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New Story: Wednesday update: Tigers want Air Force but preparing to see the Navy
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New Story: Wednesday update: Tigers want Air Force but preparing to see the Navy

Oct 7, 2015, 7:51 PM

Wednesday update: Tigers want Air Force but preparing to see the Navy

Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney has been waiting to bring out the Air Force but this weekend’s weather forecast might mean the Tigers will have to use the Navy yet again. Full Story »

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Re: New Story: Wednesday update: Tigers want Air Force but preparing to see the Navy

Oct 7, 2015, 8:07 PM

Nooow he admits that Cole wasn't ready

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Funny, the rain didn't stop NDs Air Force...

Oct 7, 2015, 8:38 PM

Stop making excuses. Play calling and execution have been piss-poor to this point.

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::::: Losers practice until they get it right. Winners practice until they can't get it wrong. :::::

4-0, 6th in the nation......think we might be okay.

Oct 7, 2015, 8:51 PM

Very similar to another good year I witnessed......1981.

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Re: 4-0, 6th in the nation......think we might be okay.

Oct 8, 2015, 1:15 PM

Clemson has not even peaked and the Tigers are 4-0. It could just be that the best is yet to come.

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Re: Funny, the rain didn't stop NDs Air Force...

Oct 7, 2015, 9:07 PM [ in reply to Funny, the rain didn't stop NDs Air Force... ]

Think your on the wrong message board. Garnet and Black attack is a couple of pages down. Once on that site then go ahead and post that crap! #6th in the USA. GO TIGERS. Just win baby win!

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Re: Funny, the rain didn't stop NDs Air Force...

Oct 8, 2015, 9:50 AM

Funny thing is USuC will probably not reach #6 this year. Six wins that is. They'll be lucky to reach 5 wins and that's pulling an upset somewhere. I expect to see them win at most 2 more games this year and Vandy is not a sure thing for them. So it could be 1 more win for the Ole Balz Sac. Go Tigers

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Funny......they lost, too......***

Oct 7, 2015, 9:23 PM [ in reply to Funny, the rain didn't stop NDs Air Force... ]

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Agreed...ND didn't stop playing football.

Oct 7, 2015, 9:34 PM [ in reply to Funny, the rain didn't stop NDs Air Force... ]

It is foolish to think that two last-second wins means you can continue to win doing so...I agree with you. The coach even said that when one of the passes in the ND game got tipped, they decided to stop throwing...love the coach, but trying to keep from losing is not the same as using what you have to win.

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Re: Agreed...ND didn't stop playing football.

Oct 8, 2015, 1:37 PM

What you and other's are letting slip your mind is that it wasn't just the rain. Remember when the 4th quarter started and they mentioned how the wind was now blowing toward Clemson. It's not easy to throw when a lot of the passes we throw is the wind has a chance of taking a screen pass and blowing it backwards making it a fumble if not caught. The Wind plus rain makes you reconsider... ND didn't the wind disadvantage that last quarter so needing to take the risk they did so.

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Notre Dame was playing desperate

Oct 7, 2015, 9:59 PM [ in reply to Funny, the rain didn't stop NDs Air Force... ]

They were down 21 points entering the 4th quarter and hadn't been able to run the ball prior therefore they had to take more chances throwing the ball, were as we had a comfortable lead most of the game and had been pretty successful running so why take chances throwing constantly in those conditions?

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We were not rushing effectively in the 4th quarter.

Oct 7, 2015, 10:05 PM

It was obvious that we were just 3 and outing the ####### ball right back to the Air Force and wearing out our own D. Get a grip people. We have a chance to be special this year and getting too conservative will eventually bite us square in the ###.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.

Sitting on the lead...

Oct 7, 2015, 10:06 PM [ in reply to Notre Dame was playing desperate ]

Sorry to disagree, but we were still playing it safe with 8 !/2 minutes left with only an 8 point lead...look at it again.

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Oct 8, 2015, 9:31 AM [ in reply to Notre Dame was playing desperate ]

when you're that desperate you bring out the planes even though some of them might crash.

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Re: Notre Dame was playing desperate

Oct 8, 2015, 1:18 PM [ in reply to Notre Dame was playing desperate ]

Of course, the Tigers were attempting to run the clock. I just think they should have been a bIt more creative in their selection of running plays. The Leprechauns were stacking the middle. Why not a jet sweep in that situation?

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Re: Funny, the rain didn't stop NDs Air Force...

Oct 7, 2015, 10:06 PM [ in reply to Funny, the rain didn't stop NDs Air Force... ]

Now I agree Clemson's play calling was a bit too conservative, but ND didn't get much from their passing game until the 4th qtr. Almost all of there passing yards were the result of short passes getting turned into chunk plays. It looked like Venables was trying to keep them in the middle and short to keep the clock moving, he was playing bend but don't break. However as much as I love guys like Goodson and Boulware, they just aren't going to run with wrs and RBs. Most of the pass plays that turned into big yard gains were short passes where LBs were 1 on 1 in the open field.

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Re: Funny, the rain didn't stop NDs Air Force...

Oct 7, 2015, 10:12 PM

Yeah, so keep em off the #### field in the first place!

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.

Re: Funny, the rain didn't stop NDs Air Force...

Oct 7, 2015, 10:43 PM [ in reply to Funny, the rain didn't stop NDs Air Force... ]

Funny how when you have nothing to lose that you can risk turnovers.

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Id've been more conservative. Wouldn't have thrown to EZ ...

Oct 8, 2015, 12:02 PM [ in reply to Funny, the rain didn't stop NDs Air Force... ]

I'd have been MORE conservative. I wouldn't have thrown to the End Zone at the end of the 3rd. I told my wife that I would just keep running it, as we were sitting in the rain, right before the pic happened. Could have gotten into the 4th still holding the ball but instead ND had the ball and Prosise took the wheel route to the house.

Once in the 4th I'd have taken the play clock all the way down inside 5 secs on each play. With that strategy we win by a TD minimum but most likely 2 scores.

However, I'm good with the overall strategy in a monsoon.

I guarantee had Watson thrown another interception that added to the momentum swing and we ended up losing you would be complaining that we were stupid to throw the ball in that weather with an 18 point lead.

SHUT YOUR TRAPS !!! We are 4-0 because of our conservative strategy in that game.
If you were in the Upstate and were watching from your nice, warm, dry homes then you can doubly SHUT YOUR MOUTH !!!

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Yeah undefeated and top ten is sure #### poor***

Oct 8, 2015, 12:13 PM [ in reply to Funny, the rain didn't stop NDs Air Force... ]

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Re: New Story: Wednesday update: Tigers want Air Force but preparing to see the Navy

Oct 7, 2015, 9:52 PM


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I know we won't want to do anything to risk a turnover, but

Oct 8, 2015, 4:29 PM

I would like to see some other back rotated into the mix. Gallman definitely deserves the start and the majority of the carries, but it would be nice to see some bigger guys mixed in to give them a different look. We got pretty predictable against ND with it going Gallman/Watson/Gallman/Watson. I know they knew it and couldn't stop it to the credit of our OL, but by the end of the 3rd quarter they could stop it. Need to have some more options if we are going to pound it out on the ground.

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Very, Very Excited. Very, Very Proud.

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