military_techRock Defender auto_awesome51 favorite100%
place Suwanee, GA
school Clemson - Mechanical Engineering - 1988
work Sales Manager
brush  Golf, CU Football, tinkering with old muscle cars 
accessibility_new Joined 1998-12-01
search Last Seen 2024-01-28 22:56:27.0
visibility Views 4
edit Posts 3
person Followers 0
Grew up in West Chester, PA. Discovered Clemson in a listing of Southern Engineering Schools (Had never heard of the school or its National Championship, crazy uh?). Got hooked on CU football as a freshman on the hill for the '83 CU/GA game. Spent 5 1/2 glorious years at Clemson.

Met my wife at Clemson (a native of Toccoa, GA). Moved back to the Atlanta area in '93. IPTAY member since '89, IPTAY Rep since '97. Go Tigers!