Our coaching staff cannot make adjustments during the heat of battle. Too young and inexperienced? Philosophically we lack the level of aggressiveness required on both sides of the ball. Football is tough in nature and Louisville was much tougher. It is obvious we don't do enough live hitting in practice. You know- we have to keep our players healthy. It is better to risk injury-in my opinion- than to have your rear ends handed to you on Saturday. We were poorly prepared against (Duke-last year), Ga. and now Louisville(with 2 weeks prep time). We have become a soft program. We did not win 2 nattys by being soft. We better get with it- our future is in severe jeopardy. Dabo knows what to do- let's hope it is not too late.
You say Dabo knows what to do, but does he actually? And if he does, will he swallow his pride and actually do it? I used to think so, but now I’m not so sure.