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TigerNet Tickets : Clemson Football Parking : Other (2)

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Qty: Who:
Amjkmj Request Contact Info What is this?
WARNING: This person joined within the past year. Please read Avoiding Scams & Fraud and Current Scammer Info before interacting with this person.
Member Stats: [Joined 2023-11-11, 34 logins, 1 ads posted]
Date Posted: 11-14-2023 11:24 AM
Location: [Map] (Qty: 1)
WANTED: Looking for a parking pass for the UNC game on Nov. 18. Have a handicapped person with me, so anything near the field would be wonderful.
richykneece5 Request Contact Info What is this?
WARNING: This person joined within the past year. Please read Avoiding Scams & Fraud and Current Scammer Info before interacting with this person.
Member Stats: [Joined 2023-06-09, 139 logins, 1 ads posted]
Date Posted: 07-13-2023 2:42 PM
Location: Motor Home/RV/Camper Lot [Map] (Qty: 1)
WANTED: I am looking for a spot in the RV lot. Either for the entire season or just for specific games that you won't be using yours. If you or someone you know may have a spot open in the RV lot please let me know!

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