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Obamacare is a total disaster.
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Obamacare is a total disaster.

Nov 1, 2013, 8:09 AM

They postponed it long enough to get him reelected but it won't help in the 2014 election. People are losing their health care and their plans. Their premiums are rising at an alarming rate. Young people realize the Obama sold them a bill of goods financing his plan on their backs. And this whole debacle sits firmly in Obama and the Democrats lap. Not one Republican vote was cast to screw the American people. And Obama, the Democrats and the media's worst nightmare? This time they can't blame it on Bush. It's all Obama, the Democrats and their media. 2014 should be an interesting election.

So that's our goal to be more like socialist Europe. It's now been shown that Obama knew in 2009 and 10 that most Americans would not be able to keep their old plans or their doctors. So why did they lie to the American people? Because had they told the truth about Obamacare the people would have never accepted it and never had reelected Obama. So the Administration did what they do best, lie to the American people. How you can look at the news and say people are not losing their plans is astonishing. And trying to blame Republicans who did not cast one vote for Obamacare is just asinine.

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Re: Obamacare is a total disaster.

Nov 1, 2013, 2:56 PM

It is extremely unfair I cant be sold a policy that will hang me out to dry when i get sick. It is also extremely unfair that insurance carriers should have to provide benefits to the chronically ill. It would be cheaper if they all just died. At what point did these socialists think quality of life was more important than insurance companies raking in huge profits?

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The same answer to every question you pose in retort

Nov 1, 2013, 9:58 PM

Thats great. Who's gonna pay for for it?

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If Obama put on a turban, fired off an AK-47 from the White

Nov 1, 2013, 10:04 PM

House porch, while shouting "Holy Jihad", Tbalm would kiss the emperor's ### and hope that somebody got a picture of the royal event..

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Not saying that is a fact. Just an educated guess IMHO.***

Nov 1, 2013, 10:06 PM

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Why would he say Holy Jihad?

Nov 1, 2013, 10:33 PM [ in reply to If Obama put on a turban, fired off an AK-47 from the White ]

Those 2 words are from different languages.

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Uhm, to keep up the ruse that he is a Christian?***

Nov 1, 2013, 10:40 PM

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How's he doing?

Nov 3, 2013, 11:28 PM [ in reply to If Obama put on a turban, fired off an AK-47 from the White ]

Barack's approval plunges to 93.6% among blacks


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the costs will go down $2500 a year for a family of four

Nov 2, 2013, 9:16 AM

according to obama's campaign promises.

“The other thing we’ve done is to say, what are the critical needs of small business? A lot of time, one of the biggest challenges is to make sure that you, as a sole proprietor, that you can get health insurance for you and your family. So when you hear about the Affordable Care Act — Obamacare — and I don’t mind the name because I really do care. That’s why we passed it. You should know that once we have fully implemented, you’re going to be able to buy insurance through a pool so that you can get the same good rates as a group that if you’re an employee at a big company you can get right now — which means your premiums will go down.”

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Nov 2, 2013, 9:17 AM


2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

LOL. So the writer says Romney was lying for stating facts

Nov 2, 2013, 12:13 PM

and that Obama could not be held to account for stating what he stated because what he stated is not what he meant..Pretty much the liberal view of things the past 6 years. Libs didn't know it,do it , or are/were responsible for what they should have done if they didn't do it because what they didn;t do doesn't matter now anyway. But, THEY are ALL willing to be held accountable for their actions if if it insulates Obama because he will not(yep,you guessed it) hold them accountable for any actions they perform.

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