth generation Clemson Alumni, who graduated in 2022 from Clemson. My grandfather was a paying IPTAY member since the 60’s, and when he died in 2019, his IPTAY membership was transferred to his wife, my grandmother. Needless to say, my grandmother has many many IPTAY points that have been earned over all these years, resulting in great 50-yard-line seats in the upper deck. With my grandmother unfortunately declining in her health, my family began looking further into whether or not her IPTAY membership can be transferred to the younger generation(s) of Tiger fans. It cannot be transferred, and for the first time in 50 years my family is facing not purchasing our season tickets, since we are better off starting our own IPTAY memberships.

I am about as big of a Clemson fan as one can be, and for me Clemson is held in as high of regard as a man can hold it. For that reason, I just cannot accept the fact that our “Clemson Family”, tradition-rich school does not allow you to transfer IPTAY memberships. What other asset or investment works like this? When my grandfather/ grandmother die after donating to the school for 50 years, our family just gets reset like none of it ever happened?

I KNOW, I KNOW cash is king and it is a money grab. But if you continue down the “pay to win” road, one day that Stadium is going to be full of a bunch of rich, shallow Clemson “fans” who have no true family ties to Clemson, but just had the money to buy 50 years’ worth of IPTAY points in one fowl swoop.

What do you know about IPTAY transferring, and is this a common issue that has had push-back before? Thanks, and sorry for the long post. Just baffles me.

2024 student level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: IPTAY Question


Feb 18, 2024, 9:45 PM

IPTAY offered a TigerLife membership around 37 years ago. Basically a membership of $1000 a year would cost around $25000 one time only. TigerLife would allow a transfer to one generation down and would not require any further money to IPTAY. TigerLife was discounted after a few years. Therefore there is no other option out there on transferring a membership.

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Re: IPTAY Question

Feb 18, 2024, 9:48 PM

Interesting. thanks for the information.

2024 student level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I get what you are saying but here is my take on it...


Feb 18, 2024, 9:56 PM

your Grandparents paid IPTAY for 50 years as you said and got decent seats on the 50 yard line. Now, if the IPTAY membership could be transferred then, in theory, you or other descendant of your Grandparents would inherit 50 yard line seats. That is great for you guys but not really good news for others who are trying to get to that point by doing as your Grandparents did, pay IPTAY each year and gain points to get better seats. If everyone ended up being a legacy member at some point then all of the premium seats would be locked down by a hand full of families and there would really be no point to the rest of us trying to upgrade by increasing giving level and getting more points each year. Then that would be what others gripe about is that the lucky few families get the good seats and no one else would have a chance.

Now to be clear, if you can get them and/or inherit the membership then more power to you guys. I am all for whatever the market allows each of us to get. I just see this as the reason IPTAY would be against this practice of passing down memberships. They want people to increase the giving levels and get more points (more $$$) by having a shot to get better seats and parking each year.

Either way, just my $0.02.

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Re: I get what you are saying but here is my take on it...

Feb 18, 2024, 10:01 PM

Great take, thanks for sharing

2024 student level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: IPTAY Question


Feb 18, 2024, 10:08 PM

Do what the other punks do that sat near us on the 50 yard line, keep paying her dues after she dies and never tell IPTAY. They referred to those seats as "their family's seats" and boasted of their ruse.

By the way, when Dabo's gone, the stadium won't be full of those rich people. They'll bail in a heartbeat and IPTAY's money grab that alienated the loyal families will have driven them away too.

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"Anybody that says Coach Brownell is the best coach to come through Clemson is going to start an argument." -JP Hall

Re: IPTAY Question


Feb 18, 2024, 10:19 PM

I went through the same thing. Daddy was IOTAY for years, an IPTAY rep, and served on the Board of Visitors. When he passed, mom kept it up. I called IPTAY when mom passed and was told the same thing. I am still IPTAY, have been for over 35 years now, daddy would probably haunt me if I was not lol!

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Re: IPTAY Question


Feb 19, 2024, 1:02 AM

Go to her online account and change the mailing address, email and other personal information. Keep name the same. Worked for me the past 30 years. Pay dues, tickets, etc. like normal.

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Re: IPTAY Question

Feb 19, 2024, 8:06 AM

There is no totally honest way around this from where you are now. Putting the membership in a company’s name ( LLC) solves the problem forever, but you can’t do that retroactively either.
Not sure how often Clemson audits the membership, but …..

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

My grandfather was a charter IPTAY member. He was a member until he died

Feb 19, 2024, 9:34 AM

In the early 1990's he was paying $100 a year for 50 yardline seats. When he died his tickets went to my aunt (his daughter) under his name, and my cousin paid for them and his $100 IPTAY dues to get those 50 yardline seats. This went on until about what would have been my grandfather's 95th birthday, when IPTAY learned of his death. AT THAT TIME, they gave my cousin an option, pony up your IPTAY donation to a level to keep the seats, or lose them. He's now paying the seat equity requirement and still has the same seats.

Now my father was an IPTAY member since 1965 when he graduated until he passed in 2020. His membership is now under my mother's name. I have paid his membership dues, and bought tickets using his account now for over 10 years now. Paying the seat equity amount, plus 4 season tix. I have asked and been told that when my mother passes the account will close with IPTAY. I will have to start a new account, lose the points, and lose the seats and parking. If that is the case, IPTAY will lose me.

I am more than happy to pay the seat equity price to buy the tickets for the rest of my life. BUT if I am forced to start at square one, I'm out. I would HOPE IPTAY would give us the opportunity to keep our current seats I've sat in for 47 years if I keep paying the seat equity donation as I've been doing for 10+ years now. I know parking is now tied to your points level as well, so I would accept losing the parking space. But if I'm literally out and have to start all over again as a new IPTAY member, even though I've spent 10 years paying (a higher level x3 now btw) dues under my father's account, then sobeit.

I thought the whole purpose of seat equity was to fix this issue. But I am now told this isn't the case. We will see. Ball's in IPTAY's court. If I'm paying the same as they would receive anyway if I lost the seats with seat equity, I see no reason to be booted from those seats. Your points help with a parking space upgrade and away game tix, etc., but the seats cost what they cost IMO. If that sales pitch was wrong, or incorrect, sobeit.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpgringofhonor-tiggity-110.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: My grandfather was a charter IPTAY member. He was a member until he died


Feb 19, 2024, 10:22 AM

Your situation is why I am going to encourage the OP to start their own IPTAY account. Look at how many people lost their long held parking passes this past season. What you are not realizing is seat equity is one piece of the puzzle. A new person could come in at the same IPTAY level as you and not be eligible for those seats. I don’t know if a new $25,000 donor can sniff any open lower 50 yard line seats. I do know that in the south upper, new tickets holders around me are paying more to IPTAY than I am just to get in the same area as me.

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Re: My grandfather was a charter IPTAY member. He was a member until he died


Feb 19, 2024, 10:38 AM

My WiFi connection kept wiping out my typing. What I was trying to type was this entire Clemson football experience has changed and not necessarily for the better. Loyalty meant nothing last year to people with their parking. Once Clemson ends up in a mega football conference, our IPTAY dues will go up. Folks that have cheated and are holding on to prime legacy seats will be researched and booted.

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Re: My grandfather was a charter IPTAY member. He was a member until he died


Feb 19, 2024, 11:23 AM

The first three words of sentence 3 says it. Loyalty means nothing. Since my folks passed, we could do more for Iptay than we ever have dollar wise because of the obvious. Due to their poor business model, they will never see another dime.

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Re: My grandfather was a charter IPTAY member. He was a member until he died


Feb 19, 2024, 11:56 AM

Is loyalty or discounted loyalty that you want to have count? Seems like New Yorkers that cry about rent control. If they have to pay the current cost to rent they get offended and leave.

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Re: My grandfather was a charter IPTAY member. He was a member until he died

Feb 19, 2024, 5:25 PM

Not sure what you’re implying but after 38 years let me list. Condolences, thank you, a path to move forward for starters. None of which were conveyed. Not expecting you to understand though.

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Re: My grandfather was a charter IPTAY member. He was a member until he died

Feb 19, 2024, 12:07 PM [ in reply to Re: My grandfather was a charter IPTAY member. He was a member until he died ]

Totally agree with your points, and I have already “accepted defeat” and started my own IPTAY membership, as I have a 75% discount a Young Alumni. Going to have to build this thing up from the ground floor unfortunately

2024 student level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: My grandfather was a charter IPTAY member. He was a member until he died

Feb 19, 2024, 12:44 PM

Good for you!!! I was faced with the same situation when I graduated from Clemson. I could either keep using part of my dad’s tickets or get my own. I chose to start my own. Dad is now deceased and I have been a season tickets holder for a while. My seats and parking are not the best but, they are perfect for me. You will not regret your decision.

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I started an IPTAY account, but when I had to start paying dad's I couldn't


Feb 19, 2024, 6:18 PM

afford both, so I paid his to keep going to games with decent parking and seats. I've probably paid IPTAY $25K or more under his account. If I lose that, well, they lose me.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpgringofhonor-tiggity-110.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: IPTAY Question

Feb 19, 2024, 11:36 AM

Q. "What other asset or investment works this way?".
A. Augusta National Golf Club.
Badges can be passed down 1

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Re: IPTAY Question

Feb 19, 2024, 11:52 AM

Agreed. And if caught cheating, you get banned. Those folks do not play.

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Re: IPTAY Question

Feb 19, 2024, 5:58 PM

I hear they routinely research obits for deceased badge holders.

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Re: IPTAY Question

Feb 19, 2024, 6:05 PM

That’s the word on the local street. They are a different animal.

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Re: IPTAY Question

Feb 19, 2024, 6:09 PM

Your grandparents paid you didn’t. Start paying your own way.

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Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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