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It's Iptay renewal season and little ones have me second guessing
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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It's Iptay renewal season and little ones have me second guessing


Jan 13, 2025, 9:07 AM

We have had 4 seats since 2013. Anybody just reach the point with little kids that they weren't getting their value out of season tickets? I could go pay top dollar on Stubhub for the 3-4 games that we actually make it to each year and still come out $1-2k ahead. Two kids under 3 next season. Day games are too hot and night games are after bedtime. I'm not sure if its the end of an era or if we should power through the next few years and keep our seats.

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Re: It's Iptay renewal season and little ones have me second guessing

Jan 13, 2025, 9:08 AM

A lot of us get it, its a tough call.

From a guy who made that same choice many years ago, I wish I had kept the IPTAY donation going even if to just get the 1pt per year but didn't also buy seats and just went secondary market.

2025 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: It's Iptay renewal season and little ones have me second guessing

Jan 13, 2025, 9:39 AM

Went through the same thing. Gave up season tickets and still kept donating on a much smaller scale. Spend the money and go to 1 or 2 games per year. And I've figured the game is going to happen whether I'm there or at the comforts of my house

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i'm still under my quitting amount.

Jan 13, 2025, 9:45 AM

but i have also found peace with my crappy seats over the last 20 years.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Geville Tiger on Clemson football , "Dabo's only problem is he has to deal with turd fans questioning every move he makes.”

Re: It's Iptay renewal season and little ones have me second guessing

Jan 13, 2025, 9:48 AM

If they are going to being selling alcohol, do you want your kids around that atmosphere?

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Re: It's Iptay renewal season and little ones have me second guessing

Jan 13, 2025, 9:59 AM

sanwt said:

If they are going to being selling alcohol, do you want your kids around that atmosphere?

WADR, we have many fans who over-indulge under the past no beer policy at their tailgate. Some argue that beer sales will make it worse, but another viable argument is folks will not feel the need to get wasted before entering as they can buy a few beers during the game to keep the buzz afloat. I suspect the latter is more likely than the former. Lets see how it goes before making assumptions.

I opted out of season tickets several years ago due to the cost, unfriendly game times (afternoon games in September and night games in November) plus other priorities. I have found it easier to go to away games such as GT or WF based on ticket cost and parking options.

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We jumped in when kids were little (after scrounging since graduation),. Now

Jan 13, 2025, 10:05 AM

those little kids are in college or have graduated college, and I am glad we kept the seats. Its a great time for us to get back together. The middle school/early high school years make you question the decision, but then they amazingly want to go to all games and want to bring every friend they have!

We'll see what happens when/if they permanently move away, but for right now we're keeping them.

Go Tigers!

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Re: It's Iptay renewal season and little ones have me second guessing

Jan 13, 2025, 11:44 AM

Kept mine through 10 years of living in AR. Just give the minimum required to keep your seats and sell them each season. Most years, you’ll at least break even including the IPTAY donation. Shoot, most games the parking passes alone are at least $50 in the secondary market for the boonies.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

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Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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