Jackie has spent a great deal of time on the nest today. Both standing and pancaking ( lying on nest). Pancakes is a sign of impending egg laying. Jackie brought some fluff to nest but it needs more. She stands on nest and pancakes on it less than standing.
Shadow has not been on nest that much today with Jackie. He was on nest with her at different times yesterday for a great deal of time. He brought a fish to nest to eat and Jackie wanted some if it, but he did not share. They stayed on nest until almost dark.
Weather is windy but dry. No snow expected this week. Probably get a good snow storm at end of Jan., maybe during last week. Last week of Jan-March 10 can bring big snows and blizzards. If Jackie is on nest during those she does not leave and gets completely buried under the snow.
We have bald eagles nesting near us. In Dec they would come into my backyard at the first crack of light and perch on a tall pine. Then both would take turns flying to a tall stag and rip branches off for their nest. Incredible how strong they are to snap those large branches piece at a time. I haven't seen them do it for a while so I assume their nest is done. I have seen one of them circling high in the sky though recently. Maybe Momma is pancaking as you called it.