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I need to say this
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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Replies: 11
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I need to say this


Dec 1, 2024, 1:51 PM

South Carolina players and fans are the worst winners ever. I absolutely hate them. They are everything that is wrong with Richland County. Some things I saw first hand after the game include: Smoking Cigars at midfield (on a tobacco free campus), cussing our players, tearing up our field while videoing it (I saw this in the end zone), not respecting the tradition of going on field (PA announcer asked them to leave twice and they didn’t, even the cops couldn’t get them to leave).

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Re: I need to say this


Dec 1, 2024, 1:54 PM

And how exactly do you expect troglodytes to act??

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"Anybody that says Coach Brownell is the best coach to come through Clemson is going to start an argument." -JP Hall

Re: I need to say this


Dec 1, 2024, 1:58 PM

I shouldn’t have expected anything else but it pisses me off. I can handle losing a game but they absolutely don’t know how to act. But I guess it makes sense since they are historically equal to Virginia.

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Re: I need to say this


Dec 1, 2024, 2:12 PM

posted earlier last week about how our crowd was getting more wine and cheese like and yesterday confirms some of that

I can live with the loss as we just don’t have the talent we need right now to win against good teams on a consistent basis. We have to play almost perfect.

What bothers me about this game is what we let them do on our field. I hate Ohio State but I love the fire of Sawyer yanking away the Michigan flag. Yeah you can say he just being a sore loser and just win the game but I look at it different. I look at it as him saying I have passion for my university and there ain’t no way in #### you are going to disrespect it win or lose.

In 1902 Clemson cadets marched on to the USC campus with fixed bayonets.

The year a Carolina fraternity went on the field before the game in fake Clemson uniforms and started acting like fools it started a riot. Clemson fans were going to have none of it. State Troopers had to get involved

I mean some of you suggesting that we end our tradition of going on the field so visiting fans can’t celebrate is absurd !!!

No you defend the field. This was not so much S.C. players. ( some on them too at rock) so I don’t blame Clemson players so much. But let me tell you the men of my fathers generation (1961) would have beat the you know what out of belt boy whipping the tiger paw !!! They were tough farm boys from rural S.C. not bougie boys!!! They were used to ringing a chickens neck. Big Spur would have never survived making the paw a litter box.

My generation is too old to fight now and I would have probably be beat down but we need a new generation of Clemson fans that have so much passion and love for all things Clemson they never let anyone disrespect it without a fight. And if the rumors are true the rock was urinated are true we really are wimps.

We really need to stay in the ACC with the wine and cheese crowd as not sure our fans could handle the rough and tumble world of the Big Ten and SEC ….

I am over the game but the disrespect show to our University no. They took it without a fight !!!
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Re: I need to say this


Dec 1, 2024, 2:23 PM

Winning fixes that ..

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Re: I need to say this


Dec 1, 2024, 2:26 PM

This right here.👆

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Id rather they smoke cigars at midfield than in the

Dec 1, 2024, 2:24 PM

locker room like most teams.

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Re: Id rather they smoke cigars at midfield than in the

Dec 1, 2024, 2:31 PM

If me or you had smoked cigars in the stadium we get kicked out. Our fans need to do a better job of protecting our field and we need to enable the police to arrest anyone that will not leave the field after it has been closed.

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Gee, that's what happens when we lose to them.

Dec 1, 2024, 2:29 PM

If we don't want to hear it, we should have a better team, better coaching, better play calling, and better performance and best them.

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Re: Gee, that's what happens when we lose to them.


Dec 1, 2024, 2:32 PM

We did beat them last year and I don’t remember our players and fans tearing up their field. It’s just two different classes of people.

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Re: I need to say this

Dec 1, 2024, 2:30 PM

Didn’t they destroy their own hedges?

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Re: I need to say this

Dec 1, 2024, 2:38 PM

People show their true colors sometimes. They have quite a few fans that come out after a rare good season.

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Replies: 11
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Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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