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Excited to have Mr Allen as the new DC, anyone else ??
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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Excited to have Mr Allen as the new DC, anyone else ??


Jan 16, 2025, 8:09 AM

My reason is simple: responsibility! He has experience and will hold players accountable. Not that Wes did not do that, but it was not being used to the betterment of our defensive play. Know your assignment, win your assignment, and make plays. Coach Allen is not the type to sit around while guys try to figure it out, he will drive a player to greatness and get the best of him. At least that is what I hear when he talks, and what I hope to see when the new season begins.

I believe our new DC will adjust the defense to what works best with the talent our Tigers have. He will diagnose the issues, of which he mentioned in his hiring speech, the tackling & effort of each and every player. Put guys in position to succeed, and have the best players on the field.

I really expect the DL, primarily the middle, and the LB play to improve. How much will be hard to say, but I like the guy CDS has put in place to handle it.

Hoping it all works out. Go Tigers!!

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I don't think we can afford anyone else, we are paying a LOT of money to switch


Jan 16, 2025, 8:14 AM

DCs. Coach Allen's contract, Coach Allen's buyout from Penn State, AND Pork Chop's severance buyout. From what I have read, that's an additional SIX MILLION dollars on top of Coach Allen's salary. So, the wolves will be at the door from Day One, and if the defense doesn't pitch a Spring Game Shutout, they will be howling at the moon.


I thought BV was going to help us out with the Pork Chop part of this? Maybe Coach Goodwin thought BV was too much of a Dead Man Walking at Oklahoma to risk it?

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Goodwin is not college DC material due to lack of leadership personality.


Jan 16, 2025, 9:42 AM

He is an NFL brain probably. Smart guy. But he's not a talker or inspirational at all.

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I know he did a good job at Penn State


Jan 16, 2025, 9:09 AM

and has a good history as a coordinator and LB coach, but I'm ever so slightly concerned about how much "family, faith, and close to daughters" we're getting and how little football. Not that I expect him to spill the playbook or anything, idk. The years since Trevor left turned me into a real skeptic and this job seemed a little TOO convenient for Allen to take. I don't want Clemson to simply be the first step of retirement, we should be the prime destination for guys with fire and drive. Hopefully those things can coexist, because Allen OBVIOUSLY wants to retire here with his kids and grandkids.

I'm almost assuredly talking out my rear, we were told he was Dabo's #1 and he's got some big time weapons returning so I'm excited to see what he can do. Liked his opening presser; sometimes dream jobs work out for both parties. Y'all are gonna have to forgive the damage DJU did to me: hand still stings where he smacked the koolaid out of it.

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Let us all hope he is like CDS, can be a family man but also understands


Jan 16, 2025, 9:21 AM

the role and what those responsibilities mean!

I think Coach Allen was speaking more on behalf of his children and wife being able to see each other much more often with being in such close proximity. It all made sense. A football destination, championship caliber team, talented group of players, faith-based people, and of course his family and what that means to him.

And yes, as a nearly 50 y/o man family does start to play a very big role in decisions regarding work and everything else. Mr Allen is 54 I believe so the family is going to play a role in any decision made if he is a true faith based family man.

I'm excited to see what he can do with this team...we shall see what happens.... and as much of a supporter of Wes Goodwin I have been, this is a change that I believe was really needed. Things did not go well last season for the Tigers defense, no way to deny unless you closed your eyes or did not pay attention to the games.

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Re: Excited to have Mr Allen as the new DC, anyone else ??


Jan 16, 2025, 9:24 AM

I am excited about this selection as well. As a former head coach and an experienced DC, he will bring a level of accountability to the players and assistant coaches that has been missing since BV left.

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Re: Excited to have Mr Allen as the new DC, anyone else ??


Jan 16, 2025, 9:29 AM

He is the best fit for the culture by far than any other candidate that was named in the process.

2025 student level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

completely agree, seems perfect fit for Clemson culture


Jan 16, 2025, 9:32 AM

hoping it translates into positive results on the football field.

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Re: completely agree, seems perfect fit for Clemson culture


Jan 16, 2025, 9:51 AM

Me too! I just hope he does great but as greedy as some of these mega donor football schools are, did you ever think about not poaching Allen away from Clemson but offering his daughters family a job in their field in ……just say Texas, Florida, ext. he gets here then they get a lucrative job deal and move away. It could happen if he does well next year!

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In this day and age nothing is out of the question, so yes


Jan 16, 2025, 10:53 AM

that exact thing could happen... We shall see what happens

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There was likely some trickle down effect as well...


Jan 16, 2025, 11:33 AM

from the DC to the other defensive position coaches-

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There was likely some trickle down effect as well...


Jan 16, 2025, 11:33 AM

from the DC to the other defensive position coaches-

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Re: Excited to have Mr Allen as the new DC, anyone else ??


Jan 16, 2025, 12:05 PM


2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Replies: 12
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Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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