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It would be a perfect National Championship game if
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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It would be a perfect National Championship game if


Jan 20, 2025, 9:39 PM

OSU could score 3 more TDs and Notre Dame score 0 Zero because I hate ND almost as bad as I hate the coots!!!

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Re: It would be a perfect National Championship game if


Jan 20, 2025, 9:40 PM

They might

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"Anybody that says Coach Brownell is the best coach to come through Clemson is going to start an argument." -JP Hall

I cant stand Oh State


Jan 20, 2025, 9:43 PM

Maybe it’s because there are so many of their fans here in NC that have moved away from their beloved state only to annoy us here. That or their ######### Coach. I think it’s both.

Also, the ND coach is five times the man that Coach Day is. I don’t pull for either team, ever, but I’d take ND winning tonight any day over the entitled fanbase and cartoon character coach (not to mention the $$$$ OSU has spent to buy a season), that OSU embodies.

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Re: I cant stand Oh State

Jan 20, 2025, 9:49 PM

I don’t care for either of them but I dislike OH State more and my neighbor of 2 years really irritates me hanging a Oh State banner from his porch every time there is a game. He hangs it up 8am even when there is a 8pm game. We are back in the cul de sac at the far end of the subdivision so no one but a few neighbors are going to see it.

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Re: I cant stand Oh State

Jan 20, 2025, 10:58 PM

Well you should just accept the fact that he hangs it on his property and not yours bc I could understand it making you so angry if he was placing it on your property. I don't care what my neighbor does on his side of the property line. My neighbor used to blast that music that nobody understands what they're saying, and I hated it, but I never said a word about it. I started backing my Harley out of the building where I keep it and it's pretty close to the property line about 20-30 foot away from his bedroom window. At 4:30-5:00 am on the weekends I would start the engine and it's kind of loud and I would rev the engine every3-5 minutes for a solid hour.

One morning he come over and ask if I could stop revving the engine so early in the morning every Saturday and Sunday morning bc that was the only chance he got to sleep in, I told him that I could probably stop if I didn't have to listen to his BS music every day when he come home from work, and he said that was a deal and I've never heard his music again since that morning. He even apologized bc he said he didn't realize that it bothered me I started laughing and I said, I'm 60 years old and you are what 25-30, then I said that I was sure he didn't think that I liked that BS noise coming from his house into mine and he apologized again, and I've never heard that noise again!!!

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Re: I cant stand Oh State

Jan 20, 2025, 10:07 PM [ in reply to I cant stand Oh State ]

ND does everything and comes up with every reason not to join their FB to a condense and their FB program is still allowed to play in any game that conference FB programs are allowed to play in, and it just isn't right or fair. They were even allowed to play in ACC championship game without their FB program being a member of the ACC!!!

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Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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