military_techFreshman auto_awesome37 favoriteN/A%
place Washigton, D.C.
school who else - Construction Science and Mgt - 2000
work Intern Architect
accessibility_new Joined 1999-03-02
search Last Seen 2020-06-17 11:32:02.0
visibility Views 1
edit Posts 68
person Followers 0
Born in Troy, NY (birthplace of Uncle Sam) grew up (in a physical sense!) in upstate New York. Went to college near home, dropped out, goofed off, Then I got serious and earned an A.A.S. degree from SUNY Delhi. Worked as a draftsman for a while in Saratoga Springs, NY. Then I was accepted to Clemson and became a tiger. Arrived on the most beautiful college campus in the country and everything started happening. I met my future wife, earned a B.S. degree in Construction Science and Management.(proudest day of my life.) Now I have a M.Arch Degree from The Catholic University of America. I enjoy living in this great country's capital, working for an architect, and helping to build our nations embassies around the world.