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Ryan Pruitt FAQ

What position does Ryan Pruitt play for the Clemson Tigers? Ryan Pruitt is a Linebacker for the Clemson Tigers
When did Ryan Pruitt join the Clemson Tigers? 2010
What years did Ryan Pruitt play for the Clemson Tigers? 2010
What is Ryan Pruitt's number at Clemson? 47
Did Ryan Pruitt play for the Clemson Tigers? Yes
Did Ryan Pruitt go to Clemson? Yes
What college did Ryan Pruitt go to? Ryan Pruitt attended Clemson
What is Ryan Pruitt's hometown? Greer, SC
What city is Ryan Pruitt from? Greer
Where is Ryan Pruitt from? Ryan Pruitt is from Greer, SC
How tall is Ryan Pruitt? Ryan Pruitt currently stands at 5-11
How much does Ryan Pruitt weigh? Ryan Pruitt currently weighs in at 215 pounds
What state is Ryan Pruitt from? SC