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Nick Clayton
RH Pitcher
Position: | RH Pitcher |
Year: | Class of 2019 |
Hometown: | York, SC |
High School: | York Comprehensive |
Ht./Wt./40: | 6-4, 165 lbs |
Status: | Committed to Clemson |
TigerNet: | NR |
ESPN: | NR |
Rivals: | NR |
24/7: | NR |
Top Schools: | ,Clemson |
Clayton was named 2017 Underclass High Honorable Mention. Bats right and throws right.
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Nick Clayton FAQ
What high school does Nick Clayton play for? Nick Clayton plays for York Comprehensive HS
What position does Nick Clayton play for York Comprehensive HS? RH Pitcher
What are Nick Clayton's top college choices? Nick Clayton's top college choices are ,Clemson
What school did Nick Clayton commit to play baseball for? Clemson
What is Nick Clayton's national rank? 0
What is Nick Clayton's overall rank? 0
What is Nick Clayton's RH Pitcher rank? 0
What is Nick Clayton's state rank in SC? 0
How tall is Nick Clayton? Nick Clayton currently stands at 6-4
How much does Nick Clayton weigh? Nick Clayton currently weighs in at 165 pounds
What state is Nick Clayton from? SC
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